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Look, dad, that guy is once again on the news. " The boy stated before flopping down on the couch, the remote control in his hand.

"I can't believe that such a young boy is capable of doing such monstrous things. I hope they will catch him soon. " The mother sighed staring for a few seconds at his picture which popped on the screen.
"If he was capable of murdering his own family, I can't imagine what he can do to others. "

"Because of monsters like him, we can't feel safe in this country. They deserve to die in the worst ways possible." Her husband said, glaring frustratedly at the TV.

"What the heck are the authorities doing?  It's been years and they still didn't catch him? "

Mingyu's pov

It was the middle of the night when my phone started to ring.
I stretched my arm out to the nightstand and picked it up. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw your name pop on the screen.

I felt my chest heavy. You had never called me this late. Something must have happened. I sat up and answered the phone, feeling how panic started to envelop me. But your calm voice helped me to relax a little. How were you doing it?

"He left. " Was all you said.

My eyes widened. And you were calm?  What the heck was wrong with you? When will I see you actually freaking out?  Because I was, right at that moment.

I opened my mouth to reply but you were faster, cutting me off.
"It's ok, Mingyu. I knew this would happen. " You whispered, and my eyes softened.

"After all, he got used to the new medicine you gave him. I told you to increase the dose, but you stubbornly refused. "

"Because I had hope. Because I wanted him to wake up. Four years was enough. This isn't life. It's hell actually. I couldn't see him like that anymore."

I tightened my fingers around the phone, feeling how my hand started to tremble.
"The police are searching for him Y/N. God knows what they will do to him if they will find him."

"I know. That's why I called you. " You said. I could sense your bright smile even if I couldn't see you. How can you do it?  How can you smile all the time? I could see you smile and open your arms even in front of the Apocalypse. And say "welcome."

"He will come to you. " You added.

"W-what? How do you know that? And why would he? It's dangerous for him here. He can't come back to the place he ran from."

"I just know. Remember? I know him better than anyone. " You chuckled and I felt how I began to lose my mind. What the heck?  Wasn't I the psychotherapist here?

"He hates me, remember? He even tried to kill me? "

"Actually, he wanted a little revenge.  Just to hurt you a little, not actually kill you. "

Why I could see you grin?

"Wow. That's why he brought me into a coma. Because he wanted to hurt me... A little. " I mumbled ironically.

"You are the only one he knows apart from me. You are still his uncle who helped him.  He felt you. He is the most sensible being I have ever seen. Even if he doesn't want to show it, he trusts you a little."

A little.

"I know you care about him. I know you want what is best for him. But I will still beg you, Please... take care of him. Please...He is everything to me. He is my heart. "

I smiled. How can you be this way?

"If you are right, and he will indeed come here, what would you do?  Would you actually stay there and not come after him? "


"Y/N? "

I heard you let out a heavy breath before answering.
"I won't come. He left because... he wanted... needed... to stay away from me. Maybe my presence... was hurting him. How can I keep hurting him? If he needs me, of course, I will be there. But until then please call me every day and let me know how he's feeling."

I smiled sadly.

"Always thinking what is best for him. But what about you Y/N? How can you still be like this after he left you? You took care of him so many years, sacrificing yourself... "

"After what he had gone through, do you think that my condition compares with his? Do you think I can afford to be selfish when it comes to him? Do you think I can hurt him after so many have hurt him already?  That my heart would let me?
I stayed by his side and took care of him because it was my choice. Because that was the life I had chosen for myself. And it wasn't a sacrifice, actually, I felt blessed being able to be by his side for such a long time. No one could possibly get sick of taking care of him. He is too sweet and kind and cute... "

You suddenly stopped and my smile was now covering my entire face.

"Sorry... " You whispered.

"No problem. " I chuckled.
"And don't worry Y/N. I will take care of him. "

"Thank you. What would I do without you? "
I felt you smiling.

I opened the door, and he was there, just like you thought he would be.

Lost. Just like the last time I saw him. But he looked better. You took good care of him.

"Jungkook... "

His eyes stopped into mine. Such dark eyes, filled with pain and loneliness.

I opened the door wider. "Welcome," I smiled.

His eyes widened. I guess I couldn't fake my surprise, seeing him at my door.

You do know him so well Y/N.

"Y/N knows that you are here? "

At the mention of your name, his eyes darkened more than they already were. "No... " He whispered. "Please don't tell her. "

"Why? Do you think she will not be worried about seeing you missing? Why did you run away Jungkook? "

Jungkook bit his lip. His eyes wavered. "She has to stop worrying about me. She needs to go on with her life and... forget about my stupid existence. I took so many years of her life. And for nothing."

I parted my lips to say that he couldn't stop people from worrying just like that. I wanted to make him understand that feelings are feelings. No one can control them. If we care about someone, then we just do. There isn't a switch for that to change it. But he cut me off.

"I don't want to talk about her anymore. Please stop mentioning her."

My eyes widened as I stared at his pained expression and how he made his way past me, entering the living room.
"I promise I will leave as fast as possible. " He whispered, his back facing me. "

"You don't have to. This is your house."

"I am aware that my presence can bring you problems. I will stay until I will figure out what to do with myself... I promise."

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