The calm before the storm

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Two days earlier

(The previous chapter was kinda a sneak peek of the present. As you can see, the whole book was written in the past. This means that everything that happened until now, happened in the past.
The previous chapter was like a flashback to the present.)

Mingyu stopped his car steadily in the parking lot, somewhere at the back of Kai's club. Jungkook was lost in his world but snapped out of his daze when Mingyu's hand rested on his left shoulder.

"We're here. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Mingyu had to ask, for some reason he felt restless. His stomach tightened out of concern. Something will go wrong, he could feel it.

You told him about Kai and some guy called Mark, and about Jennie's relationship with those two. He tried to contact Jennie but she wouldn't pick up her phone. Maybe because she was still mad at him for literally throwing her out of the house.
It's not like he didn't warn her beforehand not to screw things up and give him problems.
And guess what, she did just that the moment she decided to fuck Jungkook.

Mingyu let out a shaky breath when he saw Jungkook opening the door of the car and jumping out, without sparing him a glance already heading towards the club's entrance. Mingyu quickly ran after him and entered the club, a minute later going back and sticking his head through the half-opened door to check if he locked the car.

"Where's Kai?" Jungkook asked the first guy that arose in his way. And that was the bartender of the club, a weird guy with green hair plopped behind the bar reading something.
If his brain wasn't playing tricks on him, he could swear that the last time he saw the guy, his hair was blue and not green.

The guy behind the bar stared blankly at Jungkook, seeming a little annoyed whatever the reason was. Not that Jungkook gave a shit about his reasons.

"Not here." The boy answered and licked the tip of his forefinger before turning the page of what it seems to be a magazine.

"Ok. Then call him and tell him to come here right now." Jungkook tapped the surface of the bar with his fingertips waiting for the bartender to pull out his phone and do as he said. He was trying really hard to keep his shit together but it became harder with each second.

And that was because the boy wasn't moving. He even had the nerve to ignore him for a couple of long stretching seconds before answering.


At this answer Mingyu inhaled sharply, his head snapped up eyeing Jungkook.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no." The bartender answered Jungkook's confusion.

Mingyu could feel sweat covering his forehead. He quickly raised his forefinger and opened his mouth ready to interfere, even begging in his knees if that would help to leave that place fast before leaving any dead behind.

"And why's that?" Jungkook snarled as he pushed Mingyu out of his way.

"Because I don't want to?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"And why do you think I care?"

"Jungkook... Don't-!" Mingyu tried to stop him from removing his mask but it was too late.

"Aha, and where should I look?" The bartender raised an eyebrow as his gaze roamed Jungkook's face in boredom. "Nice skin by the way. Looks better than on the tv." The boy stated before turning another page.

"My girl is missing. I came here to talk to Kai. He knows her and maybe he knows something I don't. Please, just call him. I am really worried that something happened to her.

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