A Turn of Events

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The rest of the evening went smoothly, and we ended up eating dinner at the cafe. I was starving and ended up devouring my order which saved me from putting myself into more awkward situations as I was focused on eating the whole time.

Like we came, we split up into two cars except this time I was forced into a car with Evan, Cole and Kyle-just my luck. The boys had already decided who was with who and I spent the time walking to the car glaring at Brandon for forcing me to be with Evan which he easily avoided by ruffling my hair, "I'm not going to save you every time, you'll be fine."

Rolling my eyes I huff at his carelessness and start sprinting for the passenger's seat. Cole quickly picks up on my act as I hear him running behind me and within a few seconds he easily picks me up off the ground, muttering a "nice try" as he opens the backseat door and throws me in. 

"Coooole" I whine, the last thing I want is to be is jammed between Evan and Kyle for the drive home.

"Ellaaaaa" he mimics, and I roll my eyes at his antics. 

A few moments later I hear the doors on either side of me open as my brothers get in. In moments like this, I realize just how tiny I am compared to them. My head merely reaches both of their shoulders and I am literally half their size. I sink into the seat beneath me as they both  get comfortable, their bodies even bigger compared to mine in the confined space.

I remain silent trying to avoid an argument while Cole starts the car but a few moments later I interrupt them, "There aren't even four people here, why couldn't you let me sit in the front?"

"Because I didn't want to." was all he replied with. Screw him.

"It's literally empty Cole, I was running to it what's your problem!"

I don't understand. Sometimes he can be so sweet and understanding but then other times he won't hesitate to be a complete jerk to me.

"Keep complaining and you can loose your front seat privileges." 

The fuck?!

"Sitting in the front isn't a fucking privilege Cole, you are so annoying!"

"Well it is now, and you've just lost it."

"You're not even old enough to do this to me, I'm going to tell Brandon!" was all I could argue back with.

"Oh shut up Ella, you're so dramatic" Evan said, shoving my head back.

"Stop it Evan! All you do is make me feel like shit!" I say turning away from him. Kyle hasn't said anything so far, probably so done with out stupid arguments.

"That's because you're sensitive." Evan retorts.

I decide I was never going to win this argument and as payback for what he did tonight, and right now in the car, I decide on not replying until he either apologizes or shuts up. 

Focusing my gaze out the car window on Kyle's side, I sigh and rest my head on Kyle's shoulder. 

Surprised, he looks down at me and brings his large hand up to pet my head a few times.

Evan jabs his finger into my side, "you're such a baby."

I flinch in discomfort into Kyle's side but remain silent, determined to not answer to his insults.

"Leave her alone Evan." Kyle sighs, pulling me closer into him as I close my eyes. 

"Fucking brat." was all I heard Evan say but then he went silent for the rest of the ride home. Despite the argument, the music in the car was actually nice and I ended up drifting in and out of sleep throughout the ride. My bed sounded amazing right now after a nice, warm shower but I was pulled out of that thought as we drove up the long driveway. I sensed we were home as Cole accelerates the car as we swiftly pull into our garage. 

Lifting my head off of Kyle's shoulder, I perk up to see the other cars also parked in the garage. We all get out and I walk into the kitchen, just for Justin ruins my mood, "Ella go to bed, tomorrow's school!"

"I just got in! It's only 8:30!" I groan, annoyed at how neither he or Evan feel bad for how they treated my at the Cove.

"She fell asleep in the car, she's definitely tired." Evan adds smirking at me. I give up, I will never win.

Justin turns to me, a determined look on his face, "Go to bed."

I remain where I am and focus on giving him my best glare. 

"Don't make me carry you there. Last time I let you stay up you woke up past 12." he said, referring to today. In my defense, I needed to catch up on lost sleep!

He wouldn't actually carry me there, would he?


"Ella just do as he says." Brandon warns, giving me a look.


"Okay fine!" I yell hurriedly as I run out of the room. He didn't need to fucking count, I'm not three years old.

I take a long shower, throw on an over sized t-shirt and shorts, and climb into bed right as Brandon walks in.

I give him a curious look. None of my brothers 'tuck me in' or anything, at least not anymore. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

He sits down on my bed next to me and gives me and gazes down at me, "I have to tell you something."

He now has my attention as I sit up and look at him, my curious look deepening, "What?"

"I'm going to L.A  for a few months to look at an opportunity for music therapy."

My heart stops. No. No no no. Not Brandon. A few months?! 

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me? I don't want you to go!" I ramble, as I feel tears threatening to spill at any time.

"Hey, hey don't cry, I promise you it won't be for long!" He says quickly immediately grabbing me and rubbing my back. When my tears don't stop he sighs, "I got the call about half an hour ago when you were in the shower and thought it would be best to tell you."

"I don't want you to go!" I repeat grasping his sweatshirt into my fists.

"Ella I promise I will explain everything, just please...please don't cry" he begs desperately


Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the book so far:) Please feel free to let me know what you think as it really really inspires me to keep writing and I appreciate you all for reading/commenting/voting! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions as I didn't really explain the characters in the beginning. I promise in the next chapter I will explain how Brandon will be able to leave at 17, and there will be bonding too:)) I will try and get the character aesthetics or details up as well! If there is anything I can improve on please let me know! Thank you so much and stay safe!

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