-7- the fight.

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I woke up a few hours later, ben was still sound asleep. i woke him up so he didn't sleep the whole day. he groaned in annoyance. I gave him a few minutes to wake up before he asked me a question.

"Where did you go last night."

"Obsidian hotel. I stayed with the umbrellas. five and I drank a lot and I blacked out."

"So you're hungover?" I nod. "you take alcohol better than I do. if I were you, I'd be in that bathroom for the whole day." I laughed, he made eye contact with me and then pulled me in for a kiss. he pulled back and almost panicked. I stared at him and he was speechless.

"sorry." he frowned.

"uhm." I picked at my skin as he waited for an answer. "Its okay."

"is it the whole dead ben thing, does that still freak you out?" I shake my head. "well yesterday we almost had se-"

"I know, and I feel like id be okay if it did happen." I think.. "but I don't know if it should."

"Its been 13 years, you have to get over it." he scoffed.

"I am. I have no feelings for old ben." I felt my heart shatter as I said that. "but im still nervous, that something will happen to you."


"because, its like you cheated death."

"this isn't final destination. calm down." he got up and went into the bathroom. I sat there thinking to myself. I couldn't remember what happened last night, why did five call me Delores? was it an accident or.. no. no!

"Hey? y/n?" I looked up. "Im gonna go get something to eat, you should have something to help your stomach." I smile and nod, he leaves to go make something and I call five. he wasn't picking up so I went to go hang up when I heard him complaining.

"Five. what happened last night?"


"what happened last night."

"we had drinks and... uhm. drinks."

"thats it?" I bit my lip.

"yep. bye." he hung up, what was his deal? he was acting weird. I brushed it off and put my phone down. Ben came back with some fruits and handed them to me. we shared the plate and my phone went off. Ben pick it up and stared at it.

"Why does five keep calling you." he rolled his eyes and declined.

"that might of been important come on ben." i went to grab my phone but he pulled away. "give me my phone."

"you were out with him last night right? what happened."

"we had some drinks and talked." he nods. my phone buzzed.

"five says that you need to talk. im going with you." he threw my phone on the bed and went to get dressed. I picked up my phone and texted him back.


We need to talk, like right now.


Last night.

did something happen? because ben says he's going with me and I need to know before hand.

You can say that.


You know its nothing even that bad. Its better if you just don't go.

omg what happened?

From what I remember, I kissed you.

did I read that right. he kissed me? ben walked out of the bathroom and I looked up from my phone.

"Everything okay?" I nod with a smile. Act like i know nothing and I walk into the bathroom to freshen up. I brush my teeth and put some mascara on leaving the bathroom. Ben hands me my phone with a smile and we took the car instead of walking, because it was raining. We drove to the obsidian hotel. I opened my phone and realize I didnt answer five.


'm sorry, y/n.

what? you're joking.

Unfortunately I am not.

I need to tell ben.

We'll do it when you two get here?


he parked the car and tapped the steering wheel.

"Ben i think we need-"

"five kissed you." he stared at me before getting out of the car and slamming the door. I took off my seat belt and got out of the car.

"Ben." he ignored me. He walked through the front door and five walked up to him. I ran through the door and saw ben near five.

"Hello ben, nice to see-" ben punched him in the face and five fell back. "thats a funny way of greeting someone." five said looking at the blood dripping into his hand. Diego came running over.

"Woahh five you alright?" he helped five up.

"you know I'm great saying I just got decked in the face." they both stared at Ben.

"Ben.." he looked at his knuckles.

"When were you gonna tell me." he asked,

"I came here to tell you what happened, I found out not even a minute before you did." my voice cracked, Ben stepped towards me and Diego snapped.

"Lay one finger on her and I will fuck you up."

in the distance you could hear Stanley yell, "Yeah beat his ass!"

"Stan! get back to the room." I heard footsteps running away, "But, I will beat your ass." I shake my head and run out of the hotel. I started walking back to the academy when ben yelled my name.

"If were just gonna end things here, I need to tell you something." I stopped, my hair and clothes were soaked already. "That night I came back from the bar, I slept with someone just a few minutes before I back to the academy." I had the sudden urge to throw up. Why was it like i was reliving what Klaus told me in the car but in real time.

But I couldn't be mad, we weren't even dating but I definitely had some feelings for him.

I turned to look at him, he was staring at me. maybe waiting for a reaction. I let out a small sigh and turned to keep walking.

"So thats it?" I ignored his yelling and soon I couldn't even hear him anymore. maybe this was my fault. falling in love with a different version of my first love. I walked around the city for a while until I found a familiar building. I knocked on the door hoping he'd be there. The door opened.

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now