No Hiding From Them

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If you're an OG reader, I suggest reading the last chapter as I rewrote the plot. 

After the conversation I had with mom, I have a newfound understanding and forgiveness for my brothers. Yes, they're are fucking crazy, but running 9 businesses is even crazier. 

Before I know it, 'tomorrow evening' has come and gone, along with my parents. Brandon left to take them to the airport about half an hour ago, and I was planning on spending another day in my room. For some reason, even with my new understanding and knowledge behind their secrecy, a heavy weight still drags me down. 

It doesn't help that it's Sunday, shoving the infamous Sunday blues in my face, and with my parents gone again, I find myself pouting in misery up in my room. I got my period again, and  unceremoniously woke up to bleeding through my sheets, so now there's nothing on my bed but two blankets while my sheets get washed. I'm cramping pretty bad because of it, and all in all I feel like an absolute shit. I can't help but wonder what Brynn and Camden think of me, since I haven't been able to reach out or make an effort to see them. I sense my anxiety surfacing, and I groan into my pillow as another wave of cramps tear at my stomach. It's not just my stomach this time, my whole body feels heavy and weak in pain.

Fuck. My life.

"Ella?" I don't even hear Cole come in, since I have my AirPods in playing the saddest songs from my playlist.

Fuck. I am not in the mood for his teasing. So, I don't respond. I keep my face buried in my pillow, and my body completely still in hopes he'll just go away. 

But nothing ever works out for me in this house. My music stops playing as I realized he's paused the song, "Why the fuck are you listening to this shit? Turn around, I haven't seen you all day."

How about no? 

Realizing I probably shouldn't ignore him, I mutter a response, "Go away Cole."


I grip my blanket as my body contracts in pain again. I want to ask Cole for some Ibuprofen, or get some myself, but I know damn well I won't be allowed to until I eat more than I have today. And asking for medication will cause unnecessary questions.

I don't hear anything from him, which surprises me as he must've left, but then I feel the bed dip next to me. Soon, Cole's heat is against my back and his arms surround me, "what's going on? You've been up here for hours." he asks quietly. 

Why can't he leave me alone? I don't want to cry in front of him again because of how perceptive my brothers are to my emotions, but I know he'll somehow get an explanation out of me, which can't go smoothly given my position right now. 

I don't want to open up completely to him, because he'll most definitely tell the others, and then they'll all freak out, so I keep my reserve, "Nothing."

"Are you mad at me for yesterday?" He asks, referring to him scolding me in front of everyone. That was just the tip of the iceberg.

I shake my head, and curl up more into myself, moving away from his hold. I wish I could turn around and cuddle him back, but I'm not in the mood for a conversation geared to get answers out of me. 

He sighs, and I feel his fingers run through my hair, "Baby if you don't want to talk I get it. But you've been in here for almost two days, don't think we haven't noticed."

I don't answer him, closing my eyes, and trying not to cry out when another spasm of pain erupts in my thighs and stomach.  My head feels like it's spinning, and my body's frozen cold even though I'm under a blanket. 

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