Where's Pestilence ?

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My father and I have been hiding out for a while. The stupid Winchesters fucked up killing Lucifer and now our asses are on the line. Demons are chatty gossiping puss sacks so word got around that we gave them the Colt.
"They already fucked up once. Do you really think we should try again?" I asked my dad annoyed.
"Well , Poppet, we don't have much choice. Besides they seem to be the best bet in this whole thing." He said and I sighed.
"Lead the way." I told him and poof we went. Ended up in the backseat of an old car, the boys in the front.
"Ive got an idea." My dad spoke causing the shorter one, Dean, to slam on the breaks. They both turned to stab us but we easily just appeared outside of the car. I knocked on the window causing them to look.
"Fancy a little chat?" I asked with a smirk. They got out angrily and started toward us. We stepped back.
"You're angry ,we should discuss it. But not here but-" they cut him off.
"You want to talk? After what you did to us?" Sam, the tall one, asked.
"What I did to you?! I gave you the bloody colt!" My dad shouted.
"Yeah and you knew it wouldn't work against the devil!"
"I never-"
"You set us up. We lost people on that suicide run. Good people!"
"Who you let tattle along is your business. That has nothing to do with us." I spoke crossing my arms.
"Look. Everything is still the same. We're all in this together." My dad said before Sam went to slice him. I held my hand up and forced him back.
"You best call your dog back." I told Dean and he grabbed Sam by the jacket and pulled him back.
"Give me one good reason." Dean said.
"Pestilence." I told him lowering my hand.
"What do you know about Pestilence?" Dean asked.
"I know how to get him. That's got your interest doesn't it?" My dad asked, my attention on the boys in front of us. "Look. I thought the colt would work. It's an honest mistake. But nothing has changed. I still want the devil dead."
"Actually. It has changed. He knows we want him dead now." I said.
"Yes. That makes us top on his list. Two months we've been living under a rock. Like worms because he's got every demon in Hell and on earth looking for us! And yet. Here we are. The last place we should be. In the middle of a road talking to Sam and Dean Winchester under a frigging spotlight!" He shouted before blowing up the street lamp.
"Just come with us." I said as I walked up to stand near my dad. "Do you want the damn rings or not?"
After a few moments of bickering they agreed. We took them to our shitty little cabin we've been hiding out in. We went over the plan,which was simple enough. Find the demon that handles Pestilences day to day plans and get him to crack. Simple enough.
The boys were getting ready when I walked in.
"Ready to get going?" I asked. They nodded and started to both walk toward me when I held my hand up. "Alright Andre the giant. Where do you think you're going?" I asked looking up at him.
"I'm leaving with-"
"No. You're not. You keep trying to fucking kill us. More so my dad. Which,Rude, I'm just as much of a threat to you as he is, and I don't trust you. Not one bit." I said plainly.
"She's right. Sam stays." My dad spoke up.
"I'll go." Dean said and walked toward my dad. I clapped my hands together and let out a long sigh.
"Alright then let's get going." I said with a smile was we walked out. We got into Deans car and off we went. The ride was quiet until Dean spoke up.
"So, you seem to have beef with the devil." He said looking at me from the drivers seat.
"And?" I asked looking toward him from the passenger seat.
"What's up with that?"
"I don't like to talk about my Exs." I told him.
"Exs? You dated the devil?" He asked with a chuckle.
"For a little while. What's that even matter to you?"
"Just making conversation."
"Well don't."

"Fine." Dean said with a slight scoff as he continued driving. He didn't even know why he was trying to talk to this demon. His eyes slightly shifted from the road to her again. She was pale and slender but not very tall. Her red orange hair was long and wavy. She was gorgeous. The ride became uncomfortably quiet again so Dean spoke up again.
"So how'd you two meet?" He asked looking between Crowley and Hilda then back to the road.
"Do you not pay attention to anything?" Hilda asked annoyed.
"She's my daughter moron. I've already said that." Crowley said with the same tone as his daughter.
"I don't know how demon shit works. Besides you two look nothing a like." Dean said as he drove.
"Duh, we wear meat suits." She told him. Dean mentally hit himself. He knew that so why'd he ask such a dumb question. "But, this is my original body. Luc, he helped me get back in it and made it so if I have to smoke out it won't turn to dust the second I leave. That way I can go back to it." She said with a hint of sadness. Maybe they had a decent relationship in the beginning, Dean thought.
"So who are you wearing?" Dean asked Crowley.
"Some literary editor from New York. My body is long gone, but this one is much better. Definitely my favorite." Crowley said.
"You don't have an accent." Dean pointed out as he looked at Hilda.
"Yeah, the Scottish accent on women isn't that attractive. I lost it a while ago." She said plainly.
"If she gets pissed enough it comes out. It's rather funny." Crowley chuckled gaining a glare from his daughter.
"Are we almost there? I'm tired of this mindless chatter." She asked.
"Almost poppet. The way this one is driving probably 10 minutes."
Dean was so interested in how these two interacted. They were demons so he didn't care about them but they acted like him and his dad. They were definitely family and close at that. It never crossed his mind that demons could have a family or even tolerate another around them.
Eventually they pulled into the parking lot. Dean cut the lights and they say there watching people walking the area I front of this large building.
"Demons?" Dean asked.
"Human meat shields. The demons are inside. Twelfth floor." Crowley said.
"Alright then. We'll have to find a way into the back." Dean spoke getting ready to head out.
"You Winchester's make everything so complicated." Hilda said before vanishing, Crowley following. Dean held up his binoculars and looked through the buildings windows. Hilda looked at him as she stood behind the man at the desk. She waved before grabbing the mans hair, pulling him back and slicing his throat.
"Oh crap. Shit shit shit." He cursed as he ran toward the door. He stormed in to see everyone dead. He looked at Hilda with a surprised shrug.
"What? We're on a tight schedule. Let's go." She said walking past him.
"You heard the lady. Let's go." Crowley said as he walked Dean to the elevator. He leaned in pushed the button then stood outside the doors with Hilda.
"You two aren't coming?" Dean asked.
"What. No. It's not safe up there. There's demons." Hilda joked.
"Just do what I told you to do and it'll work like a charm. Trust me. And if things go south, we're down here." Crowley said before pushing Dean into the elevator. The elevator went up and Hilda looked to her dad.
"You sure he can do this?" She asked.
"Guess we'll find out."

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