chapter 7

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1 week later

*to say jiraya was nervous would be an understatement the moment he entered the village there was a line of anbu waiting for him all directing him to the hokage tower all with kunais on there hands tsunade was mad really mad*

Jiraya"ok maybe making tsunade wait and extra week was a bad idea.."

*jiraya chuckled nervously to himself as he entered the tower that was dark the only thing giving it light was candles illuminating the passageway once shizune saw him she took a breath of relief and went to the door*

Shizune:lady tsunade jiraya has arrived

*as soon as she said that shizune left running*

Jiraya"just how pissed off is she?!"

*jiraya took a big gulp of nothing his mouth feeling so dry right now as he walked inside see it completely dark with only 2 lights one illuminating tsunade and another a chair jiraya seeing no choice sat down*


*tsunade said with a huge amount of venom and anger*

Tsunade:when you're hokage said it's urgent it means now not 4 to 5 months later...

Jiraya:tsunade hime I can...

Tsunade:save me you're lies ill get the report from my anbus of what happened but I promise I visit to anko is in you're future regardless for pulling this stunt do I make myself clear...?

*jiraya paled slightly he has never seen tsunade this angry before whatever happened in her wait for him must have been big*

Jiraya:h..Hai hokage Sama now..w..what was it you called me here for

Tsunade:jiraya in you're training reports  for naruto's 3 year trip you listed many and I do mean MANY skills he learned under you're teachings? Is that correct?

*jiraya gave her a huge smile thinking he could get out of this*

Jiraya:heh yeah I wouldn't be surprised if he turned into a little Minato thanks to me why does the kagi want more training from the legendary jiraya?!

*jiraya did his famous pose tsunade was not amused jiraya started to sweat as tsunade just looked at him with an unamused glare until he sat back down and cough*

Jiraya:y..yes I taught him his affinity control over chakra and a fair amount of taijutsu

*it suddenly turned very cold for jiraya and he found it hard to breath as tsunade was giving out a large amount of killer instinct*

Tsunade:you dare lie to you're hokage..?

Jiraya:t..tsunade hime I'm not..


*Jiraya stayed quiet as tsunade slowly took out a glass and poured herself a drink*

Tsunade:jiraya I know you're lying naruto told me the truth 3 years of training and all you taught him was control over the rasengan and control over the rasengan..3 years and that's all you taught him do you realize what a liability he was..?

Jiraya:c..come on tsunade the kid couldn't be that bad

Tsunade:you're right because he hasn't been in a mission for months


Tsunade:he quit his team and now spends his time doing intense training trying to catch up something he wouldn't be doing because of your incompetence

*tsunade turned her chair around looking at the window*

Tsunade:hiruzen was always way to lenient with you letting you get away with far to much cause of you're spy network I will not be as kind you've hurt the only family member I have left and for that you will pay dearly ANBU!!

*a group of anbu fell from the cealing all wearing black mask instead of white this we're the hokage's black ops anbu 3 times more deadly then her normal anbu*

Tsunade:as of right now naruto will no longer be you're student

Jiraya:what?! Tsunade please reconsider I'm the only one that can train the kid properly!

*jiraya screamed big mistake as the Black ops anbu where ready to attack all with kunais in hand the only thing stopping them was a wave from tsunade's hand*

Jiraya:tsunade please I lost my first student I will not lose another!

Tsunade:you will call me hokage from now on don't you dare try to disrespect me

*whatever love tsunade had for him was now long gone*

Tsunade:you had 3 years to train naruto and did nothing naruto is leaving far me teaching himself  then all the time you've trained him in 3 FUCKING YEARS!! you're first student would be furious with you for treating his child like that he would have you hang in front of the village for all do see but I have other plans for you anbu drag him to anko tell her that he is hers for the week she can have as much fun as she want with him but I want him alive

Anbu:Hai hokage Sama

Jiraya:tsunade please see into reason..!!

Tsunade:anbu why is this disgrace still here?

Anbu:our apologies hokage Sama

*the anbu dragged jiraya away violently tsunade sighed taking the glass and swinging down the drink*

Meanwhile with naruto

*we see him with a bright smile after much begging..I mean argument shizune let him have his regular ramen again his first and arguably true love once he entered the shop he was greater by the heavenly smell*

Ayame:ah naruto haven't seen you in a while

Naruto:blame shizune for that!

Teuchi:my naruto it's so nice to see you I thought something happened to you

Naruto:I know but I'm here now and I want 10 ramen 5 chicken and 5 beef!

*teuchi chuckled*

Teuchi:so the naruto's special coming right up!

*naruto sat down exited finally he would have his reward nothing will stop him*

a self-taught shinobi (Under Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora