They Can Be Okay

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I freeze. The silence over the room goes as quickly as it came when Evan tattles for the second time today. "Ella's talking to a boy!"

Oh no he didn't. I'm going to kill him.

"Would you just shut up!" I scream, turning to glare him.

"No." He smirks back.

Before I can pounce on him Nathan cuts me off, "What boy? I thought we made the rules clear before school started." 

There was no way I'm explaining my situation with Camden. Not here in front of all my brothers. 

"I don't want to talk about it." I mutter, pushing past the wall of brothers to get to my room.

I feel someone grab my arm, "oh no you don't. You have to eat dinner." Justin instructs.

"I'm not hungry." I scoff. Regardless, I know I won't be able to keep my temper in check over dinner, which will end up getting me in more trouble than I'm already in.

"Not your choice to make. Downstairs. Now. We will discuss this over dinner." Nathan commands, his tone final. 

Rolling my eyes I turn around, jerking my arm out of Justin's hold. If they are going to be unreasonable, I am too.

"Attitude!" Nathan warns from behind me, annoyance lacing his tone. His patience is wearing thin.

I continue down the stairs before taking a seat at the dining table with a hard glare on my face. The rest of my brothers follow. I watch Cole entering and returning from the kitchen with a dish of lasagna in this hands. Leftovers from a few nights ago. He places it on the table and joins the rest of us. No one  says anything for a few moments, and I avoid eye contact by playing with my utensils. 

"Ella look at me." Nathan orders. 

Hesitantly, I raise my eyes to his and put my fork down.

"Is it true you got a boy's number today?"

I could see my brothers visibly tense at the thought. Bold of them to assume I was actually  going to follow their stupid unrealistic rules.

"Yes, but Nathan you have to understand-"

"Did we not make the rules clear enough, or do you need to be punished?" He retaliates.  Punished?! You've got to be kidding me.

"I understood them just fine, but I don't think they're fair." I respond through gritted teeth.

"Oh? How so?" He replies raising his eyebrows and leaning back in his seat with crossed arms.

Evan serves himself lasagna and watches the exchange go down as if we're some form of entertainment. Well this was anything but entertaining for me. They know how much I hate public humiliation and right now I was directly in the spotlight.

Justin has his intimidating gaze pinned on me as if waiting for me to mess up. Cole is looking down, while Kyle is leaned back in his chair observing. 

"You don't seem bothered when any of them bring girls home or date, even though Evan is only a year older than me." I start, gesturing to my brothers. I hate that I am the center of attention with only me on my side and I'm not going to waste an opportunity to prove them wrong.

"That has nothing to do with any-"

"Yes it does!" I cut him off, my voice raising slightly. "Of course it does, Nathan! Because last time I checked, I have at least double the rules they do and any conversation we have is always one sided. No one ever sticks up for me. You're all too busy worrying about how to ruin my life than my own happiness!"  

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