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Melody tried her best to entice Alexander to take her somewhere private, somewhere where they could do what her body was now begging for. Anywhere dark and alone.She was so horny, she had never felt like this before. The dance was almost over, she kept pressing her body against Alexander's while they danced, closer and closer, until she was grinding against him.

But no matter how hard she tried to throw herself at him, he remained a constant gentleman. His hands stayed in chaste locations while he held her in his arms as they danced. He knew what she was up to, what she wanted, he could smell her arousal and it was killing him. Not until she knows the truth. It's not fair to her if she doesn' know everything. It was his mantra, repeating it over and over in his head while he tried to ignore how good she felt pressed against him. How her body perfectly curved to meet his as she pressed herself against him. It was torture. He was desperate to know how it would feel to have her underneath him. Or to have her run through the woods in the scandalous Red Riding hood costume, so the big bad wolf could chase her, catch and claim her.

It was a delicious fantasy. But not one he couldn't make real anytime soon. This was agonizing edging. Alexander had been waiting years, he had finally found her, he could wait, do things right with her. He was overflowing with pride that he had restrained himself the entire night. When the dance was over, he drove her home, the window down in his jeep to keep the scent of her arousal from affecting him completely. He pulled into her driveway, and was unprepared when her small hand landed on his upper thigh, perilously close to his aching erection. He couldn't hold back his gasp, he had been thinking about how much he wanted her to touch him and now she was. But she couldn't, they couldn't. Not yet.

Melody looked up at him, eyes framed by the black lace mask, long lashes fluttering as she quietly said "I had a really nice time tonight" she was blushing, her face flushed. "You could sneak up to my window and we could... hang out?" she was nibbling on her plump lower lip now, he knew exactly what she wanted to happen, he wanted it too.

Using all of the willpower he could muster, he took her small hand in his, lifted it off his thigh and up to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss on her knuckles,"I had a really nice time too, it was my first time at a highschool dance." he smiled, knowing she could react poorly to what he had to say next, "But I wont be coming up to your room. I want to. But if we are going to be alone together, like how I think you want to be I don't want to sneak in, and have to be quiet so your family wont hear." He watched as her face deflated, she was embarrassed, and hurt, "When I am with you, and we will be together, I don't want to have to hold back. I want to be able to make you scream my name when I have you falling apart in pleasure." He waited as he words sank in and was rewarded as her face changed once again, alight with hope and lust.

"Oh. Wow. You want me too?" the embarrassment and hurt were gone from her face and voice now. Now she was just wet thinking about Alexander. His face was already so close to hers, it was like magnets brought them together, lips at first barely brushing together, just enough so Alexander could feel the slick candy tasting gloss that made her lips shine. She was the one who pushed farther, her tongue brushing at the seam of his lips. It was electric when their tongues met, as though every nerve in their bodies had been set off at once in a gentle hum that reverberated between them. He could barely keep himself from moaning loudly, but he didn't want to scare her away. To do anything that could ruin this perfect moment in time as their tongues danced. He let one hand lay gently, barely brushing against her waist but she leaned into his touch instinctively. Neither knew how long they had been kissing, but he finally found the will power to stop, while he was still able to stop.

"Little bird, I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone or anything in my life." he let go of her hand that he had never let go of, "Now head on inside, because you look good enough to eat in that costume, I'll see you tomorrow at school." His voice was deep and husky, the wolf did not agree with being a gentleman and his control was tenuous as best right now.

Melody had been having fewer problems with her family, so she decided to use the front door like a normal person, it was late and Beverly was probably already in bed. Plus she was tired from dancing all night, she wasn't sure he could safely climb up the outside of the house right now.

Or she was wrong about everything. Melody carefully opened the front door, trying to not make a sound, but it was in vain. Frank and Beverly were sat in the living room, waiting up apparently. I should have climbed up the outside of the house Melody thought to herself, cursing under her breath.

"Where have you been?" Frank asked her.

"You look like a whore Melody" Beverly added, Melody flinched from the words.

"The Halloween dance at school? I told you I was going tonight, I made dinner and cleaned up before I left like you asked." she said, defending himself.

"I don't like you out necking in my driveway with the boy Melody." Frank added, using his old fashioned white man in charge voice. The one that he used when he was demanding respect and to be listened to. Never understanding that respect was earned, not demanded. "Girls like that get into trouble." The implication clear in his voice.

"We didn't do anything but go to a school dance." she was shocked, her mom had never cared anytime she was spending time with David before the move. She had been allowed to date, and mostly manage her own schedule as long as she was reasonable, and told her parents where she was going.

"Melody I don't know what has gotten into you, fighting at school, the attitude problems, now out at all hours with a random guy. I don't like who you are these days. I understand that you are having trouble adjusting to all the changes lately, lots of girls struggle managing their emotions at your age. Frank and I have been talking, and we think it might do you good to spend time at a special school for girls who are troubled" she paused, an evil smirk growing on her lips," troubled like you." Beverly was acting like a caring mom, but it was so phoney Melody had no idea what to do.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm not troubled. I don't want to go to a special school" Melody was breathing heavier now. She was scared. She was only 17. If her mom decided to ship her away to some lock down school Melody wouldn't be able to stop it. "Please don't. I'll do whatever you want. Don't send me away." she pleaded.

"Well, if you can prove to us that you want to be a part of this family, we might be able to reconsider," Frank said, oddly calm. "You need to step up at home, me and the boys need dinner prepared every weeknight, kitchen and dishes cleaned up afterwards. Also, Robert, Randy and Royal tell me you avoid them, that they haven't spent any time getting to know their sister. You will make time for them."

Beverly was still smirking, this is what they wanted, now Melody was chained to the house every night to cook and clean for them, "If we feel like you are making enough of an effort to be part of the family we'll forget about the boarding school." gloating. Beverly was gloating now.

Melody held back the rage and tears "I agree. I'm going to my room now." voice flat. Eyes glassy with unshed tears.

"Goodnight, sweetie, mommy loves you" Beverly called up after her, sarcasm dripping like venom on her words.

Melody ran up to the hall where the trap door to her room was, while she was pulling down the stairs, Royal's door opened up. "Melody" his voice was low, barely loud enough to be a whisper, "Be careful around Randy. He's been... off... since the day you hit him. Just don't trust him ok?" The door closed, and Melody was left with another problem to worry about.

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