The Talk

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Hunger pulls me out of my sleep as I wake to streams of sunlight. I really just slept all of yesterday away. My bed is empty too, which means Cole must have left at some point, so quietly that even my light-sleeper self didn't notice. 

Because I slept so long, it's only 7am now, and I decide it's definitely time to eat. I find Justin and Brandon in the kitchen by the time I come down, both on their phones. 

"Good morning Ells." Brandon adresses me, pointing to his plate of eggs and bacon, "there's some on the stove for you."

"Aw thanks Brandon!" I reply thankfully, getting a plate and piling it with the food. "Hey by the way, can I go to Bryn's house?"

"Yeah, after you eat." Brandon replies, glancing at Justin who nods. 

"Great thanks." I sigh grabbing a banana too from the fruit bowl, and take out my phone to text Bryn.

Quickly, I finish my food before deciding to take some more ibuprofen at Brynn's house rather than here since they would definitely notice. She lives a few blocks away, so I usually ride my bike to her house or she'll come and pick me up. I test for my drivers test in a few months, and then things will be more convenient. 

"Text us when you're coming back!" Justin yells as I leave. 

Bryn and I have this relationship I have always dreamed of. She totally understands me. As soon as I get to her house, she ushers me to the bathroom and we do  facemasks together. 

"Obviously your brothers don't know how to pamper you, so I'm going to!" She declares as we both apply our face masks. I love her. We end up just chilling and watching Big Mouth until I realize I should probably check in on what everyone's up to and where the hell my parents are.

I send a quick text to Cole, who replies promptly that mom and dad are in meetings, and that the boys want me home so we can talk.

My heart stops, did he tell them? 

"I gotta go Brynn, but let's hangout again soon okay?"

"Okay! I'm always here for you Ells, call me if you need anything okay?"

"Of course, I'll see you at school?"

She walks me to the door, "can't wait!"


Biking back to the house, I sense something's wrong. The boys want to talk. This can't be good.

Hesitantly, I enter the house, and Nathan calls out to me as he hears the front door open. 

"Yes I'm home!" I call back, walking into the living room to find Evan, Kyle, and Brandon playing some game on the T.V. Nathan and Justin then enter from the kitchen, "take a seat Ella."

What the fuck?

Do they not understand how intimidating a room full of 6 older boys can be? Especially with zero context as to why it has to do with me?

"So, schools starting tomorrow." Nathan starts, looking at me expectantly. 

"I'm aware!" I reply, glancing at all of them.

"And there are some expectations we want to set for you." Justin finishes. "Just so you don't set off on the wrong foot."

"Well first, is there anything you're worried about? Anything you might need help with?" Brandon interjects. "It's your first year in high school, so it's totally normal to feel anxious. You can talk to us."

"I don't need you all rounded up in a room with me for me to ask for help." I object, ignoring what they were saying.

"Well the point of that was to get the expectation across that you stay away from dating this year." Kyle addresses. "We don't want your little vulnerable heart getting broken by a shitty guy, so if anyone gives you any trouble or pursues you, you better tell us."

"I was planning on that Kyle. I'm not stupid though, you guys can relax. No one has met my standards yet." I tried playing it off with some humor but they seemed to miss the vibe.

"And no one will. Whoever they are, now has six more standards to meet." Evan butts in. 

"I'm fine, I don't think your overprotectiveness will exactly benefit me in high school. I can manage myself just fine."

"That isn't really under your control. The best thing you can do is listen to us and know that we will have eyes on you. Don't think you're free to do whatever."

Creepy much?

"Why do you guys care so much? There's nothing to protect me from that I can't do myself, and this constant babying is getting realllly obnoxious. And for you to even assume I would want to pursue a trashy boy is saying a lot about your perception of me."

That shut them up for a second. 

"That's fair." Brandon comments.

"Look, we aren't assuming anything. But you are our little sister, and some people might try and mess with you, or flirt with you, and whatever. And I'd hate for them to get away with it." Justin says with a revolting look on his face, as if the very idea of anyone trying to date me pissed him off. 

"Okay, yeah I get it." 

"So you'll let us know if anyone gives you trouble? And stay away from gross boys?" Nathan asks directly. 

"Yes. I will. Now can I go to my room?"

"Yeah yeah, go ahead. Thanks for not putting up a fight Ells." Brandon dismisses me, lightening the mood, and giving me a slight hug as I leave.


This chapter and the following few are not edited, but will be in the next few days! Sorry if the storylines don't match up and that this one was so short, I will get to it asap!

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