Demons and Winchesters

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My dad went out to talk to the Winchesters friend as I stayed back in our new little hideout. Which was better then our last.
"Did it work?" I asked when he got back.
"Yeah. After he ruined my suit." He said making me looking at all the holes. I laughed.
"Fair enough I guess."

The next day we zapped into Bobby's house while the boys were there. My dad was a huge fan of perfect timing and putting on a little show. He popped up in the kitchen and I did sitting on the desk. They noticed me first and looked surprised.
"Hilda?" Sam and Dean asked. I smiled.
"I barely helped." My dad spoke making them turn around. "Hello boys. Pleasure. Go head and tell them. There's no shame in it." The boys looked back.
"Tell us what?" Sam asked.
"Worlds ending. No need to get worked up about one soul." Bobby spoke.
"You sold your soul?!" Dean shouted.
"'More like pawned it. I fully intend on giving it back." My dad told them.
"So give it back!" Dean shouted.
"Did you kiss him?" Sam asked. "Just wondering." We all looked at him.
"No!" He shouted then my dad cleared his throat holding up his phone. The picture of them kissing shining brightly. "Why'd you take a picture?!"
"Why'd you use tongue?"
"Alright I'm sick of this." Dean said standing up. "Give him his soul back. Now."
"Sorry. I can't."
"Can't or won't?"
"Won't. It's insurance. You kill demons. This way you cant kill me or Hilda. At least not until all this is over with. Do we understand each other!" My dad shouted. They all nodded. "Good. Now go get the last bloody ring."  The boys sighed and started getting ready. I looked down at Bobby.
"I had to kiss him?" He asked. I laughed.
"My dad likes having a personal connection with his clients." I grabbed the news paper that was on the desk. "Shit." I grabbed it and zapped out to the car. "Look at this." I said handing it to Sam. He read it out loud.
"Okay. And?" Dean asked.
"Really? You two are so gommy. Brady. He's the VP of distribution for Niveus. Soooo..."
"They we're planning on using the vaccine to spread the virus." Sam said.
"Bingo. So you two better pack everything. Because if you don't stop this we're gonna be overrun by zombies come Thursday."
Rest of the day was used packing shit up. Dean was taking a break and I decided to sit next to him. He glanced at me then to the beer in his hand.
"Ready for this Winchester?" I asked.
"Don't have much of a choice." He said taking a swig of his drink.
"Guess you're right." I leaned back and put my feet up on the coffee table. "You gotta tell me what Death is like. Never had the pleasure to meet him."
"I'm sure he'll be pleasant as punch." He scoffed. I glanced over at him.
"Loosen up Dean. So what if you die. You always come back anyway."
"I guess." He said finishing his beer. He was kinda cute, for a human. Dean put the beer glass down on the table and stood up. "Im going out to help."
"Whatever." I said with a yawn.


The sun has set and the darkness had settled in on Bobby's little scrap yard. Sam,Dean,Cass and Bobby all wished each other good luck before Hilda and Crowley showed up. Crowley handed Dean a small Scythe.
"Deaths own. Rumor has it that it can kill death himself." Crowley told him.
"How did you get that?" Castile asked.
"Hello, King of the crossroads. Well, shall we?" He asked before looking over at Bobby. "What. Are you just gonna sit there?"
"No, I'm gonna river dance." He responded sarcastically.
"I suppose if you want to impress the ladies. Bobby. You really wasted that crossroads deal. Fact you get more if you phrase it correctly. Lucky for you I added a Tiny sub A clause on your behalf. What can I say? So again. Just gonna sit there?" Crowley asked. Bobby hesitantly stood up.
"Son of a Bitch." Bobby said in disbelief.
"Yes I know. Completely worth your soul. I'm a hell of a guy."
"Alright. Then can we go?" Crowley asked and he turned,Hilda following closely.
"That was. Kind of you." She said with a smile.
"He's no use to us without legs." He said but she rolled her eyes.

Dean traveled with Crowley and Hilda in his Impala. Hilda in the passenger seat and Crowley in the back. He glanced over to notice Hilda asleep.
"Crowley, I thought demons didn't have to sleep."
"Since that's her original body seems she needs to sometimes. She doesn't usually, unless she bored out of her mind. Which. This is mind numbingly boring."
"And before. You wouldn't let her go with you when we had Brandy." Crowley sighed.
"There's only a small handful of Demons who get to keep their original bodies. Hilda happened to have been with the right guy who was able to give her back her body. There's advantages to it but I feel like theirs more disadvantages."
"So why'd she keep her body?" Dean asked genuinely curious.
"She said she didn't like the meat suits she's had in the past. She can chose to smoke out but if someone destroyed her body while she was out of it, it'd kill her." Dean looked to her again before looking at the road. "Don't get any bright ideas boy."
"I wasn't. I just-"
"Just what Squirrel. Have a crush on my daughter?" Crowley said eyeing him
Through the rear view mirror.
"Hell no."
"Oh please. I'm not stupid. I know she's gorgeous. I've seen you glancing at her on more then one occasion. Doesn't matter anyway. You're human. Beneath her. She would never."
Dean rolled his eyes and kept driving.
Eventually we got there and walked toward this big ugly building.
"He's in there." My dad told Dean.
"How do you know?" Dean asked.
"Have you met me? Because I know."
"Yeah, that and this place is swarming with reapers." I added looking around.
"Give me a minute." My dad said. Left then came back. "We'll isn't my face red. Deaths not in there."
"What?" Dean and I asked at the same time.
"I'm just as surprised as you two. All the signs pointed to here."
"But millions of people are about to die here!" Dean shouted.
"Right. So I suggest we get out of here. Hmm?" My dad said.
"Come on Dean." I said walking toward my dad. We all got to the Impala and Dean slammed his door.
"The hell am I supposed to do? Call in a bomb threat? A thousand of them?" He asked annoyed.
"I don't think that'd work." I said when we heard a woosh. My dad left. He was across the street. He looked into a restaurant window then back at us. He zapped back into the car.
"Deaths in there." He said. Dean got up and looked in the car but my dad left again.
"You coming or not?" He asked me. I looked around.
"I'll stick around. But if it gets too hairy I'm out." I told him. He nodded and closed the door. I watched him walk across the street and into the small restaurant. Not long had passed, maybe ten minutes, and the sky had cleared up almost completely. A bit longer and Dean had walked out and I got out of the car.
"Did you get it?" I asked. He nodded and held it up. "Holy shit. You did it. And apparently saved Chicago"
"Guess so." He said with a big smile on his face. I couldn't help but to smile back. He had such a big dopy face. "Let's get back to Bobby's."
"Alright. Let's." We both got in the car and off we went.
"Your not gonna voosh out of here?" He asked looking over to me.
"In a bit. I like the time away from my dad."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes really. Why?"
"You two seems attached at the hip. That's all." He laughed as we drove off. I shrugged.
"He's my dad. Even if I don't always agree with him I think he always has my best interest in mind. At least now." Dean glanced my way then back to the road.
"And he didn't when you two were alive?"
"Ehh, not really. He was a half assed tailor who was drunk most of the time. I mean, I'm sure he tried but yeah. Didn't help how I turned out in the end."
"Meaning?" He asked.
"You really give a fuck about my past?" I asked him suspiciously.
"I mean if we're going to be working together it might be good to know." He said.
"Fine." I told him with a sigh. "When I was human life was shit. It was the early 1600s so life fucking sucked even if you weren't poor."
"1600s?! So you're like 400?!" He asked surprised.
"Technically I'm like 325 give or take a few years. But yeah. My dads almost 400 though."
"Yeah. But. Anyway. Life was hard. I was good looking. So it was easy to fall into prostitution. It was honestly quick easy money. Id gotten a good reputation. Getting with royalty,lords and ladies. Until one fucking asshole Duke gave me fucking syphilis. It was fine for a bit then it hit hard and I died in the street. No one helped. Not even people I thought would. Like the kings and queens that fancied me. Back then if you got syphilis people thought it was punishment for your sins. They'd refuse to help you or even speak to you." I told him remembering. It was so long ago but that was fresh in my mind. "My dad tried to find help but no one would. Even with all the money we'd saved up. So I gave up. Died in the street while trying to work. My dad found me and that's that."
"Yeah," I laughed. "But that was literally just 25 years of my life. After that and becoming a demon. It's been pretty damn good. It was a bit sketchy when I was with Luc at the end but it's fine now." Then silence. Annoyingly painful silence. "So I spilled my trauma and past to you. You gonna do the same or what?" I asked leaning the seat back and putting my arms behind my head.
"Do you really care?" He asked.
"Same answer you gave me. If we're gonna be working together might as well understand each other." Dean paused and thought for a moment before speaking.
"My early childhood wasn't bad. Before Sam we had a normal life. Mom stayed home. Dad went out and worked. After Sam was born, couple months, a demon killed our mom. That really fucked my dad up. We started hunting, mostly to find and kill the demon who did that to our mom. Living on the road as kids isn't as fun as you'd think. I basically raised Sammy myself."
"You do sort of mother him." I said making him look over at me.
"I do not mother him."
"Yes you do. I've only been around you two a few times but you definitely do." I laughed.
"Whatever." he mumbled making me chuckle. I looked over at him as he drove. He wasn't too bad. For a human.


You know the drill :)
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