-8- "Why did you kiss me."

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"So. you're my niece from an "alternate universe?" that's.."

"Weird? yeah. I thought the same thing. Well with my mom being dead I didn't know where else to go."

"Sweetheart, she died almost 30 years ago?" he had to think for a second. "it was-"

I cut him off, "the 12th hour on the first day of October 1989." he nods.

"So. why, how did you come here?" my finger twitched.

"My 'friend' and I got into a fight and saying my parent situation i had no where else to go. and I walked for like 30 minutes in the rain."

"Give him a call. ill make you some food while you do." he smiled and got up to go into the kitchen. I pulled my phone out to see i had no text messages from him. I did have a text from five asking if I was okay.


Are you alright?

don't worry about me, are you okay? he hit you pretty hard.

Im fine. It didn't even hurt that bad.

thats good.

But are you okay? you two were outside and he said something and you stormed off. Diego was gonna go after you but I stopped him.

I smiled.

"Whos got you all smiley? boyfriend?" my smile dropped.

"No, different friend."

"Sure. no friend makes you smile like that hun." he went back to his cooking. I shook my head.

just mad. Ben told me that he slept with someone else, but I dont think im allowed to get mad because we aren't together?

Well if that makes you mad your feelings aren't invalid.
Where are you? I'll come get you.

Im at my uncles house. I'll send you the address after im done eating.

my uncle placed a bowl of soup in front of me.

"That little friend of yours coming?" I nod eating some of the soup. "Alright, I was gonna go set up a bed."

"Its only 2?" he shrugged. We talked while I ate. Hes done different things here than he did in my timeline. Hes more successful here than in my previous timeline.

"Well obviously if im your uncle from a different, place? you know im.. gay right?" I nod.

"Even if you didn't come out where I was, it was very obvious." I finished up my soup and he laughed.

"All done honey?"

"Mhm! thank you it was great." he smiled and takes my bowl away. I text five the address and place my phone down.

"So the fight with the 'friend'? why?"

"Oh. well he found out this other friend of mine kissed me while I was drunk so he got mad and punched him in the face." he nods, "But then he confessed that he had sex with someone a few days before we started uhm. i dont know what to call it. so now I dont know if he even liked me? or if im allowed to get mad at him-"

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now