chapter 13

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*naruto walked inside tsunade's office seeing her waiting for him she looked surprised*

Tsunade:you came so soon I would have guessed you would have stayed and boosted how you defeaded Kakashi

*naruto chuckled and sat down*

Naruto:alot has changed baachan with knowledge comes maturity

Tsunade:speaking of knowledge tell me what you and shizune have been training this last what 6-7 months

Naruto:there's really nothing to tell shizune and me have been training with shinobi books and scrolls that we could find in the public library while we made clones to do more research it doesn't really get interesting until I got this book

*naruto showed the book to tsunade making her flinch her mouth opened a little*

Naruto:neji gave it to Me like 3 weeks ago since them me and shizune have been studying and I got to say whoever this kushina uzumaki was I hope she's proud I Mean in only 3 weeks were already at a proficient level

Tsunade:can you give me specifics?

Naruto:I'll tell you more later on but let's save this conversation for after right now I want to talk to you as the uzumaki clan head

*naruto was dearly serious while tsunade sighed having an idea of what he wanted*

Tsunade:very well what can I do for you

Naruto:first of all I want neji and hiashi hyuga here

Tsunade:fine in the meantime you're gonna listen to ME for a minute about this relationship with shizune

*shizune got up quickly*

Shizune:while you do that I'm gonna go find neji hyuga!

*shizune left running naruto practically snapped his neck looking at her direction*

Naruto:wait shizu don't leave me!!

Tsunade:ohohoho! You even have a nickname for her?

*naruto looked at tsunade who had a huge smirk on her face he slide down from his chair a little*

Hours later

Hiashi hyuga walked through the hallway of the hokage tower wondering what could the hokage want from him at such short notice he knocked on the door*


*hiashi walked inside and was surprise to see neji*

Tsunade:ah hiashi please sit down

*hiashi sits down still having a neutral face on him*

Hiashi:hokage Sama what is the reason for this meeting

Tsunade:its a clan meeting

*hiashi raised a brow and glanced around only seeing naruto and neji*

Hiashi:im..confused am I early I see I'm the only clan head

Naruto:that's where you are wrong as the last surviving member of the uzumaki clan I'm automatically the clan head

Hiashi:I see..then excuse my rudeness then why have a meeting of two clan head is young Uzumaki gonna enter cra?

Tsunade:danzo does want that but no and never also say something like that again and I'll make sure anko pays a visit am I understood

Hiashi:yes hokage Sama now please answer my question

Tsunade:you are here on charges of theft of another's clans jutsu no need to say you're case you're already guilty

Naruto:not you per say more like the clan heads before you

*hiashi was taken off guard by this*

Hiashi:and..what did my predecessors steal?

Tsunade:Mr. Uzumaki if you will

*naruto gave tsunade the book and tsunade started scrolling through  it hiashi opened his eyes in surprise*

Hiashi:how did you get that?

Tsunade:silence please

Hiashi:my apologies hokage Sama

Tsunade:ah here it is the The cursed seal mark originally it was made for interrogation and torture and yet you're clan Has used it for over 3 generations without the approval or consent of any kind from the uzumaki clan

Hiashi:I see as clan head I shall take the full punishment on behave of my clan

*naruto was surprised at that hiashi looked at him and a small smirked appeared on his face*

Hiashi:don't look so surprise apologies Mr . Uzumaki I do have honor unlike the Inuzuka clan so what will be my punishment

Naruto:no punishment needed all you must do is release the branch family of the curse seal every last member

*neji did a double take when he was asked to come her he had no idea it was for this hiashi was taken aback by the request*

Hiashi:it..will take some time definitely alot of talking from the elders of my clan but It will be done you have my word if that is all

Tsunade:almost just giving you a heads up soon every single shinobi clan will be investigated for having possessions that belongs to the Uzumaki clan does who hide,destroy or deny it will be punished severely

Hiashi:I see that I know of that book was the only Uzumaki possession from my clan but I will get my men to search our properties to see if anything else pops up

Naruto:thank you for cooperating with this

Hiashi:of course I should warn you though doing this will  eventually bring the council into play

Tsunade:oh God I can already fill the headache from that


*hiashi bowed*

Hiashi:hokage Sama, uzumaki San until next we meet

*hiashi left inside the office neji was still out of it he looked at naruto shocked*

Neji:so soon this mark..

Naruto:not soon neji, now please take off the headband

*with trembling hands neji did as he was told as naruto walked up to him putting his hand on the curse Mark and poof just like that it was gone neji looked at the mirror seeing his forehead*

*with trembling hands neji did as he was told as naruto walked up to him putting his hand on the curse Mark and poof just like that it was gone neji looked at the mirror seeing his forehead*

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*neji started chuckling then he started to laugh as tears fell down his face of pure joy as he hugged naruto who hugged back*

Neji:this is a debt that I will never be able to pay you back for my friend

Naruto:you can pay it back by living you're life no longer in a cage my friend

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