"Favorite Brother"

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"Ella get up." 

I let out a whine as Brandon's deep voice pulls me out of my blissful dream; me on a vacation with my best friends with no brothers to bother us. How ironic.  

"Go away." I mutter, attempting to re-enter the fantasy once more as I snuggle closer to my body pillow. 

I feel a sudden stream of sunlight enter the room as the monster who dared to wake me opens my blinds. I continue to lay in silence, however. Call me stubborn but sleeping in is rare for me when I have 6 older brothers.

"Don't make me get Nathan. Get up right now or else you'll regret it!" Brandon warns, fully aware of how hard it can be to get me out of bed. If they had their way, they wouldn't be so nice when waking me up. Anything from tickling, poking, punching, shoving, pinching-you get the idea. The only thing stopping them is me tattling to our parents, my only leverage against them.

Ignoring his threat, I pull the pillow even closer and bury my head back into the sheets.

I hear him leave as I sigh dreamily, ready to dive back into my peaceful sleep when the silence is broken a few moments later when my cozy covers are ripped off two hands enclose around my ankles.

Before I know it, I am pulled all the way across the bed and onto the floor, landing roughly in front of my eldest brother.

"What the hell?!" I yell, glaring at him through my messy hair. 

"That's what you get for not listening the first time. Now get ready we're going out." With that, he leaves my room, and me in a worse mood than before. 

Sighing, I realize there's no hope in returning to my dream so I change into another pair of sweats and sweatshirt  that belong to Kyle, and glumly make my way downstairs to find all my brothers in the kitchen.

"Look who's finally up. 12:48, that's a new record for you!" Evan teases, pinching my side as I walk past him.

"Probably because we let the baby stay up too late last night." Cole adds, failing to diffuse my increasing annoyance. 

"Why did you wake me, where are we going?" I ask, dodging their remarks.

"We've decided to ground you for a week, and take away your phone as punishment for continuing to talk to Camden." Nathan announces, gesturing to Justin as if to show that they both came up with this brilliant idea.

"Why? I texted a boy Nathan...you're acting like I had sex!" I fight, pissed that last night didn't mean anything towards our relationship or my punishment. 

"Doesn't matter. I don't care how small your action was, you still disobeyed the rules and with that comes consequences." He retorts, as if he had prepared for push back.

Justin butts in with a smirk, "Because we can't trust you to be home alone, you're going to come along with us today." 

Oh no. It's a Saturday. I was supposed to spend today watching Netflix and eating food, not being babied and mocked by my brothers. They know dragging me along with them was the worst punishment of all.

"What, why?!" I snap. This will never end well on my end. "I don't want to be with you guys for an entire day!"

Evan laughs behind me, "That's why it's a punishment baby, now eat so we can go."

I roll my eyes, making sure they see, and take a seat at the counter, "I'm not even hungry."

One look from Justin tells me I shouldn't push them, so I stab my fork into the french toast in front of me, in an effort to get the attention off of me. I zone out during their conversations and focus on finishing my food. Maybe I can run upstairs and lock my door and they'll be forced to leave without me!

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