I Hate Them

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I was beyond embarrassed. It was my first day at a new school and I was already being humiliated just because I spoke to a boy. After Camden hesitantly left, I was now alone with my brother. Who, may I remind you, was furious. 

"We literally made it clear last night that you wouldn't talk to any boys, how stupid are you!" he said roughly shoving me backward. To this day, I will never understand as to why they cared so freaking much. I get that all boys have intentions, but I live with 6 of them-I'm not new to the idea. At the moment, all I wanted was to disappear, or transfer schools. Evan was way too angered to realize how big of a scene he was making.

I flinched at his sudden aggressiveness and took a step back almost instantly. He didn't even notice.

"Evan please, can we t-talk about this later" I begged in a hushed whisper pleading with him through my eyes.

"Talk about it later?! You're fucking wrong if you think this conversation is over Ella, I don't care if you're embarrassed you should have thought about this before you thought to disobey us!" 

I was sure people were trying to calm him down or just watching us, either way at this point all I cared about was how their impression of me was officially ruined. No one would want to talk to me now. I would just be labeled as the sister of the popular boys-and nothing more than that. 

No. This year was different. No way did he just ruin my only chance with Camden. No way is he making me look like an absolute coward. I don't know what overcame me, but I found myself strengthened by a sudden wave of anger. 

If looks could kill I would be dead by now, but that didn't stop my from mimicking his stone cold glare. "You know I'm so done with you guys constantly treating me like a 5 year old, I am able to make my own decisions and my love life shouldn't involve you!" I bite back.

"Ella I swear t-"

"Shut up. I'm sick and tired of being forced to follow rules that somehow only apply to me-if you're aloud to be dating 5 fucking girls at once, then I sure as hell am aloud to at least speak to one!"

Silence. I knew what I just said would get me in even more trouble but if felt so good to call him out for it-even if it lasted 3 seconds...

"You. Little. Shit." he seethed before lunging at me grabbing for my small body. Suddenly I was yanked back into a hard chest, and large arms wrapped around me saving me from my angered brother. 

"Evan calm the fuck down!" My hero commanded and then I realized who it was. Kyle. 

Glaring at me, Evan still does as Kyle says and relaxes his clenched jaw while taking a few deep breaths. "I'm leaving" he mutters annoyance lacing his tone while heading towards the parking lot. Thank goodness, I definitely didn't want to be around him. 

Suddenly reality comes crashing down as I realize I'm shaking from anger and embarrassment-still wrapped in Kyle's comforting arms. The lunch bell finally rings, and those who were outside slowly start to make their way back inside. I remain in my brothers arms for a few seconds, my heart beating fast. 

What. Just. Happened.

 Sensing my discomfort, Kyle places his large hands on my shoulders and turns me around. 

Scanning my pained face, he sighs, "are you okay Ella?" I can tell he is annoyed, but unlike my dick of a brother, Evan, he can actually control his anger. 

"Ya thanks for saving me" I blush in an attempt to lighten the conversation, but only made it worse by exposing how nervous I was.  

He chuckles, ruffling my hair before placing his hands on my back lightly shoving me towards the school, "go to class, don't give us another reason to be mad at you."

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