Chapter- 37( You can't control me)

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I'm officially standing outside my coaching building. Staring at the building for the past 10 minutes thinking, do I need to go? I mean Mom gave me a green signal when I said I didn't want to go back... then why I'm here..? 

I received a text from Dee as well, asking what happened and all. but ya, my guilty ass couldn't reply to her back. I saw her cry because of my actions... it's hard to forget I'm broken... 

Mani has also tried contacting me and when I didn't reply. She very politely asked me where the fuck I'm?  

After yesterday, I finally got the motivation to attend coaching, okay? maybe that motivation came after Harshit's plea but still.

Himnish has legitly ignored all my text messages. which might confirm me into saying this he's ghosting me. I don't know what is his problem but with some breathing techniques. I think I'll be alright.. for now

 Anyways, now When I'm standing here.. staring at that big cream-coloured building... I'm not so sure

People are gonna talk...

They always talk

Should I run? 

How long will you fly rather than fight? 

This might not be worth it...

So you are gonna run then

Running might be a good option

You always say that 

Ya! definitely running 

I turned on my heels only to get bumped into someone's chest. His strong arms come around my waist and save me from falling. With my hands on his chest, I look up through my specs, only to find Harshit's dark eyes burning into me. My specs on the bridge of my nose, his index finger gently pulls my specs away, "They are too large for you" 

" But they are my favourite" I whisper while still being very conscious of his stronghold on my waist and the sparks that are killing me. 

He smirks and puts my specs in his back pocket," Mine too" 

My eyes widened at his reply until he beats me," Come on, we are late" he lets go of my waist and grabs my wrist. 

"Uhmm... I think I forgot my phone at home" I spoke up," I'm gonna go get it. You go on and grab a seat" Putting my thumb on the main road towards the direction of my house, I turn on my heels to get away until he raises his voice," Stop lying, I can see your phone on your jeans back pocket" 


He gives me a disappointed look and pulls me towards the stairs," Get moving Aisha" 

"Nooo" I protest while trying to punch his arm with my free hand," Leave my hand! I don't want to go" I shout while trying to pull my hand away. Although it's of no use he's too strong for his good! 

"Stop with the dramatics, Aisha" he speaks Dead seriously while he kept dragging me towards the stairs. 

His back on me and I believe it's my time to run until," Don't even think about it" 

Okay then 

He lets go of my wrist and turns towards me. He looks me up and down and nods towards the stairs," Get going"

I try my puppy eyes with him but he simply shakes his head," not gonna work on me" 

"It was worth trying" I sigh and look at him staring at me with his coldest expression, "Aisha I swear if you don't start walking on the count of 5. I will pick you up and throw your ass in that class" 

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