18. the end.

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I laid in his arms and we talked for a few minutes. just about random things like his childhood. what my parents were like. he wanted to meet his real parents.

"if we some how make it out of here. im gonna go find them."

"really?" he nods.

"we should go back downstairs." i agree and put the dress back on. when we got back to the hall ben and I went our separate ways. he went to get some drinks with klaus and I sat with five. he was holding his head.

"my head is killing me." he slurred.

"do you want me to go grab you something?"

"no, ill handle it." he sighed and stood up. "everyone's outside we should join."

"sure why not." I stood up fixing my dress.

"but first. a drink." I rolled my eyes and followed him over to the bar. where I found klaus and ben. it was nice seeing the two of them together again. five pours him and I a drink.

"I told you, you have old ben in you!"

"no.. im my own ben. a better ben."

"we should leave before they start bickering." I whispered to five. he agrees and we head outside with our drinks.

"heyyy!" Luther and Sloane greeted us.

"hey you two!" we sat down and stared at the sky eating away at its self. we drank a little more and just talked. Viktor sat next to me.

"I talked to Allison." he mumbled.

"how'd it go?" he went quiet. "oh. im sorry Viktor."

"its fine. I mean I tried." I nod. Klaus and ben came out.

"hey guys its new ben."

"booo!" Diego yelled. lila slapped him.

"no hes the new ben not the old asshole you guys know. hes.. hes apart of the family!" they both said.

"alright fine." Luther agreed. Klaus and ben cheered. five stood up and started gagging.

"im gonna puke." he mumbled and he walked out of the room.

"karaoke anyone?" klaus asked.

"thats my cue." Viktor spoke and stood up leaving.

"bye vik." soon it was Luther Sloane and I.

"y/n we're going inside, want to join?"

"no, im okay."

"alright see you tomorrow honey!" Sloane said going back inside. the sky looked kind of pretty? in a way. i went back inside. i saw ben and klaus playing pool. I sat down on a chair, i watched them drink and throw pool balls at each other. I shut my eyes and drifted off.

when I woke up klaus and ben were still asleep. I tried to clean up even though it didn't really matter. I dropped a pool ball and woke the two of them up. they groaned in pain. probably from headaches.

ben got off the table and looked for his other shoe.

"hes like the old ben y/n." I sat on the side of one of the tables and ben turned around.

"no no no. im my own person. I am not that asshole." they started to bicker again.

"well technically, you are him."

"please dont start this. its too early." I complained. they agreed and I went to go find something to eat. I entered the kitchen and turned the light on to find five. they light woke him up and he banged his head.

"five?" I ran over to him and helped him down. "why were you.."

"don't ask. i don't know." he held his head and almost fell over. he grabbed onto my shoulder. he sat down and groaned in pain.

"I had a weird dream. if it was a dream.. Reginald was planning something, he was.. talking to someone?"


"I cant remember." I nod.

"let's go get you some water." I helped him to the lobby and grabbed him a water bottle from the counter. he groaned as he laid his head down on the bar. i could still hear ben and klaus arguing.

"please.. shut them up. I. I can't hear them breathe." five cried.

"they'll stop in a little."

"ill blow my brains out in a little." he mumbled. i just stared at him not knowing if he was joking or not. i awkwardly laughed and jumped over the bar.

the morning wasnt that bad it was quiet. Luther and Sloane wanted to throw another party. we all agreed.

"y/n. I need you talk to you."

"ok." we went into the next room and he sighed.

"i remember who Reginald was talking to last night." I stared at him.



then we heard Sloane scream bloody murder. we all ran up to Reginalds sweet. we all gasped as she held Luther's lifeless body in her arms. she sobbed and we all just stared at each other.

"do something!" she cried. i looked at Diego as he shook his head. I sighed and Reginald ran into the room.

"what happened?!" he spoke.

"something killed luther." Sloane voice broke.

"must've been that thing that almost killed us. the slash marks.." Diego said. five elbowed me and we turned to Reginald.

"we need to fight that thing." ben mumbled.

"we don't have much time guys." lila screamed. "its.. disappearing."

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now