Crowley's Daughter

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A middle age man stood at a crossroads beneath a turnpike and buried a small box. As he stood up he heard a voice from behind him.
"Mr.Pendleton I presume." A man with a Scottish accent spoke. "Names Crowley."
The man looked at the demon before him a bit confused.
"I-in my negotiations I was speaking to a very young and attractive lady." He stuttered.
"Yes. I know. My daughter is a sight. But you Piggy Banker are a real big fish and I wanted to do you the honor of dealing this deal. Personally."
"She said the deal would be sealed with a kiss." Mr.Pendleton said sheepishly.
"That's right." Crowley said with a smirk.
"No. I mean. She was-"
"It's up to you. You can cling to 6 decades of homophobia. Or. Give it up and get a complete bailout for your bank."
"There are things that I just can't-"
"Going once"
"I don't think-"
"Going twice."
"Okay fine!" He shouted and with with they locked lips.
"See you in 10 years." Crowley said as the business man walked away.
He returned to his lair which for now was just some rich guys home. Warded against angels and anything else he could think of.
"Thought you said you were done taking my deals." A young woman's voice spoke up. He sighed and turned to see his daughter. Long red-orange hair and fair skin with arms crossed.
"Come on poppet, you know I have to take all the big name deals. I am the king of the crossroads after all." He told her as he walked to the small bar and poured himself a drink. She scoffed.
"I worked hard to get him to take a deal!"
"And by work hard you mean fluttering your pretty little eyelashes and flashing your cleavage?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Doesn't matter. His soul was mine to take not yours." She argued. He sat down in a leather recliner and sighed.
"You can have the next big one Hilda."
"Promise?" She asked from her seat at the other side of the room.
"Yes dear,I promise."
"Good. Because I'm not a kid anymore. Im just as good as you at dealings." She said standing up and going to make herself a drink.
"Oh,I don't disagree." She poured a glass of whisky and sat on the couch near him and took a swig. Crowley turned the tv on and they sat and relaxed for a bit before the power went out, leaving only the fireplace lighting the room. They both got up and walked out of the room toward the long hallway.
"It's Crowley right?" One of the boys asked. The tall one with good hair,Sam.
"So the hardy boys finally found me?" Crowley asked. "Took you long enough." He stopped and looked down. Hilda waved her hand and flipped the rug over slightly.
"A devils trap?" She asked with a chuckle. The boys stood there slightly shaking. Sam standing there and the shorter one,Dean, holding a shotgun.
"Do you have any idea how much that rug costs?" Crowley asked annoyed. Hilda held out her hands and stopped the boys from moving so two lower level demons could grab them. Crowley pulled the colt from his waist and held it up. "So this is it? What it's all about?" He asked as he pointed it toward the boys. He moved slightly and shot both demons in the head leaving them standing there. "Let's talk. Privately." He said and walked back toward a room.
"Don't try anything stupid either." Hilda added as they followed. Once she got into the room she sat in a chair behind a desk as her father spoke.
"Do you have any idea how far I could have buried this thing? There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists at all. Except that I told you."
"You told us?" Sam asked.
"Through the grapevine. Through low level demons."
"Why tell us anything?" He asked.
"I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face."
"Uh-huh. Okay and why do you want the devil dead?" Dean asked in a gruff voice.
"It's called survival. But I forgot you two are at best functioning morons."
"Yeah well, you're functioning... Morons." Dean stuttered making Hilda chuckle.
"Lucifer isn't a demon remember? He's an angel famous for his hate of human kind."
"He's also just a fucking asshole." Hilda added.
"That as well."
"But he created you." Sam spoke.
"To him were just servants. Cannon fodder. His play things. If he manages to exterminate humankind. Demons are next. So, help me. Help us. Go back to simpler times. Where we follow our natures. I'm in sales damn it." Crowley set his drink down and picked up the colt. "What do you say? Take this and go kill the devil." Sam slowly reached out and took it from him.
"You wouldn't happen to know where the devil is would you?"
"Thursday. He has an appointment in Carthage Missouri." Hilda spoke as she stood up.
"Great." Sam said before pointing the colt at Crowleys head and pulling the trigger. Nothing. It was empty.
"Need ammo huh boys?" Hilda asked holding the bullets in her hand.
"What happens if we lose?" Dean asked.
"One he's gonna kill us all anyway. Two after you leave here my daughter and I go on an extended vacation to nowhere. And three. How about YOU DONT MISS?! Okay?!" He shouted. Hilda put the bullets into a small satchel and tossed it toward them. Crowley quickly vanished leaving Hilda there for a moment.
"Yeah, don't miss. If it was up to me, I'd shoot that fucker in the face myself." And with that she was gone as well.
The brothers stood there for a moment before leaving.
"Do you trust them that much?" Hilda asked he dad.
"Don't have much of a choice Poppet. And I'd rather them die then you."
"Fine. But we have to keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't do anything dumb."
"From a distance. I have demons posted. Don't worry." Hilda nodded.

It has always been her and her dad. Even when they were humans. Her mother was a whore who dumped Hilda at her fathers doorstep after giving birth to her. Crowley was a shitty human and a lack luster father in life but in death. In death he worked his way up to becoming a Demon and took his daughter with him. They were one hell of a team in Hell and soon they became top crossroad demons. Crowley known as the king of the crossroads and Hilda the princess. No one dared mess with them. But their notoriety caught the eye of Lucifer. And Hilda's looks caught something else. For a few decades Hilda and Lucifer were an item. They were the power couple known in heaven and hell. Both sides feared them and it was good for a long while until Lucifer got locked away. Then when he was released he was different and not a good different. Sure Hilda was a demon but even then she could only take so much and they had a very messy ending. She didn't like to think about it but at the same time she couldn't stop. Part of her loathed him and wanted him dead yet the other longed for what they used to be.
While Crowley wants Lucifer dead for self preservation he also wants that bastard to pay for hurting his daughter. Hilda would also love to see Lucifer begging for his life,especially at the hands of a human let alone a Winchester.


I've had this head cannon in my brain for a long time. I just figured it was time for me to actually write it. I know the shows been over for a bit now but I always rewatch it and I'm sure lots of people do too 😂

So if you guys could rate and comment letting me know what you think that'd be great!
Thanks again for reading :)

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