-5- tension.

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I sat in the back of the car listening to music while five did some calculations. I heard yelling so I took my ear buds out.


"COW KILLER!!" five ignored him.

"hes been out there for what, 20 minutes?"

"yep." Klaus kept yelling for five to start the car. I hopped in the front and started the car. five rolled his eyes and opened the passenger seat. Klaus jumped through my window and told me to drive.

"What did you do to them."

"Well they think im a crazy cow killer! and my mom died the day we were supposed to be born whi-"

"WHAT?" five told me to stop. Klaus pulled out a book and five read through it. I continued to drive home.

"This isn't good. this."

"Whats wrong?"

"All of our mothers died at the same time and a few minutes before we were supposed to be born."

"aww man, that really sucks doesn't it" Klaus frowned.

"Yes this is horrible. that means we don't exist."

"What about me?" he read through it.

"Your mom also died? but. you aren't apart of the academy.." five looked at me. he read through the book and finished just a few minutes until we got back to the hotel. five slammed the book on the table.

"Family meeting." Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Viktor sat down.

"You guys still didn't get luther?"

"What? he was missing?" Diego said. I rolled my eyes.

"Thats not our problem right now. our Mother are dead so. We shouldn't exist." five says.


"is that why Claire doesn't exist in this world." I rubbed Allison back and hugged her.

"Yes unfortunately." five cleared his throat.

"We need to find who did this." Viktor says. I nod.

"wait why is y/ns mom here?" I shrug.

"My mom didn't have me until y/bd."
(if your birthday is before theirs just act like you're a year younger) they nod.

"So why was.." five shakes his head.

"I guess I'm out of retirement." he takes the book to his room and the others leave. Viktor and I stand there as Luther walks through the door.

"Thanks guys." he looked sad. I sighed.

"Im gonna get back to the academy." Viktor nods. "go and talk to Luther." I hugged Viktor and walked to the academy. Ben had been blowing up my phone all day. I read some of the messages. he can't find Marcus, and that his cellphone just tracks back to the academy.

I opened the front door and I was greeted by Christopher.

"oh hello." he made some beeping noises so I followed him to the living room. Everyone was there.

"Marcus is missing. the umbrellas say they don't have him, which i still don't believe."

"You said that his phone tracks to here?"

"if you would let me finish." ben rolled his eyes at me. "There is something in the basement."

"So until we figure out what it is. no one is to go in the basement." fei followed up with. everyone agreed and we went back to our rooms.

I sat on the bed and waited for ben. he didn't come in. what was he doing? I pulled out my phone to text him.



<No where, fuck off.

jeez. rough day I guess? I shrugged it off and went in the shower. it was a nice shower. 30 minutes. I only got out because ben eventually came in and bitched that he had to pee, as if there wasn't 5 other bathrooms. I opened the steaming room and looked around.

"move!" he pushed through me, causing me to almost loose my towel around my chest. he slammed the door and I saw that he was painting again.


hm. I took a picture of one and sent it to five. then ben walked out.

"put some clothes on.. damn." he groaned. I shut my phone off and turned to look at him.

"Sorry." my grip on the towel slipped and ben covered me with his hand. he kept it there even after I fixed the towel. I just stared at him.

"Uh." he pulled his hand away and I gave an awkward smile. "im gonna go."

"yeah." he left the room. I didnt sound like he walked away. I shook my head and grabbed some clothes and got dressed. I opened the door and he was still there.

"you can come in now."

"I can come in whenever I want. its my room." I sighed and brushed past him. I thought we wouldve been able to be nice to each other. I stopped in the hall and went back to his room. I went to open the door but it was locked. I knocked a few times before Ben opened it, clearly annoyed.

"we need to t.." he was in the shower? his hair was freshly wet and he had a towel around his waist. The water dripping from his hair onto his chest. The loose grip of the towel. The v line...

"im trying to shower. what." I studied his body but shook myself out of it.

"call me when you're done, 'kay?" he rolled his eyes and slams the door. I sighed and walked around the academy, it was quite different from the umbrella academy. as I walked around i missed pogo. I spent a lot of years with him and now he was gone. I was being all sad until my phone rang. Ben. I declined and walked to his room. again, door was locked. I knocked and he opened it immediately.

"ok. what." I pushed him back and shut the door locking it.

"question." he made eye contact. "why do you act all big and tough? I've seen the sides of you that want to be nice, then you catch yourself and you're just an ass again?"

"its uh.. you wouldn't get it."

"ego? or something." he breaks eye contact. "figured." my hand touched the doorknob when ben pushed me against the door.

"listen. I don't even care if you still like.. old ben. I mean, he's me right? So you want to be with me? Is that why you act like that towards me." He asked me.

"what?" he just stared at me. I thought back to what Five said. I need to move on. Is this the best option, no. Could it just be for closure. Maybe.

"The way you act. It's like you like being around me but then you realize it's me and not who you truly want." He said. His hand gripping my forearm.

"It's hard, to pick apart the two. You're both so similar but also so different."

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now