chapter 4

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*we see naruto and shizune walking together*

Shizune:so what are we gonna learn first?

Naruto:well I want to start with taijutsu since that's what I'm worse I haven't even gotten 1 single actual lesson in that

Shizune:kami then it's either a miracle or pure luck that you've made it this far without dying

Naruto:honestly my fighting style consists on just trying to overpowering my opponents hell jiraya taught me to "just use the kyuubi's chakra to overpower them" instead of actually teaching me something

Shizune:and there supposed to be sannin?

*both laughed as they kept walking shizune noticed people staring at naruto and whispering cruel things about him shizune got angry and went to stop it but she was stopped naruto grabbed hold of her arm to keep her in place she looked to her right and saw naruto not even looking at her still had the same smile he did before the voices looking straight forward to there destination he gave her a slight shook of his head telling shizune to not mess with it, it made shizune sick to her stomach that naruto had to deal with this she sighed and kept walking they stayed holding hands until they made it*

Shizune:alright naruto let's find you a new taijutsu

Naruto:this is gonna be easy dattebayo!!

3 hours later

*naruto slammed his head on the table groaning*

Naruto:how can there be so many martial arts out there? Man how does Bushy Brows know all this?

Shizune:wait I think I found something that suits you perfectly


Shizune:well you're more about speed then strength so I found the perfect one

*shizune gave naruto the scroll*


Shizune:is a form of martial arts derived from karate. It borrows moves from multiple types of martial arts including full-contact karate, Muay Thai, and boxing.

Naruto:yeah I like it believe it! Wait what about you?

Shizune:oh don't be silly while yes I haven't fought since...sweet kami since the battle against orochimaru has it really been that long..?

*shizune started thinking getting trapped in her head when she felt naruto's hand on her shoulder*

Naruto:hey relax we the hole point of this is to train from scratch or in you're case re train what you already know since without a doubt you must be rusty

*naruto gave her one of his famous smile that made shizune blush a bit smiling softly back*

Shizune:yeah you're right sorry about that I'm so used of well no one really talking to me like this mostly I just sit in a desk and wait for tsunade to give me orders

Naruto:well today we change that now come on what taijutsu do you use?

Shizune:oh! I use Jiu Jitsu its a form of martial art that makes use of few or no weapons and employs holds, throws, and paralyzing blows to subdue an opponent.

Naruto:great now we can start!

Shizune:nice try we still need to research ninjutsu,kenjutsu, fuijinjutsu,senjutsu and shurikenjutsu

Naruto:nah we can just leave 2 shadow clones here to do the leg work while we do the fun stuff!

*shizune giggled at naruto's excitement*

Shizune:fine fine let's go

*both make a shadow clone to do the leg work and they left*

Naruto:sweet kami it's already 2p.m?!

Shizune:research takes time naruto

Naruto:I know but still

*naruto stretched looking around*

Naruto:let's go to lunch before we actually start training I know just the place!

*naruto grabbed shizune wrist and dragged her with him shizune chuckled knowing where they were going while the little girl inside as squeeling this was like a second date if you count breakfast which she does*

Naruto:ah the gates to heaven!

*shizune playfully rolled her eyes as they went inside*

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*shizune playfully rolled her eyes as they went inside*

Naruto:Ayame nee give me 15 bowls of my usual!

*shizune elbowed naruto in his gut*

Shizune:ignore him just 2 bowls of the most healthy ramen you got


Shizune:you want to train to get stronger you also need to eat better naruto


*Ayame giggled making then both look at her*

Ayame:my naruto not even in a relationship and already she's got you whipped

*both blushed slightly*

Ayame:anyway 2 tofu ramen bowls coming right up!

*both sat down feeling a bit embarrassed to look at the other* I started thinking

Ayame:always a terrible thing

*naruto blushed angry and glared at Ayame with an annoyed smiled Ayame just gave Ayame his tongue*

Naruto:ANYWAY! I was thinking that I don't really know alot about you I mean I know you were tsunade's first apprendice but apart from that nothing

Shizune:oh well..there's not really much to tell I was the daughter of regular parents they were just civilians I was well...I am i guess...yeah yeah I am the niece of Dan Kato he was a renowned shinobi of Konoha. Sadly he died at the second shinobi war Some time after my uncle's death, Tsunade, left Konoha and I went with Tsunade as her attendant and apprentice. Mostly attendant now that I think about it really don't get me wrong tsunade is a great person but I just think she's never stopped seeing me as Dan little niece

Naruto:I guess that sorta explains why she doesn't sent you out for missions

Shizune:it explains it but it doesn't justify it I mean I'm a capable woman and shinobi I deserve more respect I'm not a little girl anymore

*after that they both ate having light conversations in between they finished naruto again payed ignoring shizune complaints that she can pay for her own meal and they left to start training*

a self-taught shinobi (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now