chapter 51

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^ that song playing throught this whole chapter

Last time

Naruto turned around just in time to receive a kick to the face courtesy of lee who mistook him for a bandit*

Lee: take my dynamic entry!!


*Lee looked at Naruto laying on the floor then at his foot, then at Naruto, then back at his foot then on the ground then on his foot wait.....*

Naruto:you know.....

*Lee jumped when he felt Naruto's hand on his shoulder, shaking lee looked to a nose bleeding Naruto with a terrifying smile on his face and a a huge tick mark on his forehead*

Naruto:if you wanted me to treat you like that mutt Kiba you could've just asked

*Lee bowed deeply almost shaking*

Lee:please forgive me Naruto!

Naruto:I'll forgive you if you answer me one thing

Lee:of course what is it?

Naruto:why are you still holding back?

Lee:huh? What...what do you mean?

Naruto:you know it's been quite the year of training for me with the training I've learned more then a few things hell I've learned more in 1 year then in 3 with Jiraiya

*Naruto spit on the ground in disgust of using his name lee noticed blood in the spit making him wince*

Naruto:and in that training I've caught you're training you do:
16k run
8 rounds of shadow boxing
15 rounds of sparing
10 rounds of speed bag
10 rounds of heavy bag
7 rounds of jumping rope
2 sets of Ab crunches of 100 reps
2 sets of knee ups of 100 reps
2 sets of diagonal crunches 100 reps
2 sets of alternative bicycling of 100 reps
2 sets of scissor leg of 100 reps
2 sets of vertical leg crunches of 100 reps
2 sets of side crunches of 100 reps
2 sets of floor wipers of 100 reps
2 sets of russian twist of 100 reps
10 rounds of agility ladder drill
And 1vs1 fight against guy

Lee:yes that's my workout routine what's wrong with that?

Naruto:how about the fact that, that's all you do ? All you've done since before the chunnin exams so many years ago

*The memories of the chunnin exams made lee flinch and Naruto sighed*

Naruto"so my theory was right...."

Naruto:for years you've been doing the same routine every single day you've never added more never asked you're sensei for anything stronger, harder, better no you've stayed in the route since you were 13 the problem is that routine doesn't work anymore does it? You can do it without working out a sweat and that's the problem if you're not pushing yourself you'll never become stronger, you are a strong Shinobi always were what i can't figure out is why? And don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about because you do i saw it in you're eyes i saw the you without the smiling mask so take it off and talk to me no one is here no one will know

Lee:.....what do you want me to say...

*Lee's mood completely disappeared the lee he knew it was like he completely banished as his smile turned to a frown*

Lee:tell me Naruto can hard work beat talent?

Naruto:it's not that simple and you know that it depends on a number of things if the talented one only relies on his talents then yes the hard worker will eventually beat him but if the talented one works hard then ...

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