Enjoy it While it Lasts

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The next day is tense waiting for Nathan to get home. At first Justin's passive behavior on the stunt relaxed me because if he isn't pissed, Nathan won't be either. But the more I think about it the more I realize this could be all part of a plan to worsen things for me. As much as he likes to play the 'bad guy' and humiliate me, he knows it would be smarter to wait for Nathan so they can do it together. 

It's currently 5 pm and I'm laying on my bed, texting Brandon. He is the only one who can understand and comfort me, despite the distance between us. We've face timed twice since he left, but text almost every day.  

B: It's going to be fine, the worst he can do is take your phone away

E: I know, but he's going to yell at me in front of everyone and you know how that ends up:/

Me in tears. In my defense, all six of my brothers yelling at me even when I already feel bad isn't exactly something I can sit stone faced through.

B: Try not to stress, I'll talk to him about it

Oh hell no. He can't know I'm this worked up.

E: no don't. I'm going to act like I don't care, it's fine

B: don't do something you'll regret El

Turning off my phone, I decide to get some much needed homework done. Turning on some music, Arctic Monkeys to be exact, I get to work. Not even 15 minutes later, my door swings open and my earbuds are ripped out.

I whip around to face Evan just as he sneers, "dinner's ready."

Confused, I look at the clock: 5:19 pm. "It's not even 6!"

"Tell that to Nathan." He smirks, leaving my room.

He's trying to mess with me, stay calm

Shutting my laptop, I slowly make it to the stairs, the voices in the kitchen getting louder. Everyone's here.

I turn the corner and stand at the top of the stairs just as Kyle walks out of the kitchen. He stares at me for a second but then smiles waving for me to come to him. 

Hesitant, I descend down the stairs slowly and sit next to him. He leans over and whispers, "you look stressed. Calm down."

Damn it. So much for playing it off cool.

Taking a deep breath I nod, and grab my plate as everyone else takes their seats. I notice that Nathan is finally here, but can't help but avoid his pinned stare. 

The first few minutes conversations drift here and there and I make an effort to join in only when necessary, but otherwise focus my attention on the food. 

"Ella." Is all he has to say for me to freeze. "Look at me." Warily, I raise my gaze to Nathan's as the conversations die down. 

"I'm assuming nothing happened while I was gone yesterday." He says casually, forking a bite of food whilst staring me down. What was he playing at?!

I guess I was quiet for too long because Cole kicks me from under the table. 

"Um...I think you know what happened..." I say drifting off.

"I don't, why don't you tell me?" 

Stunned, my eyes dart from Nathan's taunting gaze to Justin's amused eyes to Evan's smirk to Cole's observing stare to Kyle's reassuring glance.

"Brynn came over for a few hours...and Evan threw me into the pool..." God I sound so desperate, "and the boys left for a party."

"Did you go with them?" 

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