chapter 16

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Days later

*we see naruto sitting in a waterfall without a shirt as he meditates naruto smirked*

Naruto:you know shizu it's rude to stare


*shizune came out of her hiding spot blushing embarrassed*

Naruto:it's surprising you can beat me in battle and you're still embarrassed to see me without a shirt?

Shizune:s..shut up! What are you doing here anyway it's kinda late

Naruto:I could ask you the same question

Shizune:I just returned from a mission and I sense you're chakra so I decided to see what you are doing

Naruto:I'm meditating

Shizune:I can see that but why? Did something happened?

Naruto:nothing important it's just the kyuubi's influence is getting stronger and i don't want to cause any more damage.

Shizune:that's is a real problem but I thought jiraya trip was about controlling the kyuubi that was one of the few things he actually did

*naruto scoffed frowning*

Naruto:just another of his failures The trip with jiraya the only thing it did is make me addicted to the kyuubi's power

Shizune:at this point I'm not surprise want to talk to tsunade? I'm sure she can make that seal in you stronger

Naruto:I'm fine I'm not as dumb as I was before I  know full well this power can corrupt me

Shizune:I know I was the one who made you meditate now look at you doing it all on you're own

*shizune said in a teasing tone making Naruto chuckled*

Naruto:yes you we're right I have regain some peace and natural chakra to negate the effects

*naruto finally opened his eyes and shizune was surprised at what she saw one of his eyes was in sage mode while the other seemed to be in the shape of a fox, Naruto took some deep breath and his eyes returned to normal back to his ocean blue that shizune loved so much*

Naruto:want to help me?

Shizune:with what*

*naruto took out a book and pen*

Naruto:I'm reading and taking notes on some of the more complex deals that need more details

Shizune:sure but you will help me back I'm studying others seals as well as elements and kanjis

Naruto:sure it's a date

*that's when naruto blushed so did shizune sure they trained together and ate together but they never really officially called it a date naruto coughed a little while shizune was playing with her fingers*

Shizune:r..right I'll see you tomorrow then!

*shizune left running making naruto smile softly he grabbed his shirt and left to his own home*

The next day

*shizune was walking towards naruto's apartment since she wanted to spend the day with him she was gonna invite him to have breakfast after that study some seals to say she was exited was an understatement,as she approached the apartment she noticed a group of people around the door making her groan since she knew who it was*

Shizune:what ate you guys doing here?

*shizune looked and saw every member of konoha 10 except neji and tenten Sakura gave her an annoyed look*

a self-taught shinobi (Under Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon