Chapter-13(What Rumors?)

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It's been a week since I last talked to Himnish. Sadly, I miss him a lot. I miss his smile, the way his cheeks curl up to his eyes molding them smaller than usual. I miss that comfort I felt around him, even though we always talked on texts or calls. I still felt so comfortable around him. He is my comfort zone no matter what. After facing him a few days ago, all I want is to be around him even more.

I'm stupid for being so terrified of relationships. It's Himnish one who won't hurt me ever... Should I confess my feelings and clear the air with him? I can't lose him even now my three days theory failed miserably. Did I hurt him somehow when we met? But he hurt me too! Ugh, What should I do??

I leaned my head down from my bed, examining my room while mentally I'm lost in my dreamland. It's around 4'o clock, I should be doing something productive like completing my homework. But here I'm, lying on my bed wearing my mickey mouse Pj's and cotton white shirt. Lights are switched off, so whatever light enters my room is through the windows beside my bed.

Our house is on the third floor, so outside the window, we can see the main road. Our Building is located on the main road, it's always noisy. I always wished for a more peaceful area but guess, this building location is in the middle of the city makes it a perfect spot.

My hair is running down the bed while my hands are dancing in the air above my head. I often do that to calm myself down, gradually making gestures from my dancing hands feels light and soothing to look at. In those moments, the noises around me disappear leaving me alone peacefully.

I was busy dancing with my hands in the air when my phone rang. I knew it would be me, Angel, because it's always her. She often annoys me, but I can't help it. I take my vengeance on her sometimes. Guess she is really an angel. Note my Scarsam

I picked myself up from the bed, lazily walking towards the desk on which my phone was. I picked up the phone without even looking at the caller Id. Certain, it was Angel, I blurt out,

Me- The person you are trying to reach is busy in her imaginary world. Don't try to call again since she won't be picking up anytime soon.

With that, I was about to hang up when I heard a male voice.

Himnish- I'm Guessing it is a bad time.

Shock waves passed through me and all the ease I felt a few minutes ago vanished quickly. I started walking in circles, mentally cursing myself for being too lazy to see the caller Id. I soothed my voice, stood still & finally spoke up

Me-Hiiiiiiii, I'm so sorry. I thought you were Angel because she's the only one who calls me mostly. HAHAHa... Idiot

Himnish- Hmmmso I guess I need to call more to get added to that list.

I could actually imagine him smiling, Ahhhh... that smile of his.

Me- I guess you should have thought about that one week ago

Himnish- Ohh so you noticed my absence. I liked that. I promise that won't happen again.

One step away from a Nervous Breakdown. This boy, smooth like butter with his words. I'm gonna melt.

Me- You better keep that promise, Mister. Otherwise, I won't be so merciful next time.

Himnish- Hahahaha.. okay, My Lady, thank you for your kind gesture.

I laughed a little & a familiar feeling woke up from my heart. They are warm and comfortable. I guess no matter what happens, he'll always be in my comfort zone. The one to whom I can say anything without thinking twice.

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