Chapter- 9( Eyes on the Stalk)

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A new day, a new start. When people actually said this quote, I believed that maybe they are right somewhere...Still on the hunt to find Where!

It's been two days since he asked me out & as an emotionally unavailable person, I act. I have successfully ignored him. Angel, Mani, and Dee have tried to change my mind but my stubbornness is hard to melt down. I've successfully put a smile on my face and headed to the coaching. Daddy is busy, so I'm gonna walk for around the next 20-25 minutes on summer's afternoon! Wonderful...

Apart from boiling myself from the sun's heat, I get to walk with M.A.D so more time to chat! I'm hoping to talk about anything other than Himnish. I don't want to talk about it & don't even want to think about it. I'm getting over him & there is plenty of fish in the sea he'll find another.

I checked my reflection in the mirror, High pony, Black pencil jeans with a normal grey oversized top. I tugged my top inside my jeans so my beautiful back is visible. Arrest me for self-obsession but I love my back since I lost weight!

A little lip balm on my lips and cheeks, sun screams & done! Not bad Aisha.

I picked up my bag and rushed out of my house, I'm late.

On my way to pick dee, I checked my phone to see if there were any new messages... Yup, no text or call from the past two days... Awesome.

By forcing a smile on my face I saw dee standing under the tree waiting for me.

She is wearing dark blue jeans with a white crop top. She's cute. Her height and figure are exactly what they meant to me. She's not above my height. She waved at me when she saw me on the other side of the road.

"You look cute," I said to her, making her blush. "Thanks, but not as cute as you" she giggled while complimenting me. Yup, I love compliments!

We talked for a while until we reached Mani's home to pick her up. She came rushing through from her front door, my all-black slayer girl!

"We are late!" she screamed while running towards us. " What's new? We are always late." I answered her while lowering my voice. She stopped in front of us and said, "Yaa, that's never going to change, I guess"

We all start laughing while dee and Mani both exchange a look. I scanned their facial expressions for a few seconds and finally broke their eye contact, "What's up with you two?"

They both were smiling, but not in the good one. "Nothing!" both exclaimed which made me doubt them even more. I was going to say more until Angel's name started flashing on my phone. I picked up the call while walking, dee and manu both were walking in front of me.

Angel: Did you reach your coaching yet?

Me: If you knew it's my coaching time, why are you disturbing me?

I tried to ask calmly while my eyes were on the two girls who are walking in front of me. They both glances at me and then stares at each other and giggle. That's irritating

Never hurt your friends, Aisha. Never hurt your friend...

Angel: What are you wearing? How long until you reach your coaching? Do you look good?

Never abuse your friends, Never abuse your friends

Me: OKAY! Byeeeeee!!

I cut her call. Why is everyone being weird today? If people keep getting on my nerves. I'll be in jail soon.

As I put my phone away in my backpack and looked to catch up with Mani and dee. Both were gone... Did they ditch me in the middle of the road? I looked around for a second but couldn't find them.

So, I picked up to speed and fastened my pace, I was furious & all I wanted to do was sit in the A/C in the classroom. The heat is not only boiling my body but my mind is all black now. I need to calm down. Maybe I'll find them there & then I can scold them.

I reached my coaching building, as I was going to enter through the front door I heard my name being called from behind. It was a familiar voice but I was unable to remember. Honestly, I couldn't focus on anything other than A/c

I turned around & my eyes were on the stalk...

I saw Mani and Dee standing in front of me while behind them, in this tall muscular boy. Curly hair, Chocolaty colored eyes... Himinish

"You are hard to track down" Himinish smirked while walking towards me & like an idiot I was standing there, eyes wide open. I tried to form words but everything was so blurred. My hands were shaking & my eyes were unable to blink. I thought the air got sucked out of my lungs.

He's here... How???

I couldn't believe, he can't be here... How did he know where to find me??

I was confused until it all started making sense... I looked into my friend who are now standing beside me. They both seemed happy and excited.

Angel's weird questions regarding my outfit today, Mani & Dee's suspicious looks, and giggling.

It all makes sense now They all planned it! They all freaking went behind my back...

I wasn't mad, I'm upset. Why are my friends helping him?

"Aisha?" Himinish snapped me back into reality & I turned away to see him. He was just in front of me. He's so Hot! His light chocolaty eyes, his light smile, those freaking curly hair & now his voice.

I'm so dead





Two chapters in two days, Not bad I guess! Hope you like, what you read. 

Apart from that, Himinish is in Frame now! Should I share his POV too? 

Will think about it until then share my novel, help your newbie writer in getting noticed ;)

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