Gained Grounds

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Surprisingly what woke me up the next morning wasn't my god forsaken alarm. It was something worse. 

Thudding and banging downstairs have me sitting up in a jolt as I scramble to check the time. 6:19am. My alarm goes off in 11 minutes. The next 660 seconds I could have been sleeping peacefully. 

I listen in on the muffled shouts of a very clear argument happening downstairs, but for some reason it doesn't deter my mood. Skating starts tomorrow, and I can't be happier. Nathan is taking my side for once, and my brothers are on board with me getting some physics help from Camden. Things are looking up. 

Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, I stretch and make my way to the banister to eavesdrop on the fight downstairs.

"That's not fucking fair!" Evan's loud voice protests.

"Well it's not up for you to decide is it? Now calm down before you wake Ella up." Nathan reprimands, his voice calm but stern.

"I'm up!" I holler from the top step, before turning to get ready. 

I catch Evan mutter a "no one asked." and I decide I'll stay away from him this morning. The demon is clearly in a mood.

In the bathroom, I take some time to properly wash my face and make sure my hair looks nice. Who knew the glories behind a few extra minutes to yourself in the morning? Not that I'll ever intentionally wake up before my alarm again, but today I can appreciate it.

While I'm brushing my teeth I hear Cole's door open and close, before I catch his head in my mirror peeking into my room. "You up Els?"

"Mhm!" I nod, catching his gaze in the mirror, toothbrush in mouth.

He laughs before shutting the door, leaving me to finish my routine. After moisturizer I hurry to throw on jeans and a sweater as the mornings have become chillier, before running down the stairs and into the kitchen to take my usual seat at the bar stools.   

"Someone's in a good mood today." Kyle observes, bumping shoulders with me.

I shrug, "someone has to make up for Evan's shit hormones." 

"Oh shut the fuck up." Evan quips, walking into the kitchen looking worse than ever. His hair is a mess and he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Whoa what happened to you?" Cole asks, and I'm sure we are all giving Evan the same look.

"Grounded. That's what happened." Nathan answers for him, coming in behind him and patting him roughly on the back.

My eyebrows crease, "you're grounded? What'd you do?"

"None of your business Ella." He sneers, shoving me in my seat and grabbing the orange juice from the fridge.

"Hey, don't be so rough with her." Kyle scolds, "weren't you at Kaylee's or something?

Evan doesn't bother to respond, but his silence answers Kyle's question. Oh. He slept over. Kaylee is basically his situationship.

"A very stupid thing to do while Justin and I are home, as if we wouldn't find out." Nathan comments, shaking his head.

"I've done this before and you didn't flip out last time!" Evan argues, obviously pissed off. Nathan's punishments are final, and from the looks of it he's probably grounded for a while. 

"That's because last time you didn't take my car and get it scratched up. Not to mention it's a school night and you drive your sister to school in the mornings. You can't be unreliable and irresponsible and not expected consequences." Nathan leaves no room for argument as he folds his arms and stares at Evan with a pointed look.

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