chapter 22

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*naruto just glared at the great beast trapped in a cage*

Naruto:I don't know who should I be madder you or the person who put you inside me

*Kurama for his part just growl at the worm infront of him naruto just ignored him and looked around at the sewer that was his inner mind*

Naruto:...might need to go to therapy to fix this shit..

*naruto said absent-mindedly to himself as he foot reached the wet floor causing ripples in the water as naruto finally put his attention back to the big fox in the room*

Naruto:now kyuubi why have you call me inside my own mind

*naruto said in a calm voice looking straight at Kurama who was surprised that he saw no fear in his eyes just slight boredom*

Kurama:so the brat finally learns some manners and do who do I have to thank for that

Naruto:nobody since you're never getting out of here

Kurama:you sound like you're mother

*naruto flinched and looked at kurama taken off guard* knew my mother..? My mother was the previous jinjuriki..

Kurama:my what a smart jailer but yes she was both of you are a pain to deal with

Naruto;what can you tell me about her...please

*naruto hated how he sounded so desperate and weak but to be honest he was desperate to know anything about his parents he might not know who his father is but he does at least know who his mother was and he wanted to know more about her kurama just ignored him and rested his head on one of his paw*

Kurama:tell me first why are you using my chakra

*kurama asked naruto was confused as he approached the cage*

Naruto:I don't know what you mean I was thinking the same thing why have you been giving me chakra are you trying to influence me again?

*both saw a red chakra line leaking out of the seal kurama scoffed*

Kurama;so you don't know either what a waste of my time

Naruto:must be the seal you saw it just like me it was leaking out you're chakra

Kurama:beautiful the seal it's weakening beyond control and irs releasing my chakra faster then you can control might as well just ripped it out so i can be free no point delaying the inevitable

*naruto said nothing and got closer to the seal he examined it for a good while*

Kurama:what don't tell me you're gonna actually try to fix a seal made by the shinigami you're dumber then i thought but be my guest I would love to see you fail

*naruto ignored him a bit harder then last time and concentrated on the seal following on the complicated design searching for a specific Kanji: storage it took a bit of time but naruto found it and saw the problem the Kanji was red as if it got corrupted over time naruto closed his eyes as kurama looked curious at naruto soon naruto opened his eyes as one eyes was the same of the kyuubi's eye and the other was in sage mode*

Naruto:definitely need to visit MA and PA later if I can only still use only half of sage mode

*naruto muttered to himself before getting back to work doing 20 different hand signs as he redrew over the old Kanji and soon the storage Kanji started to glow as the red was combined with a blue merging together making a dark violet the process took around 15 minutes before the red chakra stopped leaking naruto's eyes went back to normal as he breathed a little heavily*

Kurama:you...fixed it

Naruto:now who's being an idiot?

*naruto had a smug smile as kurama growled*

Naruto:and to answer you're question no I didn't you were right I can't fix a seal so complex yet I'm nowhere near the level the 4th must have been to put such a seal on me but I was able to patch the corrupt seal to stop the leaking at least for now it will give me more time to study and get better for next time

Kurama;that's impressive for a mortal meatbag at least guess you're self teaching are working after all but of course you wouldn't need to be self taught if you had actual good teachers oh how much of you're potential must have been wasted

*kurama just laughed  at naruto who just glared at the huge fox*

Naruto:I have demands forbyou fox and you will listen to me I may not have the uzumaki chains but I do have wood style that can make you're stay in me alot less pleasant

*kurama stopped laughing and glared angrily at naruto who smirked*

Naruto:better now I want you to stop any more of you're influence and I will be using the bare minimum of you're chakra for my genjutsu and to heal myself but nothing more that damn toad sannin might of made me addicted to you're chakra but I'm putting a stop do it I don't care what you have to say what I say go the amount of power I asked is what you will give me unless I say otherwise

*kurama looked amused at naruto*

Kurama:and tell me brat why do you want my power do what ends will you use it for?

Naruto:simple I will use it to protect the few people that are dear to me nothing more nothing less if I'm to get stronger I can't rely on you what if for some reason you're ripped out of me I would lose a large part of my power level and I can't have that if I'm to become stronger it will be because of my own strengths not because of you

Kurama:at least you have some big stones down there let's see if you can back up you're strong words now leave I'm tired

Naruto:hell no tell me about my mother

*kurama ignored him and pushed him out of his brain naruto opened his eyes to the real world scowling in a bad mood thanks to the fox*

Naruto:that bastard..

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