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Weeks went by and Dean was still domesticated. Sam and I have actually been working some cases due to how boring Hell has been. Well, more like everytime I decided to pop in he was in the middle of a case. This time something was killing parents and taking babies. I zapped in a bit late and Sam was in a house.
"Hey, I miss the party?" I asked looking at the dead and bloody parents on the ground on what looked like their living room. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Sam holding a baby. "Ewe." I said walking over and looking at it.
"It's just a baby," Sam said.
"Yeah but. They freak me out." He laughed. "Now what? I don't know how to take care of that thing. Do you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Dean raised you. You think he'd help?" I asked.
"Worth a shot. Find a car seat or something for it. I'll call Dean."
"You can't Boss me around Sam." I said crossing my arms.
"Then hold it and I'll look for one." I looked at Sam then the baby.
"Gross. No. I'll look for the damn seat." I said and walked off. I walked around the house a bit and eventually found one. I grabbed it and walked back over to Sam. "This it?" I asked and he nodded getting off the phone.
"Yeah. Let's go. We're meeting Dean." I nodded and followed Sam to the car. He strapped the baby in and I went to sit in the front seat but he stopped me.
"What?" He looked at me then to the back seat. "Oh fuck no. I'm not sitting by that thing. I'll drive you sit back there!"
"Can you even drive?" He asked making me scoff.
"I'm over 300 years old. You think I can't drive?" He eyed me a bit before tossing me the keys and getting into the back seat. "That's what I thought. Asshole." I got in the car and drove to where we were meeting Dean. I parked and we waited about five minutes before he pulled up. He got out and walked over
"Hilda? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"You're boring now. So I hang out with Sam." I told him. I swear I saw a little twitch in his eye when I said that. He walked past me and to back car door then opened it to see the baby. He looked up at us.
"The hell?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's gross isn't it?" I asked.
"No, it's just a baby. I mean what the hell are we gonna do with it?" He asked and I shrugged. "Well, we need to get some supplies."
"I have an arsenal in the trunk." Sam said and Dean shook his head.
"Not that kind. Go to the nearest grocery store." He said.
"You got it. I'll drive. Mr.Mom can sit in the back with the little monster." I said getting into the drivers seat. Following Deans instructions I pulled into the grocery store and parked. We got out and Dean grabbed the baby. We grabbed a cart with a baby seat build in and he strapped it down. Sam grabbed the cart and Dean led the way. We followed him down the baby aisle as he looked around.
"So, we need that stuff to put on its butt after your change it." He said and I grabbed a box off the shelf.
"Butt paste?" I asked showing it to him.
"Sounds right to me. Throw it in the cart." I shrugged and dropped it in. The baby started whining and Sam and I looked at Dean. "Shit. We got about ten minutes before that baby starts screaming."
"Gross," I said looking at it. Dean started grabbing things and tossing them in the cart.
"Sam. Make your way to the line. Hilda and I will grab a few more things."
"Got it," he said and made a beeline to the checkout. Dean tossed some things into my arms and motioned for me to go toward Sam and the baby. It wasn't hard to find them because the baby was screaming. Dean and I caught up to them and threw our things on the register belt.
"The fuck do we do?" I asked looking at Dean.
"I don't know. I don't speak baby." He said unclipping it and holding it out awkwardly. He started crying back at the baby and I rolled my eyes.
"Just give the nasty thing to me." Dean eyed me before he hesitantly handing the baby to me. I cradled it in my arms and started to sway.   The crying slowly stopped.
"You make a lovely mother," and older women behind us said. "Let me hold him for a bit. You seem tired."  I looked back and gave her and awkward smile before realizing. She went to grab the baby from me and I yanked it back.
"Fuck off," I said making Dean nudge me. He turned to the camera screen and saw it's eyes. She went to grab for the baby again and I kicked my leg out hitting her in the gut. Sam grabbed the bags Dean held her back and I ran out. Sam threw the stuff in the back seat and I sat back there hooking the baby in the seat. Dean ran out and into the passenger seat and Sam peeled out of the parking lot.
"The hell was that?" Dean asked.
"Shapeshifter I think." I said leaning back in the seat.
"We need to get off the road. Make sure it's not following us." Dean said. Sam agreed. We pulled into a motel and got a room. Dean was taking care of the baby while I sat on the other bed. He was walking around humming a song to the baby they named Bobby John. Eventually Dean got him to sleep.
"Wow. You're not terrible at that." I said with a laugh.
"Yeah well I've had to learn. Sink or swim" he said. I shrugged and leaned back onto the bed. Sam and Dean spoke about what to do next. Eventually Sam left and Dean stayed with the baby and me.
"It's fun watching you be Mr.Mom," I said with a chuckle.
"Oh yeah? You weren't too bad with him either," he complimented and I shrugged.
He laid down next to me and sighed.
"How's the settled down life? Still the same? Other then your crippling paranoia something's chasing them?" He let out a long sigh. "You know Sams right. You can't just keep moving them around."
"Shut up," he said closing his eyes. I heard a weird noise then a splat. Dean sat up and we looked toward where the baby was. Skin was all over the walls and Dean slowly walked over and looked at it. He picked him up and he changed into a whole different baby. He went from Caucasian to African American.
"Well, that means the shifter is its dad. Right?" I asked.
"Apparently," he said. Dean gave Bobby John a quick bath but it wouldn't stop screaming. Eventually someone knocked and asked to come. Make sure everything was alright. After Dean refused to let them in the door knob jiggled. He handed the baby to me before grabbing his gun and opening the door. It was the shifter using a cop. Dean was fighting him and I pushed him back. Sam walked in and shot him.
We grabbed the baby and drove off.
"I didn't even know shifters had babies," Sam said as he drove.
"Everything can have babies Sam. Even Demons." I said looking at the baby as it played with my hands. The boys argued what to do with the baby. Sam suggested Samuel but Dean wasn't sure. He was a hard core hunter after all.
"I mean. I can ask my dad," I chimed in.
"Samuel it is," Dean said as they kept driving. Eventually we got to their little base and walked in. Dean protectively holding the baby in his arms. After a bit Sam and Samuel walked out.
"Hilda," Samuel said with a node before looking at Dean. "Hand him over," Dean looked at him.
"I got him,"
"What do you think I'm going to do?"
"You don't want me to answer that question."
"Dean, they haven't killed me yet. I think it's fine," I told him. He slowly handed the baby to Samuel.
"So what are you gonna do with him?" He asked.
"Raise him," Samuel responded. "It's dangerous out there for him,"
"And what about in here?" Dean asked. "What are you gonna study him? Poke at him?"
"Your mind goes right to torture," a man spoke up. "Don't assume that for everyone."
"What exactly are you trying to say?" Dean asked walking toward him.
"Sorry, I heard about what you majored in, down in the pit. Now you're here buddy buddy with a demon,"
"The hells your problem man?" Dean asked getting more aggravated.
"You're starting to become a pain in my ass," he said walking toward Dean. My eyes went black ready to throw him down when Sam walking between him and us.
"Take it easy. Both of you. Hilda." He said making me sigh and blink my eyes back to their natural green color.
They had another argument about the baby. He handed it to the guy who tried to start shit. Before we could argue the dogs outside started going nuts. Samuel handed the baby back to Dean and told him to go to a panic room. I stayed up to help. The shifter came in as Samuel. A few tried to kill it but they ended up dead. He looked toward me.
"Hilda. Princess. What are you doin here? With hunters?" He asked with a smirk. My eyes went black and I got ready to fight.
"Wouldn't you like to know," I said with a smirk.
"Looks to me like the rumors are true. You're hanging out with the winchesters. Getting all buddy buddy with them," I growled and went after him. We fought for a good while. He did his best but I was better. I threw him into a wall and went to walk toward him to finish him. When I got close he hit me and threw me back harder and stronger then he had. He was stronger then a regular shifter. He used that moment to run toward the baby. I zapped down in front of the doorway to the panic room. Sam on the ground and Dean as well. The shifter wearing dean was holding the baby. He smirked as he walked up to me.
"Like the new suit?" He said with a wink.
"Let me go. Or I kill the baby,"
"You wouldn't,"
"Oh I would. I could make more." I eyed him a bit before moving to the side.
"You're the alpha," he turned and smirked at me.
"I am. I would have been long dead from our fight if I wasn't," he walked up and out of the base. I let out a long sigh.
"Fuck," Dean slowly came to as he looked toward me. "Sorry Dean," I said before zapping put back to my home.
"Have fun with the boys?" My dad asked.
"It was. Interesting," I told him and he nodded.
"Alright then,"


Dean and babies are just so fun! He gives off crazy uncle vibes and I'm here for it lol.
As always please rate and comment if you enjoyed :)

The Demon Nextdoor(Dean x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora