-3- family

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I walked through the doors and found five drinking.

"Its only 8:30? drinking already?" he sighed and took a shot.

"Diego has a kid. he wouldn't shut up last night." I sat next to him.

"Diego has a kid? how old is it."

"12?" he held his head.

"Awww you guys are around the same sta.." five gave me the 'stfu or ill bring you back to 1960.' look. "ges. anyways."

"I dont know where vanya is. lost her eariler." I nod. five and I sat in the lobby for a few hours. Klaus came by and took a drink out of fives hand. He gasped.

"Y/n! oh how I missed you!" he hugged me. "How is Ben, well their ben. is he still douche?"

"Yes, a million times yes." klaus nods as he downs the alcoholic drink.

"I see. well thats new ben for you." I sigh. I see a kid getting chased by Diego.

"Is that the kid?" five nods.


"FUCK YOU" five pours another drink.

"This is non stop." I get a text message from a random number.


<Where are you.

774-252-**** started sharing locations with you.


who is this?>

Ben. Reginald gave me your <information.

ofc he did. what do you want?>

<are you with those assholes??

uhm. yes? they are my family. >

<Ha! ok.

I ignored him. Five noticed I looked annoyed.

"Whats up?"

"Ben. hes blowing up my phone."

"Hes worried about you?" I shrug.

"He doesn't want me hanging out with you guys." klaus over heard.

"whatttttt- you've been family for over like..." he started counting on his fingers. "like 15 years." I nod.

"you guys started dating when you were 15 right?"

"how do you know that.. you weren't even there up until a few weeks ago."

"I have my ways." he took a sip of the beverage. someone walked through the doors, we turn to look. it was ben.

"Thought I'd find you here." Diego got in his face.

"and what the hell do you think you're doing here."

"move it aquaman." ben pushed through Diego. He just stood there offended.

"Come on y/n." I shook my head. he grabbed my arm and five got up.

"Okay buddy. how about you let go of her or I will deal with you myself."

"you're like 14."

"yeah and ill have you ass handed to you again." he smiled. Ben let go of me and left the hotel.

"Five ill be back later okay? just call me when everyone is back." he nods and rolls his eyes. I follow ben out of the hotel.

"Ben wait." he continued walking. I caught up with him. "Ben." he stop causing me to walk into him.

"What. arent you gonna go hangout with your family?"

"why are you acting like a dick? you pull that fucking dumb shit this morning and now you come looking for me just to get mad at me for hanging out with my friends?"

"Y/n." I kept going on about how much of a dick hes been these past day.       "Y/n." I ignored him and kept ranting until he kissed me. I pulled back shocked and he just stared at me.

"Sorry, did you cheat on the old ben because he's all you talk about."

"do you know how weird it is to see someone you love for the first time in 13 years."

"love me? I only met you yesterday."

"You know what I mean. and if we only met yesterday why did you kiss me?" he didn't say anything, he just walked away. I nod and walked back to the Sparrow academy. I sat in bens room until he got back. which was at like 8:45. he was drunk, clearly.

"Where were you?"

"suck my balls." he hiccups.

"you smell like throw up and beer." he laughed. I brought him into the bathroom. "do you think you can shower?"

"ewwww nooooo." I sigh.

"ok." I helped him get undressed up until his boxers. I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up. "I think its warm enough." I turned around and he was holding onto the sink.

"call for me if you need anything."

"okkkkk.." I left and shut the door. I sat on my phone until the door opened and he was wrapped in the towel like a little kid.

"its cold out here." I nod.

"I'll be back you change." he says ok and I leave to go get him a water. I come back and he's in bed fast asleep. I put the water on his desk and get in bed aswell. he woke up a little.

"oh im sor-"

"shhhh.." he said, he put his finger up to my lips and then slowly fell back asleep. His arm hanging off the bed. I sighed and got onto my side and went to sleep.

I was woken up by the sounds of throwing up. I sat up and saw ben in the bathroom throwing up everything from the night before. I walked into the bathroom.

"You good?" he flipped me off as he threw up again. "so did you run to a bar right after our fight and just drink all day?" he coughed.

"pretty much." he sat against the wall and his head slammed against the wall causing him to groaned and hold his head. I sat next to him.

"did we have sex last night."

"what? no?"

"well I woke up in my boxers and you were all cuddled up under the blanket. I didnt know if anything happened between us."

"no that was all you. how's the hangover?" I smiled, he flipped me off again. I noticed that the water i left was gone.

"did you eat?"

"mhm. but it came up like 10 minutes after I ate." I was staring out the door when I left a cold hand grab mine. I turn to look at Ben.


"about when i.. oh fuck.." he let go of my hand and went right back to the toilet. He started being sick in the toilet again.

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now