Chapter 1✨

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There is a big havoc in the hospital and people are running here and there.

Mirae is continuously crying and is trying her best to find out what exactly has happened, but no one is ready to tell her the situation and the panic is rising in her heart with each passing second.

Mirae is continuously crying and is trying her best to find out what exactly has happened, but no one is ready to tell her the situation and the panic is rising in her heart with each passing second

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She is clueless with the situation surrounding her, but one thing she is sure about is that...



It has been 9 months to Mirae and Suyesh's wedding and here Mirae is trying to call Suyash since so long. Cause she just got the news that she is two weeks pregnant and she is literally on cloud nine since she got to know the good news.

It was thundering and Mirae was not at all at peace, she was feeling as if something is happeing which is not right.. unknowingly her heart was sinking with each passing second.

She was alone in the house as her inlaws did not accept her as their daughter inlaw as according to them she was very commanding and spoilt brat from a rich family..

She sighs shrugging her shoulder and decides to wait for him to call back, 'Maybe he is too busy to answer the call' she thinks and lay down on the sofa in the living room and starts surfing through channels..

She decides to watch some news as it has been quite long since she did not watched one. And she had no information regarding political and social issues.

She is alone in her big mansion, in which she lives with only Suyash as she cannot live in a small one room house. It is against her pride to reside in a small house.. Yeah that is how she is..

She then comes across a news channel which shows 100 daily news. She decides to watch them when suddenly she hears,

"Attack on Police Officers while they were on a mission, 12 died on the spot and 14 injured severly.."

Her heart literally stops beating..

And since then she is running around in the hospital and is trying to find out about her husband who was in the same mission...

Soon she finally found out and ran towards the OT where her husband was being treated.

There she saw her inlaws standing outside looking quite worried..

"Aunty, Aunty where is Suyash.." Mirae asked her mother in-law and tried to stable her breath.

"Dont you dare say my son's name from that dirty mouth of yours.. This is all because of you...." Suyesh's mother said while crying and started shouting on her,

Mirae was stood there blank as she was not understanding how the hell she was the reason behind Suyesh's ill health..

Then suddenly the door opened of the OT and doctor came out.

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