A New Monster

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A week passed before I met back up with the boys. They told me about Castile and Rafael. Them being sent to another earth where they were actors. I couldn't help but laugh at that.
The main reason I was with them this time was my dad wanted me on their side. Samuel was going after Eve, mother of monsters. And so were the boys. They were working the case with Bobby and we were getting ready to get shit rolling when another man added to the group. Rufus was his name. Not a fan of me. The second he saw me he knew what I was. Pointed his gun right at me.
"Woah woah Rufus put that thing down!" Dean shouted as he stepped in front of me.
"That's a demon Dean. I figured you'd know that a mile away!" Rufus said without lowering his gun. I let out an annoyed sigh before waving my hand and knocking the gun from his hand.
"Please. If I wanted any of you dead," I said turning my eye black. "You'd all be dead. Trust me. You don't want to see what I can do. Or maybe you do." I said with a smirk walking forward before Dean stopped me.
"Alright enough. Hilda. Calm down. Rufus. She's with us."
"With you? You dumbasses working with demons now? Bobby?" He asked Turing to Bobby.
"She's a big help Rufus. Got so used to her being around I forgot to tell you about her. That's on me." Bobby said looking toward me. I turned my eyes back to normal and crossed my arms.
"He better not try something dumb again or I'm not holding back," I said and Dean sighed.
"Can we all just get along for this case. If this is the mother of monsters we gotta work together." Sam said.
"Fine. I'll play nice," I agreed.
"Fine. But I don't like it." Rufus said.
Eventually we all ended up in this big industrial building. We were walking around when Gwen popped up. Then we saw Samuel. As soon as Dean saw him he made a b line toward him.
"Dean wait!" Sam shouted.
"I said I'd kill him next time I saw him! I meant it!" Dean shouted.
"Why are you here?" Bobby asked.
"We're working. Why are you here?" Samuel asked.
"None of your damn business!" Dean shouted.
"Take a walk Dean," Sam told him. "It's fine." Dean shrugged Sam off him and stormed out. I stood there giving Samuel a nod since he was still working with my dad.
"So let's talk shop huh? What exactly are you hunting?" Rufus asked Samuel.
"A creature from purgatory. She calls herself eve. They call her mother. Every freak on earth can be traced back to her."
I watched as they started talking shit on each other. How Samuel apparently left Dean to die on a run I wasn't part of. Gwen walked away to find Dean and I stayed to listen. Dean didn't tell me about this and Samuel sure as hell didn't tell me or my dad.
After a few minutes we all heard a gunshot and made out way toward it. Gwen was on the ground bleeding from a gunshot and Dean was nowhere to be found. Bobby and Rufus tried to save her but it was too late. I looked around and saw no site of Dean but I could feel where he was. I walked off toward him and Sam followed.
"Dean! It's me. Come out," I said walking toward him. He walked out with his gun drawn and pointed at me. "Well hello to you too. Put that thing down." I told him annoyed. Soon the other caught up and pointed their guns at Dean.
"Dean put it down," Rufus said.
"You're the least of my worries right now Rufus. I am not in the mood. I just had a 12 inch herpe crawl out of my ear!" Dean shouted.
"A what?" I asked.
"You heard me! I woke up in the ground just in time to see this big worm thing sliding out of my frigging ear into that vent! So you tell me what the hell is going on!"
"You killed Gwen," Samuel told him. Dean demeanor instantly changed and he lowered his gun.
"We we're walking in the hallway that was the last thing I remember. That thing must have jumped me."
"So a monster gets in you. That's what we're talking about here?" Bobby asked.
"It's like a khan worm on steroids." Dean said.
"So a parasite?" I asked.
"Worm goes in worm goes out." Dean told me.
"Monster possession. That's Novel." Rufus said
"Check your ear," Bobby told him.
"Check my ear for what!" Dean asked as I leaned in and poked my finger into his ear.
"Woah hey buy me a drink first," Dean said swatting my hand away. I hold up my finger that had black sludge on it.
"Oh yeah. Your goop positive. That thing was definitely in you." I said.
"Or it still is." Samuel said.
"It's not in me!" Dean shouted. Bobby came over and held out a bag.
"Everyone out your guns in here. We don't know who and who doesn't has this damn worm in their Mellon." The guys all gave in and out the guns in the bag.
"What about her?" Rufus asked looking at me.
"Well if someone can get into me you all are fucked," I laughed.
"Not helping." Dean said making me shrug.
"Sorry you guys can't take a joke. I'm a high up the food chain demon. I should be fine."
"High up?" Rufus asked looking at me.
"You're looking at the princess of Hell human. You should be honored to be in my presence and live," I told him.
"Alright alright enough your highness. We have to figure this out." Dean told me. We all sat around in a room as Bobby and Rufus made calls to try to figure out what it is. And I didn't know anything about this. Things from purgatory wasn't something I knew about. I noticed the boys leave to follow Samuel so I did the same. Good thing they did because he was dreading to where Bobby locked up the bag of guns.
"What?" Samuel asked looking at Dean who was standing in front of the lock and I was leaning against it.
"Nothin. Just wondering how you sleep at night." Dean spoke.
"Like a baby. Thanks for asking."
"You fed us to Crowley!" Dean shouted.
"And you're two are doing his daughter! Yeah I handed you to him but what do you want me to do about it now? So I blame you for wanting to kill me? No. What I did was. But I'm not apologize." I watched as they argued. This family sure is fucked up. I watched as Samuel turned and saw black goo from his ear. Shit. He pulled out a gun and I swung my hand throwing him across the room right as he shot. He stumbled to his feet before running out.
"You two okay?" I asked as we started toward Samuel.
"Yeah. Good. Thanks," Sam said as we ran.
"Good," I said and we all met back up with Bobby and Rufus. They got their guns out and started looking for Samuel. It looked like he was laying out traps all around. We got separated from Sam. "Should I go with him?" I asked Dean.
"Probably a good idea. Go." He told me and I nodded zapping to Sam. We had made our way and found Samuel. They argued and Sam shot him making me jump.
"Woah. Sam. About time." I said and looked at the body in the floor. Waiting for something to come out but nothing did.
"Sammy! Hilda!" Dean shouted and I turned to see him and the other two running up. They saw Samuel on the ground and then looked to us.
"It's in me." Sam said handing me his gun.
"You sure you didn't see anything come out of his when he dropped?" Rufus asked.
"I didn't see anything." I told him and Sam shook his head.
"Oh do we get to play autopsy." I said as I used my hand to levitate his body. "Where are we putting him?" I asked. The guys all looked at each other before pointing to a big table across the room. I carried him over and put him down. Bobby wrapped some tissue around a stick and swabbed his ear. Nothing.
"Wait. So your telling me he wasn't a monster when I ganked him?" Sam asked.
"So what. Can I crack his skull open and look around?" I asked excitedly.
"No. I got a cranial saw in the car," Bobby said. Him and Rufus went off to get it and I stayed back with the boys. The lights came back on and the two came back in. The boys left the room as Bobby and Rufus was going to start the chopping. Just as they started to saw into his head his eyes shot open. He threw Rufus and Bobby across the room and I held up my hand.
"I think not asshole," I told him as my eyes turned black and I held him up in the air. I glanced to the now busted electrical socket and threw him into it watching him get electrocuted. I saw the little worm cone out of his ear and slither down his body. The boys came bashing in through the doors making me look back at them. I let go up Samuel and his body his the ground with a loud thud.
They were arguing about where the worm went.
"Hilda you saw where it went right?" Dean asked.
"No. You two apes busted in and I turned to look at you." I said crossing my arms.
"Well uh. We can look for goo," Sam said and they all felt their ears for it. Nothing.
"I have an idea. But I don't think any of you are gonna like it," I said looking over and the live wire on the ground. They all looked at each other and reluctantly agreed. "Oh yay. Line up boys," I said holding the open wire in my hand. "Who wants to go first?" I asked. Dean let out a long sigh before pulling up his sleeve. "Wait. You sure?" I asked.
"Just hurry up before I start thinking." He told me and I touched the wire to his skin. I left it there for a bit and pulled it away. "Fuck." He said shaking his arm out. I turned to Sam and touched his hand with it.
"Shit. A warning would have been nice," Sam said and I shrugged then Turned to Bobby and Rufus.
"Who's next?" I asked with a smile walking toward them. "You," I smirked and touched Rufus' arm with it. I pulled it away and he cursed. "Alright Bobby. You're up," I said and he backed away. "Oh come on don't be a little bitch about it." I laughed and went to touch him with the wire and he sliced me with a silver blade. I dropped the wire and backed away holding my arm. Dean ran to me and Rufus took over and went after Bobby but he got stabbed right in the chest. Sam grabbed Rufus and laid him down. I looked down at the gash on my arm and looked up at Bobby who was now surrounded by Sam and Dean. He yanked the wire out of the socket and held his knife out. The boys overpowered him and got him tied up in a chair.
"You okay?" Dean asked me as he looked at my arm.
"I'll be fine. It'll just take a bit to heal. It fucking burns." I said and winced as he touches my arm. "Ouch. Can you not?" I asked annoyed pulling my arm back.
Eventually Bobby woke up and we tried to get the thing out of him. Eventually they got him talking.
"Go head and ask me the questions. I've been waiting for you to ask," It spoke through Bobby.
"What the hells that supposed to mean?" Dean asked.
"Means I got nothin to hide,"
"What are you?" Sam asked.
"You haven't got a name for me yet. I'm new around here. Eve cooked me up herself."
"And who the hell is Eve!" Dean shouted.
"She's the mother of all of us. And the end of all you humans. You'll live in pens."
"Why start with these truckers?" Sam asked.
"We led you here. She has a message for you. You're all gonna die. She's pissed. She's here. And It's gonna be nothing but pain."
"Well here's my response," Dean said touching the wire to Bobby again. This time for a long while before Sam pulled him away.
"I got it." I said and grabbed the duct tape. I wrapped it around his mouth, ears and nose. "Go," I said and Dean nodded. He shocked him until black good started to ooze out of the tape and stopped. Sam ripped the tape off him and out plopped the worm. I stepped on it and the boys took care of Bobby. It took him a bit before he came around but he did. He looked around then to me.
"Thanks." He said to me and I nodded.
Dean and I walked off as Sam went to help Bobby get cleaned up.
"So. Now what?" Dean asked me.
"What do you mean? We go after this eve Bitch. And if she can tell us how to get to purgatory even better."
"You still want to know where that is?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm still following my dads plan Dean." He looked at me and sighed.
"Really? Even though we're -"
"Yes Dean. Hell is still my home and I've been helping a lot down there. My dad had good ideas. But trust me. It's not going to effect things too side. Okay?" He looked at me for a bit before nodding.
"Okay," I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips before zapping out.


Sorry if this chapter was a bit long!
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