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My dad and I had been working on Eves Corpse. I had to admit it did help me with my anger. Getting to torture and poke and prod monsters was fun. I heard footsteps and saw Castile. I refused to even look at him as him and my dad spoke. More like they were shouting at each other. My dad wanted Eve alive. She was supposed to be the one to open the door. Castile let her get killed and now he was pissed.
"Now tell me Cass how is it Hilda here can keep up the show of my death but you can't?! Because you're two pets are currently trying to hunt me down!" My dad shouted at Castile.
I snuck out and left to shower after our little autopsy of Eve. I looked at my phone and unlocked it. Nothing. It's been days and not one text from Dean. I shouldn't let this one human affect me this way but I couldn't help it. I tossed the phone on my bed before walking into my bathroom. I took a shower, letting the boiling hot water run over my my body. It felt so nice to just stand there in peace. There was a knock on my door and I sighed.
"What?" I asked loudly.
"You okay Poppet?" My dad asked through my door.
"Yeah. Why?" I asked.
"You left quickly. Was just checking in," he said.
"I'm fine. I'll catch up when I'm done here." I told him.
"Alright. I'll be in the throne room." He said and left. I finished up my shower and laid on my bed in my towel for a bit. I played on my phone for a while before finally getting dressed in some jeans and a tshirt. I left my hair damp and didn't do any makeup. I walked out and to the Throne room where my dad was sitting happily at his seat.
"Come sit next to daddy. Tell me what's on your mind," he said patting my seat that was next to his. I sighed and sat down.
"It's nothing dad. I'm fine. Don't worry about it."
"Oh, but I do worry about it. Ever since the whole Eve thing last week you've been down right droll."
"It's nothing." I lied but unfortunately my dad was so In tune with how I react to things I couldn't even try to lie. He saw right through me.
"It's about the boys isn't it?" He asked.
"What? It's not that. I told you im fine."
"I know you took a liking to them Poppet. But humans. They never see the bigger picture. Im sure you'll find some other blokes to play around with soon," he said making me roll my eyes.
"Are we done?" I asked annoyed.
"Sure we are. Go head. Go back to your sulking," he chuckled. I gave him a nod and walked off.
I never thought I'd miss Dean this much.


Sam and Dean were looking for Lisa and Ben. Crowley had taken them hostage so they'd stop snooping about purgatory. They've been hunting down demons for a few days but nothing. They all refused to tell them where Crowley was or didn't actually know. Sam noticed Dean was at the end of his rope. He was running on booze and coffee, probably some pills too.
"Dean. Maybe we should try Hilda," Sam suggested which just got him a glare.
"But Dean. She's our only hope at this point. These low level ones won't tell us a thing. They probably don't know anything,"
"Sammy. I'm not asking for her help. Not after she lied to us for months. After me and her." Dean took in a long breath and let out a deep sigh. "She obviously won't give up her dad. Those two are connected at the fucking hip."
"That may be true but I'm sure she'll at least give us Lisa and Ben." Sam said trying to get Dean to try. "I already Tried. I texted her a few times but nothing. You and her. Dean. She'll probably answer you." Dean let his gaze linger to Sam before he pulled his phone out. He opened his messenger and he texted Hilda.
'We need to talk.' Was all he texted.
"There. Happy?" Dean asked him annoyed as he tossed his phone down on the table. About a minute passed and Hilda appeared infront of them. She had a light tan and was in a skimpy swim suit. Deans eyes scanned her before he looked to her eyes.
"Sit." He demanded as he motioned to the chair in the center of a devils trap.
"Yeah, no thanks. Especially since you bothered me during my vacation." She said crossing her arms.
"Sammy. Get out," Dean told his brother.
"Dean you can't jus-"
"Now Sam!" He shouted making Sam nod and leave the barn they were in. Dean looked to Hilda. "Where are they?!" He shouted at her.
"Where are who? Also what gives you the right to yell at me?!" She shouted back.
"You lied to my face. For months!" She rolled her eyes as she walked up to him.
"My god will you just let that go? Fuck. I bet you wouldn't sell your dad out of you were in my position. Plus what gives you the fucking right to tell me you want to talk. After WEEKS of nothing. Then you just shout at me?! I swear you forget how fucking powerful I really am Squirrel." She told him, her eyes Turing black. Dean just looked down at her. He knew she was strong and that if she really wanted, he'd be dead with a flick of her wrist. But she wasn't. She stood there in front of him,talking. He took a breath before he spoke.
"Your dad took them," he said.
"Took who?" She asked him, her eyes still black.
"Ben and Lisa. He's holding them hostage." Her eyes turned back to normal.
"When?" She asked confused.
"Few days ago. Do you know where they are?" She shook her head.
"No. I've been in Hawaii the last week. I mean. Can't you tell?" She asked referring to what she was wearing.
"You're telling me your dad didn't tell you anything about this?" He asked her.
"No Dean. He didn't. I don't know how many times I need to tell you this. He doesn't give me all the information. He tells me what he thinks I need to know and that's it. I know you don't believe me but it's true." A wave of silence silence fell between them as they just looked at each other. Dean had missed seeing her so often. As pissed as he was at her a part of him felt empty. It wasn't just the sex. They had a great connection and similar humor. It was so easy for Dean to just bullshit with her.
"You look good." Dean managed to mumble avoiding eye contact with her. Hilda scoffed.
"No shit. Tell me something I don't know Winchester." She replied and he looked at her. She fiddled with her fingers for a moment before opening her mouth. "Its been boring without you bothering me all the time. I missed it," she told him. "I was actually really happy to see you text me." Dean felt his heart skip a beat.
"Sam made me," he told her making her lips turn to a frown. "Can you help us find them or not?"
"I'll try my best but he didn't tell me about this to begin with." She told him.
"Fine. Just. Let me know." Hilda gave him a nod.
"Okay. And Dean." She said getting his attention before he turned to leave. "I am sorry. He's my only family I have. I know this isn't what you want to hear but if I could do it again I'd still keep it from you," Dean looked at her. He knew how close they were and how much she really did love and idolize him. Very similarly to the way he did his own father. As mad as he wanted to be he did understand her side.
Hilda waited for him to respond but nothing.
"Alright. I'll find you if I find anything out." She said and zapped out. Dean relaxed his body and leaned against the table.


I charged into the torture room to see my dad dusting himself off. He looked up at me with a smile.
"You missed it Poppet Cass was just here and -" he started but I interrupted.
"You took that bitch and her kid?!" I shouted. "Without telling me?!" His smile quickly turned to a frown as he looked at me.
"The boys told you."
"Yeah. Dad you didn't tell me anything about this."
"Because, my dear, you would have went and blabbed right to Moose and Squirrel. I need them far away from me as possible right now. We need to get to Purgatory sooner rather the later. With them chasing those two they aren't bothering me. It's insurance darling,I'm sure you understand."
"You're supposed to keep me in the loop."
"How am I supposed to do that when you and and Dean are two peas in a damn pod?" He asked me.
"I didn't give you up at all during those months. They didn't even know."
"I'm sorry Poppet. I'm not telling you where they are."
"Ugh." I groaned before leaving the room. What an asshole. I could care less about that woman and her kid. It's a mix of my dad not telling me anything and it hurting Dean. Fuck, having emotions toward someone and caring how they feel really sucks.


As always rate and comment my dudes! I thrive off your comments! Lol

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