An Unexpected Surprise

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I feel my face flush as the door swings open. Just like Kyle had warned, Justin stood on the porch and I watch silently as his facial expressions morph into a terrifying glare with this expression pointed directly at me. His eyebrows creased, jaw clenched and arms reaching out to grab me. "Ella. Over here. Now."

I hesitate for a split second, very much aware that I should just listen but I glance fearfully back at Camden, who still has his arms around me.

"Go, I'll text you later." he whispers before lightly pushing me towards my death.

Apparently he wasn't as quiet as we thought because Justin swiftly cuts in, "No you won't, not after tonight." 

Before I can think Justin already has my arm, dragging me forcefully towards the car and I remain silent. They always feel the need to be physical even when they know I wouldn't dare run now. He would catch me in a split second anyway. 

I'm shoved into the passengers seat and he enters through the opposing side, slamming the doors shut. He was being dramatic but honestly I understood why they were so mad. Yes, the pointless "no boys" rule was inevitably going to be broken but I also ran away from them and ignored their countless messages.  

The car was moving before I could properly put my seat belt on and I jerk my head to the side, looking at him in awe. "Justin calm down!"

He scoffs, ignoring my protest, "that was quite the stunt, Ella." 

I stay silent, afraid I'll say too much and make my situation worse but he keeps yelling.

"You know, I would wait to punish you once we were home but since you have a history of running away and avoiding anything you're responsible for, I'll do it right now."


"Camden? Yeah you're not seeing him anymore. Don't even think about meeting him behind our backs. I trusted you to learn from the night at the party, but apparently not. You're naive, and constantly looking for ways to piss us off so from now on you will stay with your brothers at school during lunch and passing periods. If you ever dare break this rule, you will be fucking home schooled."

I gasp, turning finally to look at him, "what th-"

"Did I say I was fucking finished Ella?!" he snaps, taking a sharp left.

I continue to gape at him but stay silent, hoping I can convince him otherwise when he's calmer. 

"When we get home, I will be taking your phone. You didn't answer a single fucking phone call tonight even though you were well aware we were trying and contact you. You have proven yourself unworthy of owning one since apparently the only convenient time to use it was when you called Camden to drive you to god knows where." 

I blink. This was escalating fast and he wasn't even finished. We were only a few minutes away from our neighborhood but the air around me was so tense, I wanted to disappear. I didn't purposely run away, they were scaring me and Camden was already in the neighborhood. Evan had grabbed my phone, what was I supposed to do? Let him talk to the boy they said I shouldn't have any contact with?!

"You're grounded, and under house arrest for the weekend until we figure out what to do with you. I thought Brynn was a good influence but apparently not since Evan said she was fucking drunk at the party. You are not aloud to see anyone or go anywhere until you learn it is not okay to go wherever you want without telling us."

"Justin I d-"

"Interrupt me one more time and I swear to god Ella". he seethes, his jaw clenching. 

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