chapter 72 + new story

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Gamamura:it's really a quick conversation, we simply want to clear up some things from our end after that you'll be free to go. You can leave right now but I do hope you'll at least consider it

*Naruto sighed having a bit of a soft spot for the old toad since it reminded him of hiruzen. Naruto took out a piece of wood placed it on the ground and did some hand signs, the slap of wood became a tree chair that Naruto sat on*

Naruto:let's make this quick


Gamamura: I'll speak first, I'll ask for everyone to keep it civil gamabunta I'm looking at you

Gamabunta:yeah whatever

Naruto:my god I'm getting happier and happier that I'm with my choice of the slugs so I don't have to deal with what's basically a 8 child stuck in a grown man's body

Jiraiya;gaki come on show some damn respect!

Naruto:well I'm sorry is just that I'm so agitated, since I was brought here against my will, when I have work to do at home all because Jiraiya over here can't accept he's a shitty teacher and that every single of his students are either dead of villainous how's that Jiraiya sensei am i in the ballpark on why you asked the toads to summon me?

*Jiraiya and Naruto glared at each other what was once a almost father/son relationship became strained, bitter,resentful, hateful to the point Naruto can't even think of him without feeling like he swallowed a bitter pill. The cough of gamabunta made them look away from each other and back to the original conversation*

Gamamura:thank you gamabunta. Now Naruto I'll just go straight to the point. Why did you burn your name out of the toad contract?

Naruto:simple, because I refused to be manipulated by Jiraiya and gamabunta. Jiraiya told me that the only way I could come here and train on mastering sage mode would be with him. But our relationship became strained, completely broken Beyond repair when I opened my eyes to his incompidence, so when I told him over and over again I would go alone, he forced my hand by convincing gamabunta over there denying Me entry without him


*Before Jiraiya could escape gamamura grabbed her with his tongue and kept him there*

Gamabunta:kid I have never done anything remotely like that, why the hell would I take orders from a summoner outside the battlefield in the fucking head of this place! I think our little Sanín told all of us a little white lie

*Gamabunta said glaring at Jiraiya for using him in his lie, Jiraiya for his part had the decency to look ashamed on the ground. Naruto's hatred for Jiraiya grew right now*

Fukasaku:anything to say Jiraiya?

Jiraiya:i didn't think he would actually do that! I thought he would you know.... Knuckle under

*Jiraiya muttered and received a tongue slap from Shima. Naruto looking at all this you would think he would care, feel angry, pissed off, anything but really? He felt nothing, the toads hasn't been his summons for a year now, he felt nothing for what was happening apart from slight amusement of Jiraiya being scolded*

Shima:I have never been more disappointed in someone as I am right now in you, what were you thinking?!

*Shima said slapping him over and over again like an angry mother would do to her child. Gamabunta sighed grabbing his pipe and having a smoke*

Gamabunta;hm... I guess that explains that, don't supposed you would consider coming back brat?

Naruto:no. With the slugs I get respected not insulted, with them I was able to achieve sage mode alone like I wanted to do in the first place, I've been training with the slugs for almost the whole time I've destroyed my name in the toads, I've learned how to use them in battle to give them up just for knowing the truth would be nothing short of an insult and a waste.

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