chapter 3

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With tsunade

*she sighed looking at the report her anbu has giving her, her hangover dull down she holds her head as someone knocked on the door tsunade groan massaging her temples*


*the door opened normally but for tsunade it felt as if it was slammed opened in came team 7 all of them kneeling in front of her desk tsunade eyed them*

Kakashi:you called us hokage Sama?

Tsunade:I've called you all here to tell you a member of you're team is leaving

Sakura:oh my god..Sai is finally leaving the team?! Please please say yes

*Sakura said exited she has nothing against sai...that's a lie she doesn't like Sai and she wanted her original team back she even made sure that naruto swore to bring Sasuke back did she feel bad of manipulating him? A little yes*

Tsunade:no Sakura sai is not going anywhere

Sai:sorry to disappoint you ugly

*Sakura glared as sai kept his neutral smiling face*

Tsunade:as I was saying the member that is leaving team 7 is naruto Uzumaki he quite team 7 and team Kakashi

*everyone was shocked said kept his neutral face but was surprised internally*


*tsunade groaned holding her ears in pain and glared at sakura who flinched and looked down scared but Kakashi just waved his hand dismissively*

Kakashi:don't worry hokage Sama this must be just one of his tantrum he'll be back in week

*the rest looked convinced tsunade glared at Kakashi*

Tsunade:you may all leave except Kakashi you stay I need a word with you

*the rest left as Kakashi sat down on a chair now that they were alone*

Tsunade:Kakashi hatake as you know the hokage gets many reports some important some not but essentially nothing happens in this village without the hokage knowing about it


*Kakashi said not knowing where she was going with this*

Tsunade:tell me hatake what is this?

*tsunade gave Kakashi a small pile of papers Kakashi grabbed one and looked at it then looked at tsunade confused*

Kakashi:there my old reports of my teachings for team 7

Tsunade:ah good good now my second question why are 2/3 of what is writing there absolute shit?


*tsunade gave Kakashi a cold glare that could make the shinigami take a step back*

Tsunade:when naruto told me he quits you're team he went on quite the interesting rant and told me that you only taught him the tree climbing exercise nothing else you're response to that?

Kakashi:n..naruto was just mad I can assure you u taught him plenty


*tsunade gave him a smile that still gave Kakashi the shivers*

Tsunade:if that is all then you may leave

*Kakashi got up and started making a B line to the door when 2 anbu fell from the cealing both with a kunai to his neck*


*Kakashi turned around and saw tsunade with the same smile thus time it looked more serious*

Tsunade:there's one thing that bugs me it's a real itch maybe you can scratch it out of my brain sit down

*Kakashi not seeing much of a choice sat back down*

Tsunade:as you know naruto went on a 3 year training journey while he was away I trained Sakura and boy can I tell you she was horrible barley knew anything but the pure basics as if she just got out of the academy and had no sensei to teach her anything at first I just waved it off as her not training hard enough being a fan girl but now with that little reveal from naruto...I don't know tell me Ha-ta-ke did you favor Sasuke Uchiha over you're other 2 students? And please remember I am the hokage I am above the law I can make you dissappear, torture you or even just get a Yamanaka to look inside that brain of yours at you're memories and If you dare lie to me and I go the yamanaka route I'll feed you to anko and let her have her fun with you now answer the question

Kakashi:...yes I trained Sasuke more the naruto and Sakura



Tsunade:hatake as you're hokage I ORDER YOU to tell me why

Kakashi:because he was an uchiha..and I saw myself in him

Tsunade:ah I see tell me who was you're sensei again hatake?

Kakashi:I was trained under the forth hokage in hopes my team would be the next sannin

Tsunade:I'm gonna ignore that last bit for now Now tell me did Minato ignore his other students and spend all his time on you personally?

*Kakashi said looking down having the decency to look ashamed*

Tsunade:you know what really pissed me off? You know, you are one of the few people who knows of Minato's legacy and yet to treat you're sensei legacy like that..well he must be real proud of you as of right now until further notice I here by demote you Kakashi hatake to chunnin get out of my office

*Kakashi was slightly shock but having to many things in his head he just nodded and left dragging his feets tsunade sighed exhausted she turned her chair around looking at the mounting with the faces of the former hokages more specifically looking at the 3rd and 4th hokages respectively*

Tsunade:this is some mess you both left for me when I get up there there's gonna be hell to pay for the both of you

*tsunade turned back and saw a new mountain of paperwork as a single tear fell down her face she grabbed 1 paper and got to work*

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