Chp 1

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Y/n pov

Just remember this IS an AU and the brothers havent gotten arrested. They are no longer minors, and baji is here too ^^

'Are you sure this is the right place dad?' I said peering outside the window looking at the tall buildings and bright lights.

'Honey, are you unable to see the school over there? do you need glasses?' Dad chuckled.

In the far distance I was able to make out a large campus, perhaps that was the school my dad was sending me too or it was just a passing school. My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of loud music and screeching tires. A rather nice car emerged as the smoke soon disappeared, A tall man with a pink mullet walked away from the smoke and entered the school.

I had gotten so distracted that I didnt even know the car had come to a stop. Infront of the large campus where the two men and walked onto. Dad had gone to the trunk and started taking out my suit cases.
We walked up to the front door and was greeted by an old friend of mine, Chifuyu Matsuno. My highschool bestfriend but also my childhood friend.
'Hello how can I he- Y/N!? IS THAT YOU?!' Chifuyu said coming from behind the desk and extending his arms out for a hug.
'The one and only!' I said with a smile embracing his warmth, dad gave my luggage to the rather handsom man that stood before myself and Chifuyu. He had long black hair tied into a ponytail and a smile that could light up an entire room with in seconds.

I caught myself blushing at his apperance and quickly collected myself as he motioned for me to follow him up to my dorm. I hugged dad goodbye and I promised not to be a slut and sleep with everyone on campus, he smiled and drove off into the busy street. Chifuyu and the other guy walked me up to my dorm sparking a conversation.

'You're Y/n Sato right?' The black haired male asked pressing the elevator button.
'Yeah, chifuyu's childhood friend.' I said following them both.
'Cool, my name's Baji Keisuke. Ill be your mentor for the week.' He said turing around throwing a quick smile and pressing the 3rd floor.
'I thought you were mentoring me Chifuyu..' I said looking at him with a small frown making him blush.
'I-Im sorry I should have told you..But hey ill be helping when Baji isnt around!' he said rubbing his nape as we got off the elevator and headed down the hallway.
Dorm 3AP

Chifuyu opened the door as Baji entered and I followed. The door closed behind us we Baji placed my things down in the empty room for two, the left side of the room was left bare while the right wasnt which let us know what side my roomate had picked. Baji and Chifuyu started leaving as I opend my boxes and bags.
'Oh here, take my number if you need anything.' Baji said handing me a piece of paper with his number on it with a little face.
I started by unpacking my clothes and hanging them up in my closetand putting my shoes bellow everything.

A girl walked out from the bathroom causing me to jump.
'Don't even think about sleeping with them.' She said sitting on her bed and scrolling through her phone. She had short white hair and white lashes..She was beatuiful..Like an angel.
'Why not? do you like them?' I questioned with a puzzled face still unpacking my things.
'No, I dont. But sleeping with them would end badly for you, the school slut would start rumors and you'd end up like me.' She said with a blank expression.
'Wait- YOU SLEPT WITH THEM?!' I exclaimed making her look up at me in shock.
'HELL NO!..I was just talking to them and that bitch thought we were flirting.' She said calm again.

'Tell me about this bitch. Im gonna have a lot to say to her.' I said taking out my taser and turning it on zapping the air. The girl laughed.
'My name is Senju Kawaragi.'
'Cool I'm Y/n Sato, nice to meet you Senju.' I said with a smile putting my taser under my bed just incase.

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