-12- "who's the bitch."

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as my phone rang Ben became curious, I picked my phone up and saw it was five.

"Who is it." the first word hes said in the past 2 hours. I hesitated, I showed him who it was. he looked away and sighed. "Answer it." I nod and put the phone to my ear. Ben gets up and leaves the room.

"Oh you answered."

"mhm. what's up?"

"mind asking your boyfriend why he attacked us?"

"that happened a few hours ago why are you now asking me."

"I uhm.." he didn't say anything.

"Diego already told me what happened, and I really don't want to ask him why he did it. he upset right now."

"then ask the others."

"they all just lost two siblings im not going to bother them."

"well, this was a waste of my time."

"thought you were 'officially done."

"yeah well I was until Viktor told me that..."


I heard him sigh like he was hesitant, "meet me at the coffee shop. I cant tell the others yet." he was mumbled, I went to speak when he cut me off. "Ben can come. if that's what you were going to ask."

"Actually, I was going to ask what time but alright."

"10 minutes." he hung up. I shut my phone off and went to go find ben. I looked around and found him in the gym.

"Hey." he slowed the treadmill down.


"Uh. Five wants to talk. he said you can come." ben wiped sweat from his forehead. I walked over to him.

He shook his head stopping the treadmill, "no. I can stay here. just. let me know if you need me to pick you up." he said, I nod and he gets down and turns the treadmill on again. "stay safe okay?" I was shocked but I agreed. I walked away thinking to myself, that was random. I thought he would've came with me. he's acting like old ben, what if..? I shook my head and put my shoes on.

I took a cab to the coffee shop. I got there just in time. five looked like he was about to leave until he saw me. I walked up to him.

"How long have you been here." I asked.

"I was on my way when I called you." he sat back down and the waitress came over to the counter.

"What can I get yall!"

"oh im okay thank you." I say. She nods.

"And what does your kid want?" I looked at five, I was trying not to laugh.

"He wants coffee. black." the lady looked at me and then him walking off. five rolled his eyes.

"so. why did you want me to come here?"

"Well you said Diego told you about what happened at the hotel."

"mhm." the waitress came back with a cup and poured his coffee. he took a sip as she walked away.

"Harlan. Hes the reason our Mother are dead."


"Viktor told me right before I left. he said Harlan saw the book and got mad at Viktor." I tried to process what he just told me.

"how.." I managed to get out, five shrugged. I felt tears in my eyes. even if my mom didn't have me in this time era, it still would be nice to know shes okay.

"I think he knows how, but." he took another sip of his coffee. "didn't tell me." I just stared at the counter picking at the skin on my fingers. "y/n.." I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Im gonna go.." my voiced cracked. I got up from my seat and went outside. my breaths got heavy. I took my phone out and called ben. he didn't answer, I called him again. he finally picked up.

"Ben. come get me."

"Can't. im busy."

I couldn't really hear him, the background was quite loud. "Ben please.." he hung up. "ben..?" I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at the call ended on my screen. I took a breathe trying to calm down. Five came out.

"You okay? you ran out of there pretty fast." I shook my head slowly. he gave me a side hug. "im sorry." I sat on the edge of the sidewalk. five sat next to me. I stared at my call list.

"everything okay?" I looked at him.

"He uhm." I cleared my throat. "before I left he told me to call him if I needed a ride back. I called him so he would come pick me up but, he didn't answer and then when he did answer he said he couldn't and hung up." he took my hand and I look at it, he pulled away after a few seconds.

"I think bens coming back." I looked back up at five. he looked confused. "when I asked him if he wanted to come he didn't give a Sparrow ben answer, if he did. he'd be here."

"So you think our ben is slowly coming back." I nod.

"Sometimes he acts like him and it makes me smile, but then he just... right back to. ben." five got up. I looked up at him.

"Lets go walk around." I agreed and he helped me up. We walked around and talked, I think the tall we had cleared things up so it wouldn't be as awkward. I was glad. We passed a club and I looked inside. I turned away and stop. five turned to me.

"You alright?" I looked back inside and I saw ben.

"Next rounds on Christopher!" it was muffled but I heard him clearly. the girls around him cheered. I took my phone out and called him. I stared at him. he picked up his phone and looked at it, I watched him flip it over and take a shot. I went inside and five followed.

"Hey no kids!" the bouncer yelled.

"Hes here with me." he held his hand out looking for some id. I took it out of my wallet and handed it to him. he looked at it and then me.

five spoke, "I know William. He knows me. We go way back."

"You know my boss?"

"longer than you've been alive." the bouncer looked around and handed me my id and let us in.

five got close to my ear so id hear him. "Okay now that I've threatened someone why are we here?" i looked in bens direction, five soon found him.

"What a dick." he yelled.

"yeah." I walked over to the bar and ordered two shots. five walked over to me. I handed him a shot.

"This is new."

"not really." i took the shot placing the glass down.

"Well normally im the one giving the shot to you." he also took it and placed it down. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. The girl next to him was a little to close. five ordered another two shots. We both took them. He groaned. Ben put his arm on the back of the booth and the girl got closer.

"Ugh. never gonna get use to that." he made strange noises as he took the glass out of my hand. I took my phone out and called ben again. I watched them smile at each other and then he picked his phone up. He finally answered.


"Who's the bitch."

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now