-13- Ben.

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"What?" he got up from the booth.

"Who's. the. bitch." I yelling into the phone.

"Uh.. can you put the drinks on my tab." five said.

"Five right?" he nods. "see you next week hun." he smiles.

"What are you talking about." I hung up on him and walked out. Five followed me. We went to the hotel. I really didn't want to go home. Five and I sat in the buffet area. Diego came over.

"nice to see my two favorite people hanging out again." he paused. "Whats wrong?" he sat down.

"Ben." five said.

"You two.. uh again?" I glared at him. Diego quickly changed the subject. "So five. uh how was meeting future.. past.. you?"

"it was horrible thanks for asking."  I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Hows my lovely girlfriend doing?" I turned to her.

"hi lila."

"hey I got her pregnant and now she had my kid." Diego tried to flex.

"Yes Diego we know your boys swim fast." she turns to five.



"Who wants sushi?" she clapped her hands together in excitement. I stood up and we went over to the table. she sat down and just started eating straight from the spots. I sat next to her.

"Stan isn't diegos." she said as she at the fish.

"Excuse me?"

"Hes my friends. im watching him, but I wanted to see what kind of dad he would be." she grab a few things that passed by us.

"Im actually pregnant, don't tell him." she stuffed her mouth. I slowly nod. "how do I tell him."

"uhm. well I don't really know but I guess if he's just.. suspicious tell him?" she thought about it.

"the world's ending anyways so there's no time to be a mom." I grabbed a plate of rice that went by.

"Unless we actually SAVE the world this time. no more time shit." I ate some of it.

"five and I couldn't think of anything. so we're all doomed." I nod and continued to eat my food. lila took some from my plate, then she took the plate. I shrugged. I looked over and saw five on the phone. he hung up and placed the phone down. that was my phone. I got up and walked over to him.

"what was that."

"i don't know what you're talking about." I opened my phone, ben called.

"Diego. what did he say." he tapped the table. five shook his head.

"he asked about Jayme and Alphonso."

"god damn it diego!"

"Five!?" he shrugged.

"I didnt.. he lying." I looked at Diego and he was rapidly shaking his head. I put my phone in my pocket and went to leave.

"Where are you going?" five asked.

"to the.." I sighed. "five come on." he turned to me.

"we are going back to the club."

"you two went to a club?"

"shut up diego." five grabbed his hat and we left.

"Why are we going back?"

"we arent. we are going to the academy." he stopped.

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant