Monster Mother

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"Go check in on the boys Poppet," my dad told me as I walked into the throne room.
"What. Why?" I asked annoyed.
"Castile got a good lead on Eve. So he and the boys are following the trail. I want you to make sure things work out in our favor."
"Fine." I said and zapped to Dean. I looked around to see I was in a bar full of dead people. "The fuck?"
"Hilda?" Dean asked as he got out from behind the bar.
"What the hell is this? Did I really miss the party?" I asked looking around. I went to touch one of the dead bodies but Dean stopped me.
"Wait don't touch it!" He shouted and I pulled my hand back.
"Why not?" I asked. He then explained these things were a mix of vampire and wrath. That even was mixing things together to make new monsters. And that Dean stupidly named then Jefferson Starships. That the local police took Sam,Bobby and Castile with them.
"Can you use your powers?" Dean asked me. I looked at him for a moment then tried to move something but I couldn't.
"Dean. What the fuck?" I asked him.
"Cass couldn't do anything either. Come on. Let's go get the others," he said and motioned for me to follow him.
"So what. I can't use my powers. That's so annoying." I complained as we made our way toward the police station.
We walked in and saw the fight breaking loose. It looked like the police were those monsters and Dean and I each killed one. I went to slice the last one but Sam stopped me. They got him tied up in a chair and placed in an interrogation room. Bobby was trying to get something out of him when we heard a bang. Sam and Dean when to check it out leaving me with Castile and Bobby. I gave Castile a nod and walked up to the tied up man.
"Why don't you be a good boy and tell us where your mommy is?" I asked him as I took the knife from Bobby. The man scoffed.
"And why should I tell you?" He asked.
"Oh you don't have to. In fact," I slicked his cheek with the knife making him wince. "I kind of hope you don't. That way I can have my fun with you," I smirked and sliced him again. "This is kind of my thing." I said before hacking off one of his fingers. He laughed.
"You really think you can get me to talk?" I shrugged.
"Don't matter to me. Either way I'm having my fun."
I heard loud foot steps and looked over to see Dean walking in.
"Got a couple of hungry human boys here," he announced and I handed the knife back to Bobby as I walked over. "Hilda. Mind breaking into that vending machine and getting these two some snacks?" He asked me.
"Sure." I said and went to use my powers but it didn't work. "Ugh. So annoying." I complained before throwing a coffee mug at the glass, breaking it. I reached in and grabbed a few things then walked into the next room. "Here," I said to the kids. They slowly took the snacks from me and I smiled. I looked back to see Dean talking to Castile. "Don't worry. You'll be safe now." I told them. Dean walked over and out his hand on my shoulder.
"Come on. We're taking these boys to their uncle. He's right outside of town. Won't take long." He told me. Sam stayed back and I went with Dean. The kids in the back and Dean driving we started toward the destination. I saw Dean watched the two brothers interact with each other and smile. What a fucking softie. It took less then twenty minutes to bring the boys to their uncles house. We got back in the Impala and started back toward town. I looked over at Dean as he drove. His right hand gripping the wheel and his left resting on the door. He must have felt me looking at him because he glanced over.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing. It's nice when it's just the two of us." I said leaning back in the seat.
"Yeah," he agreed. "Speaking of. After all this shit is over want to go out somewhere?" He asked making me chuckle.
"Like a real date?" I asked amused.
"Sure. If you wanna call it that."
"Why not. After we kill this Eve bitch I feel like we'll need some fun."
"Alright. After we gank her we'll go out." I playfully rolled my eyes. What a dork.
We got back quickly and Castile seemed to have gotten a location on Eve. She wasn't far either. Dean handed out shotgun shells filled with some type of ash that was said to hurt her. I held the sawed off shotgun and loaded it up. It's been a while since I needed to use a gun and it felt pretty good in my hand.
Off we all went and ended up at an Ervin's Diner. The plan Dean came up with was him and Sam go in and us three wait outside. Take a shot if she tries to leave.
"That's your plan?" I asked him.
"Yeah pretty much." Dean said as he walked off.
"Fucking dumb ass plan." I mumbled as I leaned against the hood of the Impala.
"I agree with ya." Bobby said as we watched the boys walk into the Diner. A few minutes passed and all of a sudden the blinds were closing in the diner. I sat up straight.
"The hell is going on?"
"Don't know. But it can't be good. Keep your guard up," Bobby said and I nodded.

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