Not Human

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"So what. You think Sams a monster?" I asked Dean as we walked toward a bar.
"What else could he be? He watched me get turned into a vamp." He said opening the door to the bar.
"I can tell he's different. Really different. But I'm not sure. Feathers tell you anything?" I asked as we sat at the bar.
"No. Just that he'll look into it,"
We ordered drinks and kept talking for a bit.
"You know. Id just like the frigging truth." Dean said. The bartender came over and poured use another drink.
"You know sometimes I think I can't get pregnant because my marriage is a sham," she said then immediately stopped. "Why did I say that?" She asked worried. "I mean I've been snorting oxy all day," she admitted. I looked at Dean. He paid for our drinks and left. He picked up his phone and called someone. Sounded like Bobby. I could kind of hear what was going on and he was spilling secrets like there was no tomorrow. He hung up before getting in the car. I got in on the passenger side and he left Sam a message and off we went. He looked to me.
"This work on you?" He asked. I shrugged.
"Don't know. Ask me something." I told him.
"You seeing anyone?"
"Like dating? No. Why do you want to know that?"
"Do you like me?"
"Of corse I do. If I didn't like you you'd be dead." I told him putting my feet up on the dash.
"Where's Crowley?"
"In Hell. You know Id just give you these answers without a curse." I told him. He sighed and parked waiting for Sam. His phone rang and he answered. He held up a finger and got out of the car. I watched as he talked and his face turned sour. I got out of the car after he hung up.
"Who was that?"
"Lisa," he said.
"That old bitch. You're better off without her anyway." I spewed before I even thought of what to say. "Shit. Guess it does work on me," I chuckled nervously.
"Woah wait. We're you jealous of her?" Dean asked.
"More like annoyed. I dressed up for our monthly little dates and not once did you even fucking make a move on me! I mean look at me. And you chose her over this?" I said then felt my cheeks flush. "Fuck. Let's just get in there and talk to Sam," I said and zapped into the house. Dean got to Sam first as he walked down the stairs.
"Sam we gotta talk," Dean said.
"Sure. What's up?" Sam asked and I looked at him and shook my head.
"I have a few things I wanna ask you,"
"I asked for the truth and I'm getting it. When that vamp attacked me. Why'd you just stand there?" Dean asked him.
"I didn't. I froze."
"Froze? You've been terminator since you got back,"
"I don't know. Shock maybe? The. It was too late.I feel terrible about it. Dean. I can't lie here. You think I'd let that happen on purpose."
"Sorry. Thought I saw something. Guess I was wrong. It's just been a really bad day,"
"I got your back. I always have."
"Thanks." He said and Sam nodded. I narrowed my eyes. That seemed. Odd. I followed them out. We got in the car and headed back to the motel. They started researching and eventually came to the conclusion that the one girl summoned the god of truth and somehow it was inside this local news woman. We all ended up at her house as we watched from the car. Sam pulled out a jar of dogs blood and off we went. I zapped into the house and unlocked the door for them. We walked around the house looking for a sign of anything weird. So far all we saw was some cats and weird art. We walked into a room to see bodies laying around and hung up.
"Yum," I said before I heard something behind us. I zapped out of the way but she got the boys. She looked at me and smiled.
"A demon? Not just any Demon. The princess." She said with a smile.
"What are you going to do with the boys?" I asked keeping my eye on her.
"Eat them. It's what I do you know."
"I mean I don't. There's thousands of gods. I don't know what you all do in your free time." I spewed. She smiled.
"You like them. Especially that shorter one." She said. I growled and watched as she tired them up.
"So what if I do?" I asked. She looked at me.
"It's weird. That my powers work on you. You must have a small sliver of a soul left in there somewhere." She said before standing up and walking toward me. "Oh sweetheart, you're just starting your life," she said lifting my chin. "Don't waste it trying to save these two. They aren't worth it. Ignore that last bit of humanity you have in you." She said before glancing over my shoulder. She threw me into a wall as the boys woke up.
"What are you planning on doing with us?" Dean asked.
"Eat you of corse. The tongue is the tastiest part. Especially when filled with lies. And you two are the gold standard." She laughed. "So. While you still have your tongue. God knows you've got an earful. I think it's your turn to spill some. How about we play truth or truth. Hey Dean. I'm curious. What do you really feel about your brother?" She asked.
"Better now as of yesterday I wanted to kill him in his sleep. Thought he was a monster. Now I think he's just acting like me, it's what this life does to you. I'm good at slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer. There's no changing that." He spoke and she stood up.
"So. Sam walking back into your life. And how do you feel about getting the band back together?" She asked Sam.
"What we do. Is hard. But we watch out for each other and that's what's important. That's it. The truth."
"No. No it's not. How are you lying? To me? What are you?! What is he?!" She shouted. "You're not human," she said.
"What?" He asked shocked.
"That. I believe." Sam got out and went after her. I went to Dean and let him out of his ropes. I grabbed the knife covered in dog blood and used my powers to throw it right into her chest. She fell to the ground with a thud.
Dean grabbed his knife and pointed it at Sam.
"Woah. Dean wait," I said.
"No! Sam. What are you?!" He shouted.
"Wait. It's me. Let me explain. The truth. She was right. There's something wrong. I've lied yeah. And I let you get turned because I knew there was a cure. We needed in that nest. I knew you could handle it,"
"Handle it?! I most died Sam! I could have killed Ben. Or Lisa!"
"That should stop me cold. But. It doesn't. I don't feel anything. Since I came back. I'm a better hunter. Nothing scared me. Because I can't feel it. I don't know what wrong with me... I think I need help," Sam said. Dean let the knife fall to the ground and I looked between them. Dean pulled back and started beating the shit out of Sam.
"Woah woah Dean wait!" I shouted using my powers to hold his arm. "Dean!" I shouted and he looked back at me, the rage in his eyes was obvious. "I think you got him." I said motioning to his now bloody brother on the floor. I let him go and Dean shook the blood from his fist.
"Help me get him to the car," he demanded.
"A please would be nice you know," I mumbled as I pointed to Sam and lifted him up with my powers. I floated him through the house and out to the Impala. Dean opened the door and I put him in the back seat before sitting in the passenger side. Dean got in and skid off toward the motel. We got him in and Dean called Castile.
We got Sam tied up in a chair because Dean was paranoid now.
"I don't think this is all that necessary Dean," I said leaning against the wall.
"You heard the lady. She said she didn't know what he was."
"Yeah but, he's been out for a while. Sure he's different but he's not hurting innocent people."
"That we know of," Dean said sipping his beer. I sighed and looked toward Castile who was waiting by Sam. I walked over to him which made him step away.
"Castile I hate your guts too but listen. I think I might know what's going on." I whispered to him which made him glance to me. "I. I don't think his soul is in there," Castiles eyes widened a bit before he looked at Sam.
"I have to find out before we even tell Dean thats a possibly." He told me.
"I agree. That's why I haven't told him."
Sam started to wake up which made us all look over at him. He was for a good long while. Right away Castile started with the questions and then he asked.
"How much do you sleep?"
"I don't. Not since I got back," he admitted Castile and I made eye contact before he looked back to Sam. "What are you feeling now?"
"I. Don't know. Why?" Castile sighed and grabbed a belt that was on the dresser.
"This will be unpleasant. Bite down on this." He instructed Sam as he put the belt in his mouth. I backed away toward Dean as Castile shoved his hand into Sams stomach.
"Find anything?"Dean asked.
"That's good news."
"Afraid not. Physically, he's healthy. It's his soul." Castile looked at me. "Hilda was right. He doesn't have one,"
"Hilda?" Dean asked looking at me. "And you didn't tell me?!" She shouted at me.
"I didn't want to freak you out."
"How long did you know?"
"I knew when he could still lie. But I had a hunch since the vamp nest." I admitted. Dean ruffled his hair and looked over to Sam then to Castile.
"So what we get his soul back," he said and Castile shook his head.
"No, it's probably still in the cage and it's very well guarded."
I sat back and watched them bicker for a while. Sam untied himself and eventually Castile healed him.
"Do we really have to 'fix' him? I like this Sam," I said making Dean sigh.
"Yes Hilda. He doesn't have a soul."
"That's what makes him so fun," I said winking at Sam. Dean looked between us before it clicked in his mind.
"Wait a second. You two?!" He shouted and Sam just stood there. "How. Why. When?" Dean asked.
"Dean it was just some fun," I answered him.
"Sam!" He shouted demanding answers.
"For a while Dean. Probably since we started hunting together with Samuel."
"Another demon Sam?!" I scoffed.
"Like you have room to talk," I numbed making Dean turn toward me and hold up a finger to single for me to stop talking. I rolled my eyes.
"Wait. You two slept together too?" Sam asked raising his voice a bit. "And you're yelling at me?"
"I have my soul in tact Sammy,"
"Yeah and that makes it better?"
"You know. As fun as it is watching you to argue about me I'm not gonna hang around for this. Sam and I. We're just fuck buddies. He has no soul which now explains why he was so fine with it. And you. We only did it once. You humans are so weird about sex. It's fun. The end. There doesn't need to be feelings behind it," I said before zapping back to Hell.
My dad was on his throne when I walked in.
"Welcome home Poppet. Care to help with running things?" He asked holding out a stack of papers.
"I guess so," I agreed and took them sitting in my throne next to his. "Why so much paper work?" I groaned making him laugh.
"Changes my dear. It'll be worth it."


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