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Took a few days for me to cool off enough to deal with my dad. Then again I didn't have much of a choice. He and Castile had come to an agreement and he was back ruling Hell. It was a shit deal but for the sake of self preservation my dad took it. We get whatever souls Castile decides to give us and we do whatever he says. Well, my dad does.
I walked out of my room and into the throne room to see my dad pouring himself a drink.
"Pour me one too," I said before he could respond he zapped away. No. He was summoned. I had a hunch and zapped to Dean and there he was. Stuck in a devils trap.
"Really?" I asked.
"We needed to talk to him and you weren't giving him up." Dean said and I sighed, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall next to him.
"My new boss is gonna kill me for even talking to you lot," my dad spoke.
"You're lucky we don't stab you in the face you -" Dean started before Sam interrupted.
"Wait. What new boss?" Same asked.
"Castiel you Giraffe." My dad responded.
"He's your boss?" Bobby asked.
"He's everyone's boss. What do you think he's gonna do when he finds out we've been conspiring? You do what to conspire don't you?" He asked.
"No. We want you to stand there and look pretty." Bobby said snidely.
" We need a spell. To bind death." Dean said.
"Bind. Enslave death? You having a laugh?" My dad asked.
"Lucifer did it." Dean argued.
"That's Lucifer and he could barely do it. Do you really think you can pull that off?" I asked looking up at Dean.
"A spells a spell." Sam said making me look over at him.
"You guys are crazy! It won't work." I told them.
"Deaths the only player we have that can take out Cass." Dean said.
"They'll both mash us like peas." My dad argued. "Why would I help on a damn suicide mission?"
"You really want Cass ruling the universe?" Bobby asked. My dad sighed.
"Fine. Now let me out of this thing." Dean pushed away from the wall and scuffed the devils trap. "I'll give you the spell once I find it." And he was gone.
"You guys are idiots." I said annoyed. "You're all going to get yourselves killed. You know that?" I said looking at Dean.
"We gotta try something Hil, Cass is on a killing spree out there. He has to be stopped." I paused for a second at the sound of the nickname before shaking my head.
"Whatever. What can I do to help?" Dean smiled.
"Just make sure your dad keeps his end of the deal. I'm guessing this spell has a lot of rare things were going to have to get too."
"I'd guess. All that stuff is kept in a safe room only my dad has access to. I can't even get in there so we have to wait on him."
"Great." Dean complained.
"It's been a bit. What don't we all go out to for some drinks?" I suggested. "I haven't seen you guys leave here in weeks." Dean stretched out and glanced at the clock.
"Sure. I could go for a drink. Sammy?" He asked.
"I don't know," he said hesitantly.
"Sam. There's nothing we can do right now. You know it's fun when the three of us go out." I said and he smiled.
"Fine. Bobby?" Sam asked.
"Maybe a beer or two." Bobby agreed.
"Sweet! Where's the closest bar to this place?" I asked.
"Not far." Dean said. We got into one of Bobby's extra cars are went into town. It didn't take long to get there. It was definitely a stereotypical small town bar. It had a slight western feel to it but cozy. We walked in and grabbed a bar table. The waitress came over quickly and got our drink orders and left us be.

It didn't take long for Hilda to be noticed by the locals. Dean watched as guy after guy came up to her and bought her drinks. She of corse never declined one. She laughed an giggled as the men spoke to her. Dean angrily watched from a distance as he drank his beer. If she wanted to flirt with other men she could have just went somewhere herself. Sam caught a glimpse of Deans expression and followed his eyes right to Hilda.
"You okay?" Sam asked forcing Dean to look at him.
"Yeah. Why?" He asked taking another swig of beer.
"Because you're fixated on what Hilda is doing." Dean just ignored him. "Are you two back on or you just being jealous?" Sam asked with a chuckle. Dean shot Sam an annoyed glare.
"How many times do I gotta tell you Sammy. I ain't jealous. I'm just. Annoyed. If she wanted to go out and flirt with randos she didn't have to invite us along." Sam stood there and shook his head.
"You know. You could always just. Go up to her right? I mean, she seems to like you a lot."
"Every time I interpret her she gets pissed."
Bobby walked up to the boys and followed their eyes.
"There a reason you two are watching Hilda like a hawk?" He asked them.
"Deans jealous," Sam told him.
"I am not jealous!" Dean argued back.
"You look jealous to me." Bobby said agreeing with Sam. "Thought you said you two were just special friends." He joked.
"I need another drink," Dean said before storming off leaving Bobby and Sam behind.
"So, you thinks it's the big L for Dean?" Bobby asked Sam.
"Love you moron."
"Dean and Hilda?" He asked taking a swig of his beer. "I mean. I've never seen Dean so hung up on a girl before but that doesn't mean he loves her. He knows she's a demon and she probably won't or can't reciprocate that."
"Which is sad. As much as I hate the fact she's a demon he does seem happier with her around. Those few weeks where they were fighting he was miserable."
"Yeah," Sam agreed. "But she doesn't act like other demons. She doesn't act soulless all the time."
"Meaning?" Bobby asked. Sam sighed.
"The other night. I kinda had a flashback to the cage. It was bad and I ended up on the ground having a freak out basically. She came in and pulled me back. Then, she just sat there and waited for me to relax. I don't think a demon would have done that. She cares deep down and I feel like she definitely still has a soul somewhere."
"That's her original body right?" Bobby asked and Sam nodded. "Maybe part of her soul is still attached to it. That might explain it."
There was a sound of a microphone and some fumbling which caused the two to look toward the stage. It was Dean.
"How much did that idjit drink?" Bobby asked Sam.
"Enough to sing on stage apparently."

Hilda froze mid sentence and turned to look at the small stage the bar had. Dean was up there and roughly grabbed the mic as the music started.
"Shit," Hilda cursed as she stood up from the bar.
"Where are you going?" The man She was talking to asked.
"I forgot I came with someone," She lied and the man chuckled.
"That guy up there?" He motioned to stage.
Dean watched from across the bar and pointed over to the guy by Hilda as he sang.
"~ They think they'll get inside her
With every drink they buy her
As they all try coming on to her~"
Bobby leaned toward Sam.
"Yeah, he's not jealous at all." Bobby said making Sam chuckle.
Hilda walked up toward Sam and Bobby with her arms crossed.
"You two couldn't keep an eye on him?" She asked them annoyed.
"It was either that or interrupting you which he said never ends well." Sam said and she sighed.
"I guess that's true." She looked up to Dean and he put his all into drunkenly singing this song. "Guess it's kinda flattering," she said with a small smile.
Dean finished and walkedback over to Sam and Bobby.
"Nice of you to rejoin." Dean said looking at Hilda and she rolled her eyes.
"Didn't mean to make you so jealous." She laughed. "Can't help that everyone thinks I'm hot." She shrugged. "How much have you drank?" She asked him.
"Lost count," he responded. Hilda laughed and took a step closer to Dean.
Sam and Bobby both watched them interact. Bobby did not like the thought of one of his 'boys' being in a relationship with a demon but seeing Dean like this. Seeing him seem genuinely happy was a nice change. Even when he was with Lisa he was always worried and never relaxed. I guess when the other party is a demon there's nothing to really worry about it.
Sam on the other hand had to ignore the small twinge of jealousy he had. After remembering he and Hilda's times together he wished he could go back sometimes. But that was just him thinking with his dick,Sam was the more levelheaded of the two so those thoughts subsided quickly.
As the night continued everyone got along great. The conversation was going well but all good things had to come to an end. Everyone ended up back at Bobby's and passed out. Everyone but Hilda. She helped Dean get to his room and onto his bed. He gripped her arm as she tried to leave.
"Dean, let go of me." She said trying to pull her arm away.
"Stay," he slurred.
"No. Dean I have to go."
"Hil. Just. Stay here. Please." He almost begged. She let out a loud sigh and sat on the bed next to him. He laid his head in her lap and yawned. "Stay," he mumbled.
"Hmm?" she asked as she stroked his now fluffy hair.
"With me. Stay." He said.
"Dean. What do you mean?" Dean sleepily wrapped his arm around her legs.
"I want you to stay. With me. And Sam. Don't leave us. Don't leave me." Hilda sat there listening to him drunkenly speak.
"You know I have other shit to worry about. Demon shit."
"I don't care you're a demon. Hil,I want you. I need you around."
"Dean I-"
"I don't care if you can't feel the same. I'm okay with that." Hilda sighed and looked down at him after a few seconds of silence. He was asleep and now lightly snoring.
"Fuck." She cursed and carefully put his head on the bed before zapping out back to Hell. She can't let herself feel more then lust toward him. There's no way she can be getting solid feelings toward this human. This hunter. This. Winchester.


I'm a sucker for making Dean sing. Especially drunk Dean. All I see is the scene with him singing I'm Too Sexy 😂
Rate and comment please!

The Demon Nextdoor(Dean x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora