The File

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I watch as each of my brother's expressions change. Kyle tenses, glancing back at Cole as the two make eye contact before turning back to me. Nathan leans his head back in exhaustion, running a frustrated hand through his fluffy dark hair. 

Justin appears suddenly in the hallway, his dark eyes set directly on me, "Well?!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I stammer defensively, trying to read him. I never go in there, what would make him think it's me?

"You took a file from the office. I know you did. Where is it Ella?!" He retorts, stepping closer to me.

My breath hitches as I quickly step back, my back hitting the wall, "I didn't take anything I swear."

"Bullshit! It's-"

"Justin calm down. Blowing up will only freak her out." Kyle reprimands, stepping between us before turning to me, "Ella, did you go into the office?"

His eye contact is firm and demanding, but his tone is still and trusting which eases me slightly.

"No, Kyle I didn't." My eyes slip behind him to find Nathan watching me closely, not bothering to intervene. I'm assuming he never mentioned our encounter in front of the office last night. Cole seems conflicted, his eyes darting from Justin to me. 

"Ella now is not the time for your stupid, ignorant games." Ouch. "If I go into your room now and find the file you're gonna be in so much trouble." Justin threatens, turning to go to my room. 

"Fine, go ahead! I have nothing to hide Justin!" I call after him, frustrated at the lack of trust he has in me. And what was so important about this file? 

A few heavy moments pass before he calls for me, "Ella get your ass in here!"

My heart drops. I look up in fear to Nathan, standing closest to me, had he found it there?!

Cole spins around, "you took it?!"

Did I? Maybe in my sleep?  Even so, I rapidly shake my head. Justin was on the brink of a temper tantrum and I was going to be the reason behind it. 

When I don't immediately oblige, Justin comes out and swiftly grabs my upper arm to turn and drag me to my room. I flinch at his actions, before Nathan quickly intervenes. 

"Justin get your fucking hands off her." He seethes, shoving him off me, his arm protectively rescuing me from Justin's hold before releasing me. 

"Nathan who the fuck else would take it? Stop treating her like a baby and let me talk to her!" He yells, obviously losing his shit. Before he can seize me again, however, a voice stops all of us.


I immediately recognize her voice. 

My head turns fast, and my eyes land on the rest of my family. 

Mom, a worried expression on her face, already making her way up the stairs. Dad, following behind her, curiously glancing between the five of us. Evan, who's just come back into the house from the garage, is already staring back at me. And Brandon, watches at the foot of the stairs with a large file in hand. 

"Mom?" I call, running to embrace her. In the midst of all my suspicions I had completely forgotten about the day I'd been looking forward to the most: having my parents finally home. 

"Ella honey!" She sighs, hugging me tightly, placing a quick kiss on the top of my head before directing her attention to my second oldest brother.

"What the hell is going on Justin?" She deadpans, her tone immediately changing. 

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