chapter 32

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*after the drink they didn't say anything enjoying the silence as long as posible but Ren decided to speak*

Ren: I'm confused on something maybe you can help me out on it Hokage

Tsunade:yes daimyo

Ren: please Naruto obviously sees you as family call me Ren

*Both Naruto and Tsunade saw this as odd but ignored*

Tsunade:alright Ren.. what's got you so confused?

Ren:well it will make sense to you after this question tell me my full name

Tsunade:you're full name my lord is Ren Uzu...

*Tsunade froze as she looked in between Ren and Naruto instantly knowing what was happening*

Ren:ah so you figured it out good to know the Hokage is intelligent so yes my full name is Ren Uzumaki husband of Akira Uzumaki sister of Kushina Uzumaki

*Naruto flinched and looked at the daimyo Naruto's eyes wide as dinner plates*

and i want to know why my wife was lied to and told that Kushina's whole family was killed in the kyuubi's attack and yet my nephew still lives and breaths at my very eyes

*Ren said coldly his once warm face became cold and serious Tsunade sighed*

Tsunade: one drink wasn't enough i... don't have an answer for you since all this happened before i was Hokage but what I've read in the report Naruto's father wanted to keep him a secret he thought Naruto would be safer if people didn't know he was related to anyone and would be treated like a hero for holding the 9 tails inside him

Naruto:...i would say wishful thinking but that's just stupid if he thought that so since i know the daimyo family are you gonna tell me who's my father?

Tsunade:....the 4th Hokage Minato is you're father before you ask no i can't give you anything that belongs to him we would need to hold another council meeting for that

*That made both of them groan*

Naruto: bureaucracy sucks ass

Ren;it has its moments're my uncle?

Ren:indeed i am you're aunty can't wait to see you she has so much to tell you including embarrassing stories of you're mother when they were kids

*Naruto chuckled feeling warm to have more family then just Tsunade*

Ren:a questions that's been on my mind Naruto if I gave you a room in the daimyo's mansion would you leave Konoha?

*Tsunade did a spit take while Naruto closed his eyes and thought of it for a minute*

Naruto:sorry uncle but no i have friends here that mean to much to leave like neji and recently Tenten, also my girlfriend Shizune speaking of her where is she?

Tsunade: she's going to the heads of clan heads to tell them about the meeting gotta say Naruto you're a lot calmer then i thought you would be

Naruto: don't get me wrong I'm... overwhelmed with the information I've learned to keep a cool head but still my old man was the 4th Hokage huh...

*Ren and Tsunade stayed quiet they could only imagine what was going inside his head*

Naruto:screw him

*They did not expect that and Tsunade busted a gut laughing*

Tsunade:you have your mother's tongue Naruto that's for sure

Naruto:just saying my opinion he gave me this burden he sacrificed himself for nothing since hiruzen could have made the Shinigami deal since he did with Orochimaru in the chunnin exams he blocked my inheritance so yeah fuck him you can keep his stuff I'm only interested on my mother's and my clans possession since I'm a Uzumaki not a namikaze

*Naruto said as matter of fact Tsunade could only wonder how Minato must be feeling right now that his son wants nothing to do with him*

Tsunade"you rip what you sow Minato, you got a lot to say to Naruto when you reunite on the other side but..would he even care?"

Ren; that' something i have to admit i would probably forgive him since he still would be my father

Naruto:a parent is suppose to protect his child he has giving me nothing but pain so why should I forgive him cause i have his blood in my veins?

Tsunade: can't say i would do the same either but I'll respect you're decisión Naruto now where is Kakashi he was suppose to give his report

Naruto:you know him always late I'll give it i have plenty to say and got the daimyo who can confirm my words as fact, the beginning of the journey Kakashi was late again over 40 to an hour late i refused to wait so i left the second we agreed upon going , i made it a day before my own team when they made it i heard Kiba was disrespectful towards the daimyo's wife my...aunty

Ren: true called her a milf


Naruto:after that they refused to take it seriously Kakashi spied on me but that's more personal then anything at the party i was tasked with taking care of my cousin and i did once the guilty party came out we fought and by god it was like fighting with Genin on my team choji allowed the princess to be in danger multiple times Sakura was off busy kissing face with some rich guy that reminded her of her 'sasuke!!' and Kiba was busy stuffing his face

Tsunade:I'm disappointed in my student but alright does 3 will be on D rank missions for 6 months as punishment

Naruto:after that ino found out who wanted my cousin killed and why and that was it

Tsunade:i can't wait to read Kakashi's report to see if he lies would give me the perfect excuse to the council to not choose him as the next Hokage

Shizune:speaking of the council

*Naruto smiled as he and the rest turned around and saw Shizune at the door when she saw Naruto she gave him a smile back*

Shizune:there waiting for you

Tsunade: let's get this over with

Ren: I'll join you having a daimyo on you're side will end this quickly

Naruto:thank you uncle but please don't reveal our relationship until necessary this will be my first clan's meeting i want to see how I hold on my own as konoha's Uzumaki's clan head

*Ren nodded and they left for the meeting*

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