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This is explaining ur backstory <3

I gaze into his eyes as he gazes into mine as if we were going to kiss. 

"Okay, let me explain everything." I said taking in a deep breath and started explaining everything.

"I was born into a gang and from a young age I was trained to kill, manipulate and fight people, in my teenage years I ran away from my father who was the leader of the gang, but I ended up getting caught at the airport and was punished. I was forced to get the gang tattoo to show people that I was a part of them, my father knowing this was going on he didn't even care. He didn't care the way he did now..." I trailed off.

"Wait what? YOU MEAN THE GUY THAT WIPED BLOOD OFF YOUR FACE AND BEAT UP AN INNOCENT DUDE FOR YOU?!" Chifuyu exclaimed making me quickly cover his mouth in case anyone was listening in. I nodded and went back to talking. 

"Anyways, i was back to my old ways, fighting people, killing people/etc. I ended up meeting a boy in the highschool I was inrolled in! Im not sure if you saw him at the party but his name is Hanma. We dated for a while in secret because he was in a gang too and we had no idea if there would be issues but low and behold my father found out and forced us to breakup. I begged him to let me be happy but instead he made me learn to put my emotions away and focus on gang things and my at home studies so when I turned 18 I could go to college and be on my own while his men watched over me and made sure im safe. Obviously, they didn't keep me safe tonight, but I think they knew Id kill the guy anyways. Soon after I finished highschool before I got into college Hanma tried to reach out to me on Instagram, but my father found out and blocked all contact with him, then again he tried but this time he actually went to my house and talked to me.

Flash back

His phone started to ring with a number and a females name..He ignored it but I didnt, i took his phone and unlocked it. The password was the same from when we were dating and I called the girl back.

'Babe? baby where are you? You didnt text me back.' She said making my eyes water, Hanma looked at me and hung up the phone so I screamed at him and people came running to make sure I was okay. Upon seeing Hanma they called my father and he forced him outside with a gun to his head making sure he never came back to harm me. 

End of flashback

So fast forward to now. My father keeps a lower profile even though he still runs the gang, hanma seems to have appeared back into my life and now im sitting here with you after pretending that someone forced me to make them cum!" I said finally finishing everything, by now it was around 1:40am and we both needed to get back to our rooms.

"Listen, stay away from Hanma and the Haitani's; both of them are dangerous and can make your life hell." Chifuyu said before walking off to his dorm leaving me all alone in the middle of the U-shaped dorm buildings. 

I started making my way back to my dorm when I saw that same guy, Mikey was it? He was standing at the end of the hall very close to my room. Feeling uneasy I went to the other side where the Haitani brothers were staying, I know that Chifuyu told me to stay away from them and all but I just cant! 

Making my way to their room I caught something in the corner of my eye, someone running towards me while holding something. I started speed walking the running to be saved by the brothers, i started pounding on their door but not too long after some shuffling Rindou opened the door. He was shirtless with only shorts on and his hair flat out and combed, without hesitation I quickly pushed passed him and went into their room. I looked around and could see something, almost like a shrine of a sort? But Rindou quickly covered my eyes making sure I didnt see anything or wake up his older brother.

"What the fuck are you doing here. its almost 2am." He said making me turn away as he fixed some things making sure I wouldn't see them.

"S-someone was chasing me..I was scared..." I chirped out softly as Rindou came back over to me and sat next to me on his bed.
"Jeez, do you know who it was? Senju or maybe Baji?" Rindou asked running his fingers through his hair softly.
"No, they were wearing a hoodie." I said still shaken up by what just occurred. 
"Alright, ill walk you back to your room ton-" I cut him off.
"No! let me stay here I dont feel safe!.." I softly cried tugging his shorts. Ran started shifting in his bed starting to wake up from all he noise being made.
"Shit.." Rin cussed under his breath "Lets go get out if he wakes up were gonna have issues." Rindou said trying to push me out.

"Rindou Haitani." Ran said in a raspy voice sending chills down my back and making Rindou stand up straight.

"Y-yes?" Rindou said moving over to his older brother's bedside. 

"What the fuck are you doing." Ran asked straight up without any loopholes.
Rindou explained how I was running away from someone chasing me and I wanted to stay in their dorm for the night because I was scared the person would find me and hurt me. Ran jumped out of his bed and was met face to face with me, wearing the same dress they had saw me in on the date. 
Ran got up quickly and grabbed my cheek, he has his long hair down with some boxers on making my face turn red from everything.

"You can stay here for the night if it makes you feel safer, you can sleep with me in my bed till morning. Then you can go to your dorm to change for classes." Ran said pointing to his bed as his little brother sighed and rubbed his forehead. I nodded and began undressing in their bathroom. Good thing I actually had shorts in my purse! wouldn't wanna sleep with a bra and panties only!

I walked out to find the room looking different. Things moved around, messes cleaned up and the brothers on their beds making eye contact with me. I blushed and placed my bag on the bag rack, grabbed my phone and charger and went to get into rans bed. 
"I didnt expect to see tits tonight but its always to come." Ran said turning to the other side as I plugged in my phone. 

"Thank you both for letting me stay..I have no Idea how I could even think to repay you." I said drifting off to sleep after feeling a pair of hands grip my waist and cuddle into me and hearing a small groan from the other side of the room..I wonder what rindou was doing? It sounded wet with some groans..Maybe hes just watching porn..


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