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Hey guys! Me from the future, my writing here is very rushed and cringe but it gets better. I will come back and edit everything once I'm done! Thank you for giving this book a chance!:)

Here are the ages because I realize I never specified:










Let's get something straight. I have a big family with big commitments therefore family dinners don't come often. My parents usually are out of town due to their busy schedules and spontaneous work trips, so the two oldest, Nathan and Justin, are often left to babysit. 

This is why tonight came as a shock when my parents declared a family dinner. They told us to be at the dinner table at 7, and I was just  wrapping up my summer reading when Evan uninvitedly enters my room. "Why don't any of you guys knock before coming in?" I exclaim. I'm getting older and privacy is something they should all understand by now.

"Your door was already open, knocking would be stupid." He counters, gesturing to the door.

"Your the one that left it open even after I asked you to close it last time, you fucking idiot." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Language, Ella." He reprimands, "Maybe if you're less of a brat I would care to listen." He deadpans, glaring back at me. Before I can talk back he adds, "come downstairs. Dinner." Then he turns to leave, not bothering to shut the door again.

I sigh, standing up. They'll learn someday. I decide to keep my brother Brandon's sweatshirt and my own sweatpants on as I head downstairs. They like to tease me about me wearing their old clothes, but as the youngest it's a given I wear their hand-me-downs. I would never tell them that I like getting their old stuff. Especially their sweatshirts, which are always the comfiest and smell like home.

Once I'm in the dining room, I obediently take my usual seat between Evan and Brandon in the midst of a heated discussion. My dad interrupts the comfortable chatter and bickering, "it's nice to see all my children together in one piece!"

What a typical joke for him to make. We all roll our eyes at his comment, "if I had it my way, Ella's head would be mounted on the wall right behind you dad! After the stunt she pulled yesterday." Evan comments, staring me down. 


"No need to be so vulgar, brother. I was about to say If it weren't for Ella being such a Daddy's girl, this dinner would be going a completely different way. We would teach her what happens when-"

"Okay, okay. Settle down boys. We aren't here to talk about yesterday." Mom interrupts, forever being my saving grace. 

I had embarrassed Kyle and Evan after their game when they were trying to flirt with some girls. But even though they would do the same thing to me and I had almost died on the drive home after, they were prolonging my punishment with the threat of "getting me back" hanging in the air. 

Not wanting to get mom riled up, no one argued.

"Well, as I was going to say, your mother and I have been in contact with some successful brands, but we recently got an offer that requires us to be in New York." 

My heart sinks. I know exactly where this is going. 

Nathans' head jerks up in careful attention. I could smack him. Evan shoves a meatball in his mouth to hide his smirk. 

                                                                                                                                                                                           "That's great you guys! You took the offer right?" Nathan asks calmly.                                                                                

"Well, that's why we called the family dinner tonight. The trip would have us there for about three months." My mothers sighs. 

The room goes silent. I already know I'm the only one that doesn't want them to go. My brothers will take any excuse to torture me, so these three months will be their heaven. Not to mention the parties and shit they'll be able to get away with no parents at home and a little sister to boss around.             

"Honestly guys I think you should take the opportunity, you've been preparing for this for so long; all your investments and decisions have led to this. Plus, most of us are old enough to run this house just fine." Cole agrees, picking up on Nathan's intentions.   

My mother raises an eyebrow, "you both seem pretty set on such a big decision, what do you think Ella? You've been pretty quiet." 

All eyes turn to me. I hate being in the spotlight. I already know if I tell them I don't want them to leave they wouldn't, but that feels selfish. And it would only be because I don't want to be left at the hands of my brothers, while the bigger picture here is their career. 

I open my mouth to speak but am quickly interrupted by Evan. "Ella would be fine with that, she's almost fifteen and isn't a little baby anymore. Plus, you would do anything to spend more time with your big brothers now wouldn't you Ell?" he says his hazel eyes piercing into mine. 

Cole kicks my shin, warning me to say the right thing. I could just tell my parents how I feel but then I'd look like a baby in front of my brothers, which would lead to never-ending torment and teasing.

I shrug and look down at my plate, "yeah, I don't really mind, you guys are gone all the time anyway." 

 My father looks surprised and my mother eyebrows crease in hurt.

"Oh, okay. If you're sure. The flight leaves in 2 days, so let's plan on another family dinner Monday night before we go?" My mom suggests, her apprehensive eyes meeting mine. 

Evan looks up from his plate confused "Monday's the first soccer game of the season, we definitely can't miss that!"

 My eyes widen as I realize that means the first day of school's right around the corner. This is going to suck. 

"Then we'll all come watch. Most of us were planning to anyway. The point of this is for us to spend time together before your mother and I leave because family comes first." My father suggests. 

There was no arguing that. And I actually enjoyed watching my brothers play. Maybe I could talk to my parents tomorrow and express that I'm worried they'll will go crazy without supervision. But something in me pulls at the idea of things going terribly wrong and that my brothers have a bigger plan up their sleeves. 

I no longer feel like eating after the terrible conversation, "may I please be excused?"

 Evan smirks, sensing my tension, "you hardly touched your food. Missing mommy and daddy already?"

"Evan shut up. You can go El." Brandon saves, at the age to not always side with his younger brothers. 

I give him a brief smile before taking my dishes to the kitchen and then heading to my room. I hear Evan say something back but I'm too distracted to care. When I get to my room, I organize my closet out of stress before settling down with a book on my bed. I read for about an hour before a heavy cloud of sleep forces my eyes closed and pushes me into a dreamless sleep. 

Thank you for reading! How do you guys like it so far? Leave chapter ideas and critique below :) 

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