-10- the killing.

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"Ok." he said. I can't be mad, after what i said earlier his response is. allowed. I fell asleep and had a strange dream. it was about how the world ended. Klaus and Luther died and the umbrellas and sparrows had to save the world still. I woke up when I watched fives arm get cut off. I was breathing heavily and ben looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face. I stared at myself in the mirror. it was just a dream. right? I came out of the bathroom and ben was staring at me.

"Bad dream." he nods.

"Im gonna go to the gym."

"oh okay."

"wanna come?" I shake my head, he shrugged and walked out of the room. I didnt know what to do. I wanted to go to the hotel but if I did ben would get pissed. my phone went off.


Klaus is trying to call you, but he's just yelling 'siri call y/n' and its not working.

you want me to call him?


I sighed and went to klaus's contact calling him. it rang for a while until he finally answered.

"Oh good you called! hey can you come over to the hotel I have to watch Stanley and I don't want to watch that little shit alone."

"Hey I heard that you fuckass!"

"hurry." klaus whispered before hanging up. I grabbed some clothes and changed. I walked out of bens room and went to the gym. 

"ben?" he was at the smoothie bar.


"Klaus needs help with baby sitting so I need to go to the hotel." he placed his smoothie down staring at me.

"To help Klaus right?" I nod. "stay away from five, but have fun?" he said, I smiled and went to go put my shoes on. I texted Klaus that I was on my way and I started walking. after a nice walk I entered the hotel looking for Klaus only to find Viktor and Luther.

"Heyy y/n!"

"hey! do either of you know where Klaus and stan are?"

"they are cleaning the room i think floor 7?" I smile.

"Thanks! I'll see you two later!" they nod and I walk over to the elevator pushing the open button. i was scrolling instagram and the doors opened and I went to step on.

"y/n?" I looked up and it was five.

"oh. hey." I stood on the opposite end he was, i pressed the 7th floor and went back to my phone.

five tried to strike a conversation, "so what happened with ben this morning?"

I struggled to find words, "We talked and we're okay." Ben started texting me, asking if I was okay.

"Oh." it got real quiet and then the doors opened on floor 6. he got out and walked away. I sighed and got out on the 7th floor. I looked down the halls for Klaus and stan, I saw a cart at the end of the hall so I walked over. I knocked on the door and saw stan with a gun and klaus standing there.

"Hey you tw-" stan pulled the trigger and klaus slowly fell to the ground. I gasped and ran over to stan taking the gun away.

"where the hell did you get this??"

"I s-swear it was an accident! I got it from over h-here!" he showed me and I put it back. he wrapped his arms around me and cried, he said he was sorry about a thousand times.

"Its okay, klaus will be fine. let's just clean up the blood. okay?" I wiped the tears from his eyes and he nods.

I got some warm water and some dish detergent with a small amount of vinegar. I put some of the mixture on the stain and used a damp towel to clean it up.

"Stan is there any wet vacuums in that cart?" he shrugged, I rolled my eyes. "go look.." he nods and ran over to it. he came back a few minutes later with a vacuum. I used it to get ride of the extra moisture.

"Do you kill people?"

"what?" I let out a small concerned laugh.

"Well you know how to get ride of blood stains." I took the bloody towel and put it in the bottom of the cart.

"No I dont kill people, uh. an old friend of mine use to go on missions and he'd always be covered in blood, so I learned how to get the stains out if his clothes."

"did he kill people?"


"Sick!!" I shushed him.

"Dont be to loud. and don't tell your dad." he nods when my heart stops.

"Dont tell me what?" stan looks at me in fear, he breaks.

"I killed klaus and this lady knows how to get blood stains out!" Diego looked like he didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Klaus isn't dead, well he is but he'll come back just give it time."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then Stanley has killed someone." I smiled at Diego.

"Is he the old friend?" stan asked. I frowned.

"Old friend?" he leaned on the doorway.

"Well she said he knew how to get blood stains out because of an old friend! is that you? did you kill people when you were younger??"

"Is he talking about ben?" I nod slowly, Diego trying to change the subject. "I've killed people before, because its my job."

Stanley looked fascinated until klaus gasped for air causing us all to yell.

"oh! you killed me stanley... I trusted you.." klaus held his wound. my heart felt like it was about to explode.

"I think I just pissed myself." Stanley cried. I helped klaus up and stan was over with Diego. Klaus sat right back down.

"im quite dizzy give me a second." he sat there with his head in his hands and then stood up fast just to fall. I caught him and he claimed he was fine.

"Just lost a little bit of blood thats all."

"I know, I had to clean it."

"Aww just like you use to!!" he wrapped his arms around me squeezing me.

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now