Good Dog

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The next morning I sat in the bed next to Deans. Sam had went out about an hour ago so it was just Dean and I. I watched as he slept. He was on his front arms and legs spread out all over the bed. He was either really trusting of me or really stupid to let himself be that vulnerable.
The door to the room opened to reveal Sam. Dean stirred a bit before sleepily looking over toward Sam.
"You didn't sleep?" Dean asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Oh yeah. You don't sleep."
"So. The werewolves have basically gone wild. Right. Whoever they hate. They kill when they wolf out. So I've been connecting the victims and I think I found the common denominator." Sam told us. "So let's go." He tossed Dean his badge and the tossed one to me. I opened it and saw a fake ID Badge.
"Awe. You made me one?" I asked with a laugh.
"Kinda need one if your tagging a long." Sam said with a smile as he packed his bag.
We pulled up to this brick house and walked up. The boy in their suits and I was in my normal clothes. Dark skinny jeans, a white top and black leather jacket. We walked up and Sam knocked. A woman holding a small boy answered the door.
"Can I help you?" She asked. We all held up our badges and Dean spoke.
"Is Cal Garrigan home?" He asked her. "We have some questions we have to ask him."
"Yeah. Come in," she said and let us is. "Sorry for the mess," she said clearing the kitchen table of the toys that were all over it. "Please. Sit," the boys sat and I leaned against the wall. I glanced down at the dog near me. A German Shepard. It sniffed my hand and I lightly pet his head. I helped train the hellhounds so I naturally liked dogs. Especially big ones like this guy. He leaned into my pet before laying near me feet.
"So, Cals your boyfriend. Right?" Sam asked.
"That's right." She answered.
"Where is he?"
"Sleeping. I think,"
"We'll tell him to get up. He has guests." I spoke. She looked at me and nodded as she went to get him but he stumbled in.
"Cal," she spoke "these are-"
"Agents. Colt,Wilson and Smith." Sam answered.
"So. What's this?" He asked getting a cup of coffee.
"Our late last night Cal?" Dean asked.
"Just some beers with some friends. You know."
"How many's a couple?" Dean asked.
"Three. Maybe four tops."
"If all you had was beer why are you sweating vodka?" I asked looking at him.
"What's this really about?" He asked looking at us.
"We're investigating the death of Ronald Gerrigan." Sam said.
"My brother? I thought it was an animal attack."
They spoke a bit about the brothers relationship. I watched as Sam argued back with Cal. Things got a bit heated and Dean noticed. He thanked them for their time and we left. So later that night we followed him around town. Three bars,a strip club and now another dive bar.
"Damn. No wonder he had a hangover earlier." I said watching through the window. We sat there all night but nothing.
"Let's re attack this in a few hours," Dean said with a yawn. Sam and I looked at each other then nodded. Out of the three of us Dean was the only one that needed sleep. We got back to the Motel and Dean crashed. He only got about an hour of sleep before Sam and I heard a death in the police scanner. At the last place we were watching Cal at. We headed out and back to the spot. It was Cal.
"Guess it wasn't him," I said watching as the poultice bagged the body.
"That means there's only one person left," Sam said. "Mandy. So can you do it?" He asked Dean.
"Do what?"
"Shove her in the trunk and take her to Crowley." He said taking Dean back a bit.
"Yeah. Sam I can do it," he said and Sam nodded walking toward the car.
"Damn. Soulless Sam is heartless isn't he? She has a kid and everything." I said standing next to Dean.
"Let's go," he said and I shrugged as I followed.
We drove right over to her house but saw her maybe a block away walking the dog. Lucky I think he name was.
We got out and slowly walked over.
"Ma'am," Dean spoke.
"Agents. What is it?" She asked.
"No one called you yet?" I asked her.
"About what?" She asked. Dean sighed and told her we should go inside. When we got in her house we all sat down and Dean broke the news. The boys sat at the table and I stood by the dog, petting him. Her kid had the flu so she was home all night. It couldn't have been her. I felt a small lick on my hand and I looked down at the dog.
"Don't worry boy. She's staying here," I whispered. Dean spoke to the kid and she was home all night with him. We got out and they were arguing. Sam wanted to take Mandy and Dean wanted more proof.
"Listen Sam. You have to be 100% sure. If you waste my dads time and bring him some rando claiming she's the alpha. He's gonna be pissed AND keep your soul." I told him. He sighed.
"Fine. You two go check out the crime scene I'll stay here watch the house,"
"No. How about Hilda and I stay here and you go to the scene." Dean said making Sam scoff.
"I know how to do my job Dean, I'm just going to watch her. Trust me," he said. Dean and I looked at each other then I shrugged.
"Fine." Dean agreed.
Nothing was at the crime scene that was weird so we went back to the motel. I took a quick shower and walked out to see Dean looking at home phone. I glanced over his shoulder to see him hovering over Lisa's name.
"You're still not over that bitch?" I asked. "Especially after last night?" I asked him with a wink. Before he could respond his phone rang. It was Sam. I only heard Deans side but he said it was a Skinwalker and my eyes widened.
"The dog!" I said and Dean looked at me and kept talking to Sam. We met Sam at at Animal hospital and walked in. Dean said the dog was out and they let us back to see him. Dean went right to showing him the silver bullets.
"Dean stop," I told him as I knelt down and put my finger in the cage. "We're busting you out Lucky. Just play along. For me?" I asked him with a wink. He barked and he followed me right out and into the car. Dean had me put a silver chain around him and we went back to the motel. He turned back into a man and Sam tied him in a chair.
"You got us stumped Lucky," Sam said. "Why stay with a family? Is it a kinky thing. You like to play with your food? Huh? Speak." Sam teased as he picked up a knife. "Start talking before I start taking chunks of dog."
"Wait Sam." I said walking toward him. The man looked up at me. "I get it. You were protecting them. Right?" I asked tracing my finger along his arm. "You took out every threat to them, like a good boy." I told him. He took in a deep breath as he watched me. "But what about that guy you were talking with. He a skin walker too?"
"I. I can't say anything." He stuttered.
"Oh sweetheart. If you don't that kid and woman are going to have targets on their backs. You don't want that. Do you?" I asked flashing my black eyes. I could hear his breath hitch in his throat.
"Yeah. That guys. He's whatever I am. But there's more. About 30 of them. I was recruited off the street. Told me I'd be strong and fast."
"Sniffing butts. A real step up," Dean said getting up.
"It was for me..." the man spoke as I turned my eyes back to normal. We spoke some more and eventually got to the just of what was going on. Dean talked him into helping us. Dean decided to take the pack leader out and was sitting pretty far on a rooftop with a sniper. Eventually a SUV pulled up to Lucky and a bunch of men got out. Then the boy and his mom.
"Oh shit," I said watching. "Guess it's plan B?" I asked.
"We got one of those?" Dean asked. "Let's go," he said. I smiled.
"Yes. Finally some action!" I said excitedly as we ran toward the building. We got in and the boys started shouting. I walked out and felt a few shots hit my chest.
"We'll that's uncomfortable," I said, my eyes going black and I twisted my wrist breaking their necks. Their bodies fell to the ground with a thud. Sam and I took out the ones around us and Dean focused on the bigger guy. I heard two shots from across the building and zapped toward it. Lucky was on the ground and the big guy was down. I motioned for him to go and he did. Just then Sam came around the corner with his gun draw.
"He's gone. Sam. Let's get these people out of here." I told him. He put his gun back in his holster and nodded.
We walked back to the Impala and I looked at the boys.
"Give me a call when you guys find something alpha related. And I'll find you if my dad finds anything." I told me.
"So you're leaving?" Dean asked me making me cock an eyebrow.
"Yeah. Do you really want me hanging around?" I asked.
"Not really," Sam said and I laughed.
"Fine with me. See you around boys," I said as I zapped back to Hell.
"Just in time Poppet. You can help with paper work," my dad said.
"No thanks." I told him.
"No alpha?" He asked.
"Nope. Just some skin walkers," I told home. He nodded and looked back down at his papers.


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