chapter 27

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Author here only gonna concentrate on naruto's fight

Yoroi:water style great waterfall flow jutsu!

*the water from the fountain flowed towards the ninjas they all jumped out of the way exept for Naruto as Naruto started making hand signs*

Naruto:wind style violent whirlwind!

*naruto shouted as he released a strong world current that split the water in half dodging him Naruto looked at his attacker unimpressed*

Naruto:you really thought that would do anything? God and I thought Sakura was pathetic

*yoroi glared at Naruto and gave some annoyed chuckled*

Yoroi:so this might be a small obstacles no matter

*yoroi said as his hands glowed a dark blue Naruto cracked his neck as he surrounded his entire arms in wind chakra and as lightning chakra flowed through his leg surprising Kakashi for a minute enough for one of the rogue ninja to slice his arm Kakashi winced a bit before jumping to gain some distance as he jumped Naruto threw a kunai at the rogue's feet trapping him there letting Kakashi get his distance as Naruto dodge yoroi's attacks*

Naruto:I can't be in two places at the same time scumkashi so concentrate in you're fight

*naruto kicked yoroi in blinding speed yo fast for him to dodge and he took the full force on his rib sending him a good few feet back Naruto didn't give him time to recover as he ran towards him the lightning in his legs making Naruto look like a blur when he appeared he punched yoroi right under his face sending him flying while in the air yoroi caught his balance and made appeared a giant shuriken and launched it Naruto dodged easily but he saw yoroi smirking he wasn't aiming at Naruto making his eyes go wide he disappeared in a blur and appeared in front of a distracted choji the shuriken impaled naruto landing roughly on his shoulder making Naruto grunt loudly*


Naruto;my God am I working with genins?!

Choji:s..sorry Naruto I promise I wasn't..

Naruto:now is not! The time

*naruto took the shuriken out of his shoulder and threw it sai caught it just in time and re-threw it at another rougue ninja with even more force cutting him in half*

*as for naruto's shoulder a red bubbling chakra appeared in his shoulder burning Naruto making him wince but it patched him up as Naruto went back to the action  taking his nodashi out from his saya*

Naruto:I'm finishing this! Demon strike!

*naruto shouted as he launched a glowing blade of red chakra energy yoroi barely dodge the attack when he did he saw Naruto close his eye and rubbed the now scared shoulder yoroi took it to his advantage took two kunais out as he ran towards Naruto swinging his kunais at Naruto who dodged shocking yoroi as Naruto one of his eye had orange surrounding it*

Naruto:tsk still only have I really need to visit ma and pa if I want the full sage mode

Yoroi:wait sage mode...?!

*yoroi couldn't finish that sentence as naruto swung his blade back up when yoroi notice what he was doing it was too late for him to dodge as naruto slashed cutting one of yoroi's arm off he turned around his nodachi and slashed up cutting yoroi's other arm before yoroi could scream Naruto slashed sideways cutting his head off all in just 5 seconds*

Bandit:jesus fuck this I'm out of here

*the bandit tried to leave but shikamaru kept him in place ino transfered her mind in the bandit and stabbed him in the heart and went back to her body as the bandit fell on the ground*

*as for sai he reclined against a tree his eyes closed with the same smile as he drew a pack of wolves who ate the bandit coming for him slowly but surely all the rogue ninjas and bandits where killed*

Naruto:kami the garden looks like a massacre but at least you're safe Hajita..

*naruto turned around just in time to see a bandit on top of them choji didn't see him*

Naruto:dammit choji!!

*naruto did handsigns that would put Kakashi to shame then he said something that shook every shinobi to there cores*

Naruto:wood release-wood prison!

*the tree behind choji grew and changed shape around the rogue ninja creating a cube the ninja threw a kunai as the cube was closing it close just in time holding the hilt of the kunai that was now inches from Hajita's eye, she walked backwards before running behind naruto*

Naruto:relax princess it's over...

Kakashi:na..Naruto since when..

*but Naruto ignored him and went marching to choji grabbing him by his collar putting harsly against the wood*

Choji:n..Naruto what the...

Naruto:shut up!! I had to save you're worthless fatt ass twice! The princess was in danger and you didn’t use yourself as a shield she was top priority she is more important then all of us combined and you let her be in danger twice!!

*Kakashi pulled Naruto back*

Kakashi:that's enough Naruto now is not the time to yelled about what went wrong and what could have happened

???:I disagree I agree with Naruto's assessment on his teammate

*they looked and there was there was there daimyo ren*

Naruto:lord daimyo you will be pleased to know all enemies are now dead and the remaining one I will keep alive to find the rats nest so we can finish this and you're daughter can be save

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Naruto:lord daimyo you will be pleased to know all enemies are now dead and the remaining one I will keep alive to find the rats nest so we can finish this and you're daughter can be save

Ren:thank you Naruto

Naruto:just doing my job sir I'll start the interrogation right now excuse me

Ren:before you go could you please tell me you're full name?

Naruto:yes my lord my full name is Naruto uzumaki son of kushina uzumaki

*naruto disappeared in a flash leaving a shocked Ren and hajita*

Ren:my sister in law...had a son..

*Ren muttered to himself soft enough so no one could hear him*

Kakashi:sorry daimyo did you say something?

Ren:oh..nothing you should worry about please excuse me and my daughter we must talk to my wife

Kakashi:very well the rest of us will go to Naruto to find the rat's nest

To be continued

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