Looking for Something

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"Maybe you should go check on the boys," my dad suggested as we sat in The throne room.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Things are going to get interesting. That's why. I'll be up soon." He said making me narrow my eyes.
"Fine." I agreed before zapping to Sam and Dean. I got there and saw them in front  of me, their weapons on the ground with Samuel and a few of his people watching them. Before I could say anything I felt the sting of a bullet hit my back. I growled before turning around to see a woman holding her gun up. "Excuse the fuck out of me! The fucking Hell was that for?!" I shouted as my eyes turned black.
"Hilda!" I heard and turned my attention toward the boys. Before I could say anything there was a loud crash and a scream. Samuel instructed the boys to grab there things and follow him. I popped the bullet from my back and followed them annoyed. We went into a room to see a few low level demons holding onto the Vampire Alpha. They looked at us then zapped away with him. Everyone automatically looked at me.
"What?" I asked annoyed. "First you shoot me then you give me the stink eye."
While they were all looking at me my dad showed up behind them,doing a slow clap. The turned toward him in shock.
"Well, that was dramatic." He said walking toward us.
"Crowley?" Sam asked.
"Hello, boys. What a treat."
"Bring Christian back. Now." Samuel shouted.
"I'm sorry?" My dad asked.
"My nephew! The one you just crammed a demon into!" He shouted. I sighed.
"He's been a demon for a long while Samuel." I told him.
"She's right. She's not always around is she? I need to keep an eye on my investments." My dad told him.
"Woah wait. You two know each other?" Dean asked in shock.
"In a business way. Yes."
"So you're Crowleys bitch," Sam said.
"That's precisely it. That Alpha he's got me is going to get him a gold star." My dad said.
"Since when do you give a crap about vampires?" Dean asked.
"Since. What's today. Friday? Since mind your own bloody business."
"Might as well share with the class. We know you're looking for purgatory." Sam said. "Why?"
"Well isn't it obvious? Location. I'm a developer. And purgatory is underutilized and hell adjacent. I want it."
"What for?" Dean asked.
"For shut your gob. Employees don't ask management." My dad told him.
"We aren't your employees!"
"Of corse you are. I don't keep chrome dome around for his wit do I? Samuel knows things. He's like a big book of everything creepy and I knew you two love family loyalty."
"Yeah well games over." Sam said.
"Afraid not. Not if you want to see your soul ever again." He said.
"Tell him Samuel."
"He pulled us both back. Me and Sam." Samuel said.
"No. Cass said that takes big time mojo to pull that off. You're just a punk ass crossroads demon," Dean said.
"Was a punk ass crossroads demon. Now. I'm king of hell. And Hilda here is princess of Hell. Believe me. I have the mojo. I snap my fingers Sam gets his soul back. Or. You can be you. And I shove Sam right back in the hole. So. Are we clear?  Me Charlie. You angels. Jobs simple. Bring me creatures. High in the food chain. Everyone wins. See you soon." He said and zapped out.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Dean turned and shouted at me.
"Tell you what? My dad was collecting monsters?! I didn't think it was that important." I shouted back.
"About Sammy's soul!"
"Because I didn't know! He doesn't tell me everything you know! I just do what he tells me to do. Like stick around and keep on eye on you two and Samuel." I said crossing my arms.
"That's all you were doing? Spying on us?" Sam asked me.
"That's what I was told to do. So I did it. Whatever happens while I'm here has nothing to do with my dad. The things I chose to do are my own choices." I told them.
"Like sleeping with us?" Dean asked making it very awkward for everyone else in the room. I groaned.
"Obviously my dad didn't tell me to sleep with you. He'd be pissed if he knew. I did that for me. And neither of you complained so I don't get why you're being so sore about it. Sex is sex. It isn't like I'm emotionally invested in either of you," I said with a huff. "For humans. You boys are fun and interesting and I do like you more then all the other humans. But I'm not about to be in a relationship with you. I did that with Lucifer and that didn't end well at all."
"And you knew she was here to keep an eye on everything?" Sam asked Samuel.
"Of corse I knew. You think I'd willingly let a demon in here like that? Around my family?" Samuel said.
"I thought I was a very fair observer." I said with a shrug. "You figure out this family bullshit. I'm going back to Hell because it's better then whatever this is right now," I said zapping out. "Dad!" I shouted making me glance my way.
"Yea poppet,"
"Why didn't you tell me about Sams soul?! And that you're the one that pulled him out?!" I asked him angrily.
"Because my dear. You've become quite cheeky with those two. Don't need you ruining my plans for Hell." My eye twitch's before I stormed over to my throne and huffed.
"I'm not a child anymore. I'm over three hundred years old. I wouldn't have blabbed about that."
"I need the boys to trust you. To think we don't see eye to eye on things. That way. They tell you things without fear you will tell me. Seeing you genuinely shocked about this soul business is the perfect way to do it."
"I guess," I mumbled.
"Besides. They won't stay mad at you. They're 30 year old single men and you were born with unbelievable beauty. They'll keep you around. Even if it is only for eye candy,"
"Whatever, I'm going to my room." I said annoyed and left.


Another shorter chapter this time.
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