Fight the Faries

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I got dressed and eventually Sam came back. As soon as Sam walked into the room Dean drug him over to the open microwave.
"Look at it all!" Dean shouted pointing at the clean microwave.
"At what?" He asked.
"All the blood. See all that. Blech." Dean said again.
"Sorry man I don't see anything," Sam said and they both turned to me.
"I don't see anything either Dean. It's just an empty microwave. Some was going on out here though. It sounded like wrestle mania out here," I said looking at Sam.
"Let's go with you can see it but we can't." Sam said. "So what it look like?"
"Like a little. Glowing naked lady. And she hit me," Dean said and I started laughing.
"I'm not supposed to laugh right?" Sam asked and Dean groaned annoyed. "Okay. Alright sorry. Did this little lady happen to have wings?"
"How did you know that?" Dean asked.
"One of the theories I came across. It's what that crazy crystal lady was yammering about. What if these abduction,"
I watched as the two spoke about the new lead. Eventually they came to the conclusion they had to go talk to some lady they met in the town. I chose to wait for them outside as they went in to talk to the lady. Eventually they came out and explained everything to me.
"So we're dealing with fairy's?" I asked amused.
"Yup," Dean said as we got to the Impala. I glanced across the street to see a man loading his trunk with milk.
"You said she told you they like cream right?" I asked. He nodded then I pointed across the street.
"It's the watch guy," Sam said. "Let's follow him." So off we went. Dean went to check out the guys store and I went with Sam. Dean wanted me to make sure Sam didn't kill the guy since he still didn't trust him. We ended up at a small bar and sat down. We were having a drink and Dean called. They spoke for a bit and Sam hung up.
"Watch guy does have the fairies working for him. I'm going to go talk to him," Sam said tapping the table before going over to talk to the man. I finished three more glasses of beer before Sam came back over. "Alright. Let's get going. He started all this all we have to do is get this spell book from his sage at the shop. Let's go find Dean." He told me before slapping some cash down at the table. The watch man following we walked out to a crowd of people. We walked a little closer and saw Dean being taken to a cop car with cuffs.
"Dean?" I asked and he looked over at us.
"Fight the fairies!" Dean shouted as they took him away.
"Great." Sam and I said at the same time. Sam looked at me. "You go follow Dean. I'll help this guy." I nodded and went off toward the police station. I walked in and the person at the desk looked up at me.
"How can I help you young lady?" He asked me with a smile.
"I'm here to see a friend. He was just brought in," I told him.
"Sorry sweetheart but visiting hours are over. Come back in the morning." I sighed.
"Okay. Thanks." I said walking out. Don't even know why I tried doing it that way. The goodie two shoes much be wearing off on me. I zapped into the station right outside of Dean cell to see him fighting what looked like nothing.
"Dean?" I asked.
"Hilda!" He shouted before getting knocked back into the ground. I watched as he struggled for a bit then stopped. He sat up and wiped the blood from his face. I looked at him with an amused smile before I used my powers to open the cell door. "Thanks for the help," he said sarcastically making me chuckle.
"Cant fight something I can't see. You okay?" I asked helping him up.
"Ugh I'm fine," he mumbled. "Sam?"
"He went with the watch guy to send the fairies back. I'm guessing it worked."
"Apparently,  let's get out of here." He said and we left out the back door. I stretched out as we walked toward town. I could feel Dean staining at me so I looked over at him. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat. I rolled my eyes with a smile. He was such a dork.
"Feel free to summon me whenever you need me. I have shit to do in Hell," I told Dean.
"What kind of shit?" He asked.
"The fun kind. Well, fun for me anyway," I smirked and zapped out to where my dad was. It was his new prison he had going on where he kept the monsters the boys and Samuel had been getting him. I walked for a bit before I came to the wonderful torture room, which my dad was standing outside of. He was full of blood but looked to have been taking a break.
"Oh, I can tag in now," I said as I put my hair up with the ponytail I had around my wrist.
"That's be lovely poppet. I'm getting real tired of that guy," I grabbed a black apron from the hook and put it on.
"This the shifter Alpha?" I asked with my hand on the knob. He nodded and I smirked. "Cool," and I walked in. "My turn." I said with excitement as I walked over. He quickly shed and shifted into someone else. "Really? You think this will work on me?" I chuckled looking at an exact copy of my dad.
"You are daddy's little girl aren't you,Princess?" He asked me as I walked over to a tray of tools. I grabbed an iron pipe and walked toward him. "Can't do anything alone can you? Always need your Daddy to do it for you," I growled and pulled back then swung hard, hitting him in the jaw.
"Oh please. I've heard this shit my whole demonic life. It's just kind of annoying now. But don't think because you look like my dad I'm going to go easy on you. I mean. You don't think I've ever wanted to beat the piss Out of him?" I said walking back over to the tray and tossing the pipe on the ground.
"Look. It's purgatory all I know is I go where when I die. It's not like I can draw you a map," he told me as I turned around.
"Really? I happen to know you can. You're the father of your entire species. You're really not pulling off the whole dumb blonde act here." I told him as I grabbed a dagger from the tray. "Look at this. Iridium. This shit is rare as hell and I know for a fact. It can actually hurt you." I said walking up slowly to him. "So I'm just gonna start chopping off part of you until you decide to tell me where purgatory is. Okay?" I said with a smile and I hacked off a finger, then another and another. Still nothing. I gripped the dragged and ran it through his gut then yanked it out. The screamed and hissed as I bent down. "So. Purgatory is where sweetheart?" I asked and he spat blood all over me. "What the fuck is wrong with you damn animals?!" I walked back to the tray and threw the dagger on it then grabbed a baby monitor. I flipped the switch and there was babies crying. "Look at that. We have those babies you've been trying to collect. You worked so hard to get them. Might want to start talking unless you want me to start making some baby stew."
"Kill them all. I can just make more," I growled and grabbed the machete and sliced his head off.
"Fucking ass hole," I said dropping the blade next to him and walked out.
"Guessing it didn't play out," my dad said and I sighed.
"No. It didn't. That arrogant asshole." I mumbled.
"Didn't think he'd crack. Well, on to the next one," he said as I took the apron off.
"Let me know when we get one. I'm going off to relax." He nodded and off I went back home to Hell.


I feel like everyone loves the fight the fairies episode. It's so funny lol

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